Liberal Traitors Need to Keep Their Hands Off Our Patriotism

I was on a thread at Free Republic, and somebody said of American patriotism, “…it’s kinda like saying I love the Bill Cosby I knew before last year.” The implication was that it is tough to be patriotic today with all the treasonous and contemptible liberalism on display. I read it and cannot help but feel the urge to rant.

Statistically speaking, the population of America was nothing special during the revolution. 97% of Americans didn’t partake of the revolution. 10% of Americans offered some support, but wouldn’t fight. That means roughly 87% was the same cadre of corrupted idiots we see today, content to watch the decline and do absolutely nothing, so long as they are able to hope that the decline will leave them alone. Back during the revolution there was an actual war in their backyards, and the future of the nation didn’t matter to them enough to do anything. Ask yourself if they remind you of anyone today. They didn’t have Kim Kardashin’s ass photo or Lady Gaga’s outfits to distract them, but it was the same bunch of tools.

Regardless of the 87%’s patheity, the America which emerged back then wasn’t in any way banal, cowardly, or pathetic. It was exceptional, in the most extreme sense possible. Most amazing of all, it only took 3% of the population to force their amazingness on the rest, and make the entire nation the greatest the world had ever seen. The truth is in our world, 97% of a nation’s people can be worthless, and it doesn’t matter or affect the greatness of a nation. The only measure by which the greatness of a nation will be defined is by the quality of the great within it, and the degree to which they assert their greatness on the civic culture.

If you are looking out on this nation as it circles the drain and saying, “What a bunch of worthless losers,” you’re missing the point. The nation is not what the citizenry as a whole are capable of. It is what the great within it can make of it. It’s never been about the losers. History will remember them about as much as it remembers that shopkeeper who informed for the King to save his own ass during our revolution. The worthless don’t count. Low-information voters don’t count. Liberals don’t count. They are all worthless in the larger picture.

When the shit hits the fan, and believe me it will, they will hide under their wive’s skirts, and hope to God they don’t get hurt. That will be the sum total of their actions. Will history even grant them a footnote? Meanwhile, the real Americans, the great 3% who have always pulled all the slack in this nation when history called, will be the ones who define history by either making this nation great, or dying in the process. We’re not talking about even half the country. We’re not even talking about a substantial minority. We’re talking about a number measured in single digit percentages, who just decide to do what is right when the time comes.

If you look out on this nation today and see patheity, it is a good thing. Those pathetic people shouldn’t have the gumption to make any changes to our historical timeline. Given their stupidity, that patheity can only be seen as a blessing. It will make it that much easier when the time comes for the real Americans to honor the gift our founders gave us, and preserve the greatness of this nation. That patheity should only increase your patriotism, because it indicates that the job of making America great will be that much easier. Never forget, that pathetic cohort is our enemy. Rejoice and thank God that our enemies are such a bunch of apathetic pussies with no convictions or courage. It is why they don’t count.

Nobody has ever said that they loved their country and and been thinking about the Liberal pussies within it. Nobody has ever said that and been thinking about the plethora of small minded shitbags in their government, whose only ambition is to wield authority and oppress their countrymen with mouse clicks and phone calls, delivered from behind a desk. Nobody says they love their nation while thinking about the junkie in a corner looking for a fix, or the idiot Obama-voter gushing about Obama’s stash, or the slut bemoaning how unfair it is that she has to pay fifty cents for a diaphragm before banging the next stranger she meets.

People who say they love America, are instinctively recognizing that America is defined by the greatness within it. They only think about the greatness, because through the natural order of the world, they know that such greatness is the defining quality of the nation’s future. Churchill will always define WWII Britain, and not Chamberlain, because Churchill made Britain great and Chamberlain was just a pathetic failure. If a cop saves a woman from being raped by killing the rapist, that cop defines America, because the rapist is dead, and we are too busy cheering the cop to even notice the dead body. When a Soldier, Sailor, Marine, or Airman dives on a grenade to save his buddies and protect the nation, he defines America, because it is his sacrifice which yields the end result of victory and it is his memory which endures after the battle, in the hearts of his fellow great Americans. America is the small business owner who succeeds in making everyone’s life easier, the good samaritan who saves someone from a car wreck, the firefighter who runs into a burning building, and even the guy who goes to a Tea Party rally to try and preserve some semblance of the governmental structure which our elites are now fucking up beyond all repair. America is our greatness, and for us that greatness is our America.

There is one other line of demarcation in our nation that needs to be noted. Just as the hated enemy probably hates you back, there are two Americas, and we hate each other. When we feel patriotic, we don’t think about the liberals and other losers because we know they are worthless. When the leftists and losers think of us and our patriotism they feel their own hatred. For that reason, everything that we hold dear they reject out of spite. You see this in America, in the debate over patriotism. You are with us or against us, there are no two ways about it.

The liberal hates patriotism because they hate us, for recognizing their worthlessness, disregarding them, and going on to pay homage to all the greatness in this nation that the liberal has been unable to destroy. Patriotism is an abject rejection of the liberal’s potency and authority as they try to destroy our nation and denigrate everything it stands for. Short of laughing at them as you salute the flag, you can hardly insult the liberal more than to merely seek out the good and love your nation. Patriotism diminishes the liberal rabbits profoundly, and they feel it cut to the core of their empty lives.

Liberals have one other reason to want to denigrate our love for this nation. They see that a love for our nation binds those of us who love and honor greatness together, and it unites us against them. It unites us in rejecting their efforts to destroy this nation and the great within it. Fight the liberals, reject them, and always look for the good to love and nurture. Even with the Liberals in control of the media and entertainment world today, we still have a bounty of greatness. That alone speaks to the indomitable nature of America’s greatness and the futility of the liberal’s plight.

We are heading into troubled waters. We all know something bad is in the offing. Some of us are hearing the murmurs of things far more ominous than almost anyone reading this would believe could be possible today in this nation. I suspect, based on what I have heard, the elites think that what is coming in the next decade or two will be apocalyptic. A moment will come, at the time and place of its own choosing, when our nation will need the great 3% bound together and determined to once again restore greatness. That greatness will only return if we have enough love for each other to want to make it so. That love for each other’s greatness is what has made this nation great in the past, and have no doubt, it will do so again when the time comes.

Until then, don’t ever let the traitorous liberal bastards wear you down. Love “Real America,” revel in its victories, celebrate its heroes, and say “Fuck you!” proudly and gleefully to all the little rabbits who want to tear it down.

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MrA is MrA
MrA is MrA
9 years ago

3%. Sounds a little like the “remnant”. Great article and a great reminder of how much the K-selected individiual “matters” to the viability of the community compared to the r-selected.

9 years ago

Not much has changed since ancient Greece
“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.” ― Heraclitus This statistical narrative falls in line with the US Revolution, where 3% were the firebrands and active pushers. 33% was Loyalist. 33% was moderate or stuck on the fence looking. 33% was slightly in support

9 years ago

Dude, it’s over. Turn out the lights.

Just make sure you record it all for the next great nation—perhaps they will avoid our most costly errors.