Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

President’s State of the Union didn’t really do anything to reveal the conspiracy, and Trump, surprisingly, did not have the doors to the Well of the House swing shut in preparation for shipping all of Congress to Guantanamo, so the Pope will get a few more days.
Me turning in:

Worthwhile thread on the massive government financing offered to Indians to purchase things like gas stations and convenience stores, which is not available to regular white Americans. It is significant because of what I have told you. India was colonized by Britain, which would have established a massive civilian spy network within the population to maintain control. That civilian spy network would remain, passed down generation to generation, and it would become Cabal’s ground surveillance network there. And those assets are being brought here, to spy on us as part of the surveillance here. When I went to college, I went to a large University, but by watchers, I assume for purposes of control, had me placed in a smaller program within the college, supposedly for gifted students. Like half the program were Indian kids, literally from India. One spoke like 47 different dialects of Indian, so he was a language guy. I assume now they were brought in to handle my case. I probably got many of them their citizenship, by being so naive and making their operation so successful. Here, in this twitter thread, you can see domestic surveillance placing its imported Indian assets in positions where they can help monitor travelers, gather intel important to surveillance, like how much fuel you purchase, which will reveal the efficiency of your ride, and how far you can drive before you need to stop for gas. And most importantly they are making sure you never own that business and begin maybe making real money. The type of money where you might one day run for office. And I hate to say it, but Kash’s Indian parents own a massive string of motels. You see how intelligence was controlling, and determining everything, and using your tax dollars to do it.

In this next one, these online “influencers” and “journalists” are not sitting down with pencils behind their ears researching their big pieces. They are being given them by intel operations, either to elevate them and make them more useful assets, or for other reasons:

IRS is drafting plans to cut as much as half of its 90,000-person workforce.

DOJ blocks push to impanel grand jury to investigate Chuck Schumer’s threat against conservative Supreme Court justices.
People are talking about Arianna Grande in an interview casually dropping tht she cannot remember something about her next album release date because she just came back from the Brighter Days Clinic where they did a memory erasure procedure on her, so she will have to check if the clinic can restore that part of her memory. I see things totally differently now, since experiencing the extreme nature of my position. The scale of the conspiracy is just unimaginable. I see it in the numbers of people assigned to me, the things, like 9/11 they embrace as successes, and the tech they have unrolled. Those who have not seen that can begin to get an idea of the extremeness, through the level of embezzlement which is being revealed in DC, and imagining how much of the government and media would need to be compromised to keep theft of that magnitude under wraps. From Congress, to the Inspector Generals, to the intelligence community, to every reporter and editor, you would have to plug a lot of holes to prevent that story from leaking out before. When you see the scale of the conspiracy, you realize the absolute necessity of controlling the secret, and how far those who built it must have gone to limit the ability of the secret to escape. Suddenly, the idea that all these famous “stars” would be undergoing MK Ultra programming is not that strange. It would be seen by the architects as just one more safeguard against the unthinkable.
Skepticism of the GATE program is featured in the Daily Mail. As with many of these revelations, the MSM revelation is a little different than the real 4Chan version. 4Chan was more just a general skepticism that they were trolling for intel on the next generation of high flyer so they could be either absorbed if a psychopath or suppressed if not. Here in the Daily Mail piece they link it to a secret government UFO program, which instantly makes it seem more harmless if true, and just nutty if not.
Andrew and Tristan Tate just flew back to the US temporarily from Romania, and the Florida AG has set off some kind of criminal investigation of them:

Tough to say with these things. They seem plugged in, so it is tempting to see all of this as merely a show to make them more appealing to those who hate the authorities, and enhance their pied piper abilities in that regard.

Ray Epps first in-person FBI recording from March 2021 calls into question key issues from Epps’ testimony.
Department of Health and Human Services had terminated a contract paying Family Endeavors $18 million a month to operate an empty facility in West Texas.
I dislike Shapiro, but he is not always wrong:

Elon Musk floats possible pardon of ex-cop Derek Chauvin for being ‘unjustly convicted’ in George Floyd case.
Hong Kong firm sells Panama Canal stake to BlackRock, making it the majority owner amid Trump’s pressure to curb Chinese influence:

Pope Francis almost stops breathing again with his health in serious decline. But Trump did not kick off the Storm in his speech, so the Pope continues to live. I am thinking he is really dead, and they are just waiting t roll out the body when they need the distraction.
Bear in mind population of the UK is about 68 million people, vs 144 million in Russia:

A top researcher, who teaches at Kings College London and has advised or worked with the UK MOD and GCHQ as well as being a Senior Fellow of the Foreign Policy Research Institute, warns that the UK will experience a civil war within the next five years caused by the “destruction of legitimacy” brought about by the government’s failure to secure the border.
The Democrats are so lazy, there ended up being 22 of these idiots, all reading the exact same script, word for word, at last count. It almost feels like they were given the order t do this specifically to show how phony their side’s opposition is:
Trump Admin proposes selling 443 federal properties.
The US Congress appears poised to make another push to pass counter-drone legislation after efforts last year failed, seeking to develop regulations for governing the use of counter-drone technologies by authorities at sensitive airspace.

Trump should organize real, official negotiations, and make a big deal about them.
Number of Americans applying for UK citizenship after Trump’s re-election hits record levels.

Zelensky reverses hardline position on peace talks after Trump cuts off military aid. He had no cards to play.
Washington BANS Britain from sharing any US military intelligence with Ukraine.
US and Ukraine prepare to sign minerals deal on Tuesday, sources say.

America’s first unmanned fighters are here: YFQ-42 and YFQ-44. The Q signifies it is unmanned and autonomous or semi-autonomous.
Social Security Administration announces more than $800 million in savings from the SSA reevaluating contracts and grants, payroll, information technology, consolidating office space, and making policy changes to travel and printing.
Send people to AmericanStasi.com, because Alberta would make a wonderful 51st state