Donald Trump Wins – The God-Emperor Ascends To The Throne

Nobody has called it, so is calling the election for Trump.

Fox has begun talking about Trump’s cabinet. It’s over.

And we appear to have kept the Senate, meaning the Supreme Court is our’s to make.

Take any other Republican primary candidate, give him a flawless organization, complete establishment support, and a moderate, unoffending mien, and he would have lost to Hillary. Only Trump could have won this, and done it without the establishment’s support, and with full on opposition from most major establishment personalities.

Every other candidate would have meant failure, and the more the establishment wanted them, the more they would have failed.

Congratulations Mr. President-elect.

Let the K-selected revolution begin. But first, death to the GOP establishment, and the Cuckservative elites.

And before that, stay tuned for Hillary’s concession speech, if she is able to go out and make it. I suspect she may not be able to do it, and the media will not call her on it. But if she does go out, you will see a case study in high amygdala.

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8 years ago

[…] Donald Trump Wins – The God-Emperor Ascends To The Throne […]

Jake Saga
Jake Saga
8 years ago

This shall (likely) be the greatest political triumph in the history of the modern West.
The forces arrayed against us were greater than I’ve ever seen, or read about in the history books.

8 years ago

This might amuse you…

The Government of Canada’s immigration website crashed on Tuesday night as the US election results were rolling in.

…The top story on Business Insider has been “How to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen.”

Hopefully the rabbits are self-deporting

8 years ago

I salute all of the adults who have made this conversation possible in the first place.

Thank you… now our real work begins… however light is shining on this work which is the complete opposite of the previous administration.

I pray we can stay focused on rebuilding the family atom that makes civilization possible.

Best to all.

8 years ago

Hillary isn’t speaking tonight. Probably pounding vodka and twitching violently.

8 years ago

You were right. Hillary pussed out ad sent Podesta to make a non-concession concession speech. I’d hate to be in Hillary’s line of sight now. Can’t imagine the meltdown she must be having!

8 years ago

Well said, sir — and you did your part!

Podesta the molesta gave the “concession” speech for her. Could she be escaping to Qatar already?

John Calabro
John Calabro
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Also I would like add other names: Wikileaks, Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, Black Pigeon Speaks, Dave Cullen, Sargon of Akkad, Millennial Woes, Armstrongeconomics, Ann Coulter, Ramzpaul and Lastly yourself Anonymous Conservative not to blow your horn but you got people thinking and stop wasting time trying to speak to r’s (expect to use the threat of WW3 with Russia, I used that one) and try to convince other K’s.

8 years ago

You were right. No speech from Hill. No doubt in my mind that she was hijacked. Backstage, her mouth was dry, her vision was blurred and darkened, and when she tried to speak her voice would come out cracked and meek. Her movements would be clumsy and dissociated.

Trump sounded exhausted, very humble, down to earth speech.

8 years ago

All Hail

anonymous lurker
anonymous lurker
8 years ago

Good job with the prediction, but you did the research, observations and then continued to write about it! Mrs. Clinton (don’t call her Secretary, John Kerry (who served in Vietnam) has that position and title now) did have her amygdala hit… I am sure that everyone around her got to suffer through it. She then proved the fraudulent and fearful coward she truly is and sent Pedo-Podesta to send the audience home… nothing to see here, talk to ya tomorrow!

I hope that the K-selection begins and punishment get dealt to her and hers… that and a concerted effort to redpill the American populace.

Thank you for your work.

8 years ago

This is why I visit you each day AC.

Michael Kumpmann
Michael Kumpmann
8 years ago

And here in germany, the leftist millennials seem to turn completely insane. It is shocking which huge piles of bullshit people use to denounce Trump. They claim Trump wants to start a war with russia, although Putin, Dugin and Trump said there should be an alliance between Russia and Trump. (And it was Hillary who threatened war. )

People claim Trump will force blacks to wear “Judensterne”, that he will turn the USA into a dictatorship, that he wants to make rape legal etc. People completely ignore that something like a surpreme court exists. People told me today, Trump wants to start a war with japan, which was an US ally since the end of the second world war.
German politicians claim fighting gender studies is “authoritarian” etc.
Why did I have to be born in a generation full of complete retards?

Michael Kumpmann
Michael Kumpmann
8 years ago

And here in germany, the millenials went full on retard with their hate of trump.