Donald Calls Out Saturday Night Live

Trump calls out SNL for trying to alter the public’s perceptions of him:

Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me.Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!

Even Vanity Fair calls it what it is:

Saturday Night Live caught a lot of flak last season for inviting NBC star and presidential hopeful Donald Trump to host an episode. But we’ve come a long way since last November and while NBC continues to get scrutiny for pandering to the former Apprentice boss, S.N.L. itself has made a big effort this season to distance itself from cozying up to Trump. And, three weeks into the season, Trump has finally taken notice. Processing his thoughts on Twitter early Sunday morning, Trump formalized his disapproval of Alec Baldwin’s pouting impression…

Baldwin’s popular Trump impression isn’t the only way the show is trying to put some distance between itself and Trump.

In other words, this is free political advertising for Hillary Clinton – and it should be illegal. I hope Trump remembers when he takes office. There are all sorts of ways the governmental machinery can be used to exact punishments for citizens, without actually needing any official legal reason to do so. Obama has made the new guidelines into “whatever you can get away with,” and I think we should go with those.

It is obvious that Alec Baldwin was substituted for Darryl Hammond for a reason.

When the cameras cut to Trump and Hillary in the first debate, before either said a word, Trump made what I would call the Trump-face. It is a squinty eyes with puckered lips, looking out of the corners of his eyes to the side. Nicole Wallace on NBC after the debate commented that none of Trump’s people must have coached him to realize that he was being filmed even when he wasn’t talking, because when the first shots of the candidates were put up, Trump almost looked like, in her words, “a Saturday Night Live skit.”

I think Trump knew exactly what he was doing, and I think he was purposely impersonating Darryl Hammond doing an impersonation of Donald Trump. The instant I saw that expression on Trump, almost like a reflex, I laughed, and entered a cognitive mode where I was prepared to be entertained. It was a positive, amused, ready to laugh state, all because I felt like I was watching Daryl Hammond about to pretend to be Donald Trump on Jeopardy, and be funny as hell doing it. I think Donald actually made people feel good about him, by evoking the neural pathways laid down by Darryl Hammond on Saturday Night Live.

Since that debate, Hammond, who was genuinely hilarious with his ebullient, indefatigable, perpetually-upbeat-even-in-the-most-ridiculous-circumstances, version of Trump was replaced with Alec Baldwin, whose Trump is a sort of dark, ominous, ugly, ogre-like version of the character.

That is not by accident, and I think it is a measure of how thoroughly the cognitive scientists behind the scenes have gotten a grip on the entirely of the media machinery, all to manipulate the perceptions which the populace holds of Donald Trump.

Trump knows all of this, of course. I just hope when Trump takes office, he holds a grudge, and doesn’t try to be a magnanimous deal maker. These people are out to destroy him, and I hope he sees that he should not leave so much a the faintest trace of wreckage in his wake. From Alec Baldwin, to Robert Cialdini, Obama changed the rules, and now we have the tools to go after them with the full force of the federal government – and it is just how the business of the Presidency is done now.

Raze everything and destroy everyone who is in the way. It is the only way forward.

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8 years ago

[…] Donald Calls Out Saturday Night Live […]

8 years ago

Here’s an interesting video. While I have no idea of its veracity, it does seem to describe Matt Lauer inadvertently performing a full amygdala hijack on HRC at the Presidential Forum he hosted. Note, that Donna Brazile’s ‘still face’ seemed to absolutely enrage HRC.

8 years ago

Support your conclusion 100%

This is not the first time SNL has injected itself into the process in an attempt to play kingmaker. Back in the ’70’s — when they were actually funny — SNL basically laughed Gerald Ford out of office, portraying the best athlete to ever hold the Presidency as an uncoordinated stumblebum and a Yale Law grad as a clueless moron.