So far, around 5 million people have supposedly had their Health Insurance canceled by Obamacare. If you have escaped the axe, God bless you, but it may not be for long. By this time next year, I have read that another provision will kick in which it is estimated another 100 million policies or more will be rendered illegal.
I stumbled on this article on Free Republic, and I encourage everyone to spread it around to help our freedom-loving brothers who have lost their healthcare plans navigate this labyrinth. There are a lot more options than I would have ever thought, and some are quite good. I have heard from other Freepers that some have cut their current healthcare costs in half by moving to a health-share plan, their benefits are just as good, and it is fully legal. If you are caught in the noose of Obamacare, there may be some great ways out in this article.
As always do your own research, and confirm everything in the realm of the law with a lawyer, before taking any article’s word.