70% Of Europeans See Muslim Immigration As A Threat

Interesting stat:

A large majority of Europeans are becoming increasingly worried about the rapid population growth of Muslims, a February survey of the Századvég Foundation shows.

One thousand Europeans from 28 EU countries were asked: “How serious a threat to Europe is the rapid population growth of Muslims?”

Of the respondents, 40% said that they saw the threat as ‘very serious’, while another 30% said that they see it as ‘somewhat serious’.

And those are random citizens. I will bet the idiots who don’t see it as a threat are non-voters who don’t care enough to vote. Do the same poll among voters, and I will bet the numbers of people who see it as a threat are even higher.

We are all raised with certain beliefs about how things work. One belief is that political leaders will vote to please constituents, so they can be reelected. Another is that political leaders are people just like us who happened to get elected, and they will want to do things to make our nations better.

And yet, it isn’t working that way. Political leaders are doing things which are exactly the opposite of what the citizenry want. Political leaders are doing things which are guaranteed to ruin their nations entirely. The political leaders themselves have shown they know the paths they have set are not working, they have even said as much, and yet they persist on the same course.

And it is not one or two outliers. It is almost all of the political leadership, all marching blindly in some sort of coordinated lockstep to ruin their entire nations, in direct opposition to the voters’ wishes.

Something about what you were told is incorrect. The question yet to be answered is just exactly how the model we are taught while growing up is wrong, and just how wrong it is.

I suspect that answer is going to blow us away.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because things are not as they seem

This entry was posted in Conspiracy, Cuckservatives, Europe, Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Out-grouping, Politics, rabbitry, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

So, who is making them do this if they know it’s wrong?

It only matters a little….they and their Muslims/Africans are going to be put to the sword.

Unseen Presence
Unseen Presence
6 years ago

70% of Americans probably see the EU as a threat so good luck with that.

6 years ago

Yep the pollies are implenting policies that will destroy the nations they are supposedly at the helm of. But…. there is enough of an r selected voting block that also want the nation destroyed that these pollies are getting their political power from. In essence they aren’t acting irrationally, its just if their policies don’t currently appease the louder lefties then the pollie will get cruicified.

6 years ago

In other news, 30% of “Europeans” have immigrant background.

6 years ago

Sure the hordes themselves are the immediate threat but the people need to wise up about who did this to them or it will never end. I have often wondered why those string pullers are so keen to kill the golden goose. Will the hordes continue to buy iPhones and entertainment, clothes and food at the same level of wealth? Do we even need it? We were pretty happy with a humbler, Less materialistic life and homogeneity, methinks.

Reply to  WCC
6 years ago

EU is the logistical support of the global deep state on all its member states. Countries are cucking more and more to the left. Some faster, some slower, but only V4 seem to have held their ground regarding the non-elected influence of the EU apparatus. Just look at this shit: http://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1522/76/1522769955120.png

This is global deep state bullshit, and people here are also getting the cultural marxist indoctrination to accept this non-sense. It’s big business to the mafia too, see: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/feb/01/migrants-more-profitable-than-drugs-how-mafia-infiltrated-italy-asylum-system

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
6 years ago

Not to speak of the Poup that is a complete cabal tool. That treasonous cunt.