News Briefs – 12/27/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Here is a tweet from a woman being gangstalked, who recorded tapping going on at her ear. Here she posts another, better recording. She is real deal, I will recognize that cadence and the nature of the taps for the rest of my life. That weapon is very distinctive. Her tweets show signs of high amygdala agitation from the shock and awe treatment she is getting, so she will jump to conclusions like here, where she says it is a binary code and it is transmitting information. I do not think it is a binary code, nor do I think there is information in there. This is most likely the Havana weapon, being deployed with a very specific set of parameters set in its control  mechanism so it will be almost unnoticeable, but will degrade her cognition, wear down her immune system, and leave her exhausted each day. The cadence sounds almost exactly like what I had tapping the lead blanket in the earlier days, before they reduced the numbers of taps, and increased the power of each tap. As it reduces in amplitude it increases in frequency, and the irregular cadence gives the impression of almost a spatter of particles. At the other end of the spectrum, come first the single solid taps which are surprisingly powerful, then the face smush, and finally, I think the less-focused head-pushes,  which will make you sleepy, and at times, knock you out, as the diffuse wave of force/impulse passes through your brain.

And remember how I said that somehow, they focus it so it hits exactly over the ear-hole, even though you are deep inside your house? I do not know how they do that, but they do, and here, she reports it is over her ear.

I told you, they are working their way down to regular people. Way back, I didn’t know it worked this way, but OK, I got into politics, I should have expected to meet the Beam Team. But this is an old lady living in some farmhouse with her little dog, and it is like they are beaming her just for fun. She says they even target the dog. There is another young woman who recorded her voice to skull episode, and it featured the MRI hum, and a single distinct tap, so I assume that sound weapon is related, and there they are using it on some helpless young girl.

Everyone will eventually know what it is to get The Beam. It will be everywhere, and all the neighborhood teams will use it. As of right now, you are on course to one day experience all of the crazy shit I have written here. You will feel your head pushed to the side as your lights go out, you will hear something tapping on your ear drum, you may even have to begin sleeping underwater.

And note, I do not lie to you or make stuff up. The crazy things I write,  which seem absolutely impossible, wait long enough, and you will see them elsewhere, reported by other people. I do not want to write any of it. I feel like a loon when I explain some simple reality of dealing with these tools which I have come to see as normal. I wish I could be respectable and seemingly of sound mind. But I feel like I have to make all of this known. Right now, the greatest. freest nation on the planet is on course to become a torture chamber run by masses of outright psychopathic sadists who torture women for fun, and none of the major voices will say anything.


There is a big fake “fight” going on, on Twitter, between Tech-bro MAGA which says we need to import thousands of Indian engineers with more ease, and regular MAGA which wants to know why we are not training up Americans for those jobs. Here is a representative sample of the players:

Bear in mind, every one of them knows about the surveillance, knows US domestic intel is suppressing the best and brightest Americans when they are children, to control the business and political environment, and none of these people who are fighting will ever say that simple truth, which would “win” them the argument, and help implement the best policy. All of them are getting paid to lie to you, as the surveillance tries to hook the next genius kid on porn, or have their kid-agents offer him weed, or get him trans-ed, or fuck him up some other way.

Here is Vivek:

One response:

I have no doubt Vivek was likely running surveillance on the kids around him growing up, and it was probably one unusually promising figure he screwed, which got him promoted to this:

And here is Elon:

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? If you are not born an engineer, or if you cannot gather engineering knowledge psychically you might as well give up? Try getting into MIT as a white American male, no matter what your grades or test scores.

So why the push for Indians to fill these roles? I think it is a couple of reasons. One, inbreeding. As researcher HBDChick continuously drilled home, when you have lots of family members marrying, the members of the family all tend to become similar genetically. At that point, a family member can pass along “their” genes, by helping another family member (who has the same genes) to breed, since they all have very similar genetic makeups. It is called Kin Selection. This leads to a strong drive to nepotism, and that leads to a strong tendency to governmental corruption, crimes, and general untrustworthiness, like Vivek and the Alzheimer’s drug. . In short, if you have a heavily in-bred population with lots of consanguineous marriages in its history, and you give them a government and country, it will tend to become a corrupt shithole where everyone fucks over everyone else. Cabal likes corrupt governments.

In the West, the Church banning cousin marriages caused enough out-breeding for long enough that familial genetic profiles diverged enough for the loyalty to expand to a national level, instead of just familial. Suddenly people would sacrifice themselves for their nation.

Individuals lost the drive to ruthlessly foster the reproduction of their own blood over everyone else, and so Westerners were able to take on government responsibilities, without feeling they had to bring in all the rest of their family, raid the treasury, and then oppress the rest of the nation.  Cabal wants people like Vivek, who will lie to your face and screw you as they run illegal surveillance on you.

The second reason, I suspect is, as a former British colony, I suspect Cabal has assets all throughout India, and those Indians who they are bringing over are assets who were running surveillance in India, and who will now join the conspiracy in America. Regular Americans are in a real war with the surveillance and the intel op behind it. They had better figure that out, and fast.

The American Stasi is waging a war on you and your children. So long as they are able to keep that war hidden, you see how they are able to just roll over everyone. And everyone up there is an enemy.

And even this public debate, I suspect, is Musk and Vivek, two known assets of the machine, sabotaging Trump’s smooth, harmonious, unified and beloved transition, and the image around it by creating all this dissension in our ranks.

And as always, Elon is full of shit:

And the bullshit gets even deeper:

While we are on the subject, how many real Americans follow all the rules like this next guy, but it never works the way we are told, and how many more make some mistake, and then attribute their life following this same path to the mistake, when even if they never made the mistake, this is how it would work:

The key to the conspiracy is they tell people that they could have done it, but most never try, and those who do usually make some mistake which they blame the failure on. But even those who make no mistakes, suffer the same fate, and simply blow it off as nobody calling them back by chance. In reality, they were not in the conspiracy, and the only way to make it was to be a member.

Skinny Elon Musk admits to taking weight-loss drug while dressed as “Ozempic Santa” in festive post. He is a genius, and he is taking Ozempic?

The Hill says the Constitution provides that an oath-breaking insurrectionist is ineligible to be president, and therefor Congress must disqualify Trump, and refuse to seat him.

Former General Milley called US enemy China to tell them he would tip them off on orders President Trump may give.

Rasmussen Reports – 57% favor FBI probe of Liz Cheney.

DARPA’s “theory of mind” program aims to predict and influence behavior, raising privacy concerns.

Burn it all down: Jill consumed by vengeance as she prepares her White House exit.

Mass deportations would save Americans $62 billion a year.

WSJ: Intelligence Community knew COVID origins all along.

Surprising link” between UAP sightings and economic conditions. They increase during economic downturns and uncertainty.

An ex-defense official, Luiz Elizondo, who was the head of the Defense Department’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, has claimed the US government is deliberately hiding that fact we are ‘not alone’ – amid numerous drone sightings across the country.

China stuns with the sudden appearance of an airworthy 6th-Gen fighter jet.

Israel gave officers all-clear to kill civilians — NYT.

Israel’s attorney general orders investigation into Netanyahu’s wife after she is accused of harassing witnesses and opponents in Israeli PM’s corruption trial.

Reports claim Trudeau and entourage vacationing at BC ski resort, angering locals.

In the U.K., Nigel Farage’s party is now bigger than the Tories.

Milei unveils ambitious nuclear plan to position Argentina as global energy player.

There is a whole drone war developing under the sea, where autonomous AI submarine drones battle to sever cables and turn the lights off, even for nations such as Britain, and to prevent them being cut.

Holding elections in Ukraine would deal a blow to national unity and “ruin the state,” the country’s former president, Pyotr Poroshenko, has claimed.

Russia’s President Putin says “The only thing I believe in is God, and God is with us.”

Russia says it has shot down a US-made F-16 over Ukraine.

The director of the Foreign Ministry’s consular department has said that Moscow hasn’t imposed visa restrictions on most US citizens and more Russian visas have been issued to US citizens this year than in 2023,

Shoplifters in Chicago are more than 100% more likely to be slapped with felony charges under Cook County’s new state’s attorney than they were under Kim Foxx’s administration.

Send people to, because you cnnot fight a war nobdy knows you are in

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Just Me
Just Me
2 months ago

AC, you left out the News Brief title thingy

2 months ago

This daily brief lacks a title.

2 months ago

I finally agree with the left on something, it’s time to deport Elon back to Africa.

2 months ago

It seems to me that Trump or someone set off this H1-b fight early to create a backlash before the damage was done.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Getting it out there before Trump even really starts is an interesting angle, as it lets him make moves to “clean up” the boosters who may not really be allies before actually taking control. Let them help with the campaign, then drop them at the finish line if they can’t be trusted (obviously not).

However, the continuing fact that Trump keeps letting scumbags and grifters this close to the steering wheel is a continuing point of concern. No man will save us save the second coming of Jesus Christ, but it would be nice to get a clearly competent outfit working for once in our lives.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Ditto. I think it’s theater.
Vivek – Elon lead with something outrageous, Trump steps in, tamps it down, takes the heat off his lieutenants, assumes the bad guy role and begins the deportations.

Reply to  Anominous
2 months ago

Literally on Christmas Day. The dude in the SATAN armor decides to pick a fight with the tech sector Americans.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Yep. Let the wolves come out of their disguises. Then, string them up by their entrails.

2 months ago

Great discussion about the war on Gen X by Wooderson et al. a few days ago.

My belated addendum:

“It is not a coincidence that Alien premiered just five years after abortion became legal in 1973 with Roe vs. Wade. Abortion and infanticide are perhaps the dominant themes of the movie series. 


“The final core component of the Alien movie series is transgenderism and role reversal of males and females. The most prominent example of this is that most of the “births” of aliens in the movie are spawned from males. From the famous eruption of the first xenomorph from the character Kane in Alien to the gestation of the “deacon” xenomorph from the male engineer in Prometheus, the Alien movies reverse the image of the male, making him like a female who can grow life within and give birth. 

“The second element of reversing gender roles is the positive portrayal of Ripley as a machine-gun wielding female who makes war with other life-forms. This reverses the Christian ideal of the woman being a life-giving mother who is the heart of the home. Exalting the character Ellen Ripley as an empowered female soldier who makes war certainly does not empower women, but degrades them to the level of Darwinian organisms who are at war with one another.”

Roger Roger
Roger Roger
2 months ago

It is about obedience. First gen immagrant engineers absolutely obey to avoid returning to the hole they came from. Also, if the high performer from appalachia cannot get a job the alternative is to start your own business. I write commercial insurance on business owning engineer grads all the time. They never disappoint.

2 months ago

> He is a genius, and he is taking Ozempic?

Or he *says* he is…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I don’t believe the Diablo part either, they probably hired someone to play it for him.
He was some kind of midwit before he nuked his IQ with dope.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Ditto all.
Never got that vibe from him for an instant.
Can recognize fakers by now at 60. Musk could not break 130 on a good breakfast with a fistful of neurotropics washed down with black coffee.
He is absolutely a tryhard.

Clown School Valedictorian
Clown School Valedictorian
Reply to  Texas Arcane
2 months ago

The “genius effect” is the result of an algorithm.

It’s essentially an edge detection algorithm as you’d implement for directed graphs in maths and computer science, but the purpose of the edge detection is not to solve those problems.

The purpose of the use of edge detection in this case is to make it look like you are in command of specific problem domains because you can identify difficult problems within them, including problems where nobody noticed missing edges.

In a sense it’s a variant of the greedy algorithm that lawyers use to identify flaws in circumstances and cases that allow them to get their clients out of trouble, but the difference is that lawyers use it specifically for client needs and aren’t trying to play intellectual capture-the-flag games.

Most people conflate being able to identify problems with being able to solve problems, as in these people seem aware of the problems and therefore may have relevant domain knowledge according to common sense.

But common sense is wrong when it doesn’t pursue matters of detail past the edges.

It’s within the spaces where the depths aren’t tested where midwits may appear to be geniuses.

Why bother?

It’s an easier social solution for hard-to-solve technical problems: you assume you can simply throw bodies at the technical problems, but the social solution is what’s going to get you the money to solve it, and you simply have faith that you can find the right people qualitatively or quantitatively.

Also: people want to be fooled by “competence they can understand”.

That way they can also fool around the edges of genius and pretend that they understand even a little of what’s going on inside it, which makes them feel less awful than not understanding anything about it at all.

It’s also why the “throwing people at the problem” solution doesn’t work.

You can’t see Musk as anything but a fool playing algorithmic games so that he can fool people into giving him vast amounts of money so that he can solve problems iteratively at great expense by “zerg rushing” them with cheap import commodity engineers.

So many other things are like this in American society that one could legitimately question why it’s taking this in particular to become noticeable.

American intellectual spaces are most notable for the near complete lack of genius at their centers.

Get “zerg rushed” enough and you take the conversations elsewhere, or simply don’t have them at all.

Genius! Problems solved! 🙂

Reply to  Clown School Valedictorian
2 months ago

He’s not even Edison, let alone Tesla.

Clown School Valedictorian
Clown School Valedictorian
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago


Enslavers don’t change their habits even if they change their tune.

It’s the one habit of a Rothschild that always stands out.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Sounds like a self correcting problem.

2 months ago

> The Hill says the Constitution provides that an oath-breaking insurrectionist is ineligible to be president, and therefor Congress must disqualify Trump, and refuse to seat him.

I still haven’t seen any evidence for an “insurrection”, no matter how loud and often the media and pols bleat about it.

If Congress decides to get stupid… it would almost certainly lose. Trump has way more support than Congress does.

2 months ago

> Rasmussen Reports – 57% favor FBI probe of Liz Cheney.

…and that’s probably after they limited the poll to Democratic Party donors and college liberals.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

After admitting the fedral government stops public research at any place receiving fedral dollars for anything they deem a threat to national security. I’m sure the decades old predictive experiments where the equipment picked up the minds decision to make a choice a full 7 seconds before a subject pushed a button (sometimes only 3-4 seconds after a choice was given, meaning the choice was made before it was proffered) I’m sure that line of research is miles ahead of what we think is possible on the front of predictive forecasting.

2 months ago

> WSJ: Intelligence Community knew COVID origins all along.

I guess it was a slow day and they needed some copy to fill their page.
Everyone else knew it came from Wuhan a few weeks after the Diamond Princess made the news.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

If you type in on a search engine, The Anglo Saxon Mission explained by Bill Ryan and watch it all, you will find it actually came from the City of London many years before 2019.

Nothing is ever what it seems.

2 months ago

> Mass deportations would save Americans $62 billion a year.

A drop in the bucket compared to the national debt, but like Senator Everett Dirksen said, “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon it adds up to real money.”

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

More importantly think of the innocent lives saved, women and girls saved from rape and molestation. Etc.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

No bags, no tags. About $50 million dollars worth of ammunition. One round per immigrant.

Clown School Valedictorian
Clown School Valedictorian
Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

Unrealistic: they’ve grown fat while here which may drastically reduce stopping power. 🙂

2 months ago

> So why the push for Indians to fill these roles? 

1) Control. They do as they’re told, otherwise they lose their job and their residency, and have to go back where they came from.

2) Credentialism. You can get an Indian Ph.D. for trivial money. Makes your HR and PR people happy, and makes it easier to get government contracts, if your business is into that sort of thing.

3) DEI Compliance. Of course. Theoretically H1-B applies to talent from all over the world. In practice… Mainly India, with China trailing behind, and a small remainder of “everywhere else.” A nice .gov link on H-1B origin countries:

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

True story here:
Problem: Need to hire firewall engineer that won’t need to configure, maintain, or touch a firewall. Just need someone who can look at traffic flow, identify which firewalls need a rule, and submit tickets for others to do the work.
My boss is in Europe. We have a “global workforce”. We are forbidden from opening new US job requisitions. Great. Let’s hire a guy in Europe, because IT changes go in after hours US. Plus, the person is in Europe and my boss can have him do other stuff when this need is up (6+ months).
HR comes back and says you can only hire from India.
Lovely… Setup interviews with Indians who can barely speak English. Ask technical questions….they barely can write the word firewall let alone do the required job. Requirements drop to:

  1. Are you breathing?
  2. Can you communicate in English?

Get a candidate. Provide offer letter. Dude ghosted us. Assumption is he took the offer back to his current employer.
Back to the resumes, interviews, etc. HR requires all interviews to be done on Zoom call. So many fucking Indians were having OTHER PEOPLE interview for their jobs that HR now requires photo-id and the interview to be done over a ZOOM call.
Get next interview candidate. Six years of IT Firewall experience and the Indian NEEDS HELP GETTING INTO THE ZOOM CALL. Finally get him on the call, finish the interview (breathing/barely speaks english), and then ask him if he has questions. He asks what team he’s working with. Response there is no team, Bman gives you basic training, and you are on your own. FULL PANIC. Indian believed he was going into another team of Indians who would help him do everything.

a b c
a b c
Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

No whites need apply, and/or we want the cheaper dudes only, your time is about worthless to us so interview a couple thousand – get cracking, something like that?
Makes for wonder why it is worth staying and keeping that company afloat.

2 months ago

The sidebar sprouted wings and flew away.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Surely the sidebar is too high an IQ to drink ANY of those chemical poison “energy” drinks?

Reply to  Mr Twister
2 months ago

Redbull more or less isn’t poison, especially if you get the original variant without the artificial sweeteners.

Carbonated Water, Sugar, Glucose, Citric Acid, Taurine, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda), Magnesium Carbonate, Colors, Caffeine, Niacinamide, Pyridoxine HCl (Vitamin B6), Calcium Pantothenate, Vitamin B12.

Only things bad I can tell are that Citric acid is manufactured, and obviously the flavors and colors, and I think the synthetic b12 and maybe others isn’t ideal. Maybe if they make a healthy version they can reduce/cut those.

The Niacinamide is really healthy, and so is water(and carbon!), sugar/glucose, taurine, caffeine, magnesium, b6. This combo should more than compensate for how bad the other ingredients are. If you do well on it it’s great. The caffeine is tricky because it’s good but you do want to control the dose.

If you can handle it, redbull more or less is an above average drink in terms of health. It’s super overpriced though, you might as well get an offbrand drink which is similarly healthy or just get your caffeine+niacinamide separately.

Also I would probably recommend a natural fruit juice, it’s one of the healthiest things around(sugar is great!). It might even be better than whole fruit for some people. (fiber can be bad/hard to digest)

2 months ago

South Korean Parliament Impeaches Acting President Han Duck-Soo Amid Escalating Political Crisis

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

I’d sort of like to know WTF is going on in South Korea, but not enough to go into a deep dive into their political problems. And that’s before bearing in mind that the reporters, translators, and writers all have their own agendas.

“The internet is like a vast library, except all the books are on the floor, and half of them are on fire.”

2 months ago

> Milei unveils ambitious nuclear plan to position Argentina as global energy player.

Argentina has a hodgepodge of reactors – a couple that are apparently native designs, the rest Canadian or Chinese. And they have some kind of nuclear technology acquisition deal with the Canadians and the Russians.

I don’t understand where Argentina would export power *to*, to become a “global energy player.” It’s not like you can fill a container ship with electricity.

Also, while Russian technical information is probably as good as anyone’s, I don’t think I would be interested in buying any actual reactor designs from them. Chernobyl wasn’t the only one that went 404, just the one we hear the most about. [cough] Kyshtym [/cough]

2 months ago

> Holding elections in Ukraine would deal a blow to national unity and “ruin the state,” the country’s former president, Pyotr Poroshenko, has claimed.

And the State is everything, if you’re a Communist.

The post-Soviet governments have a veneer of democracy, but it’s still a totalitarian state, except now the ruler is called “President” instead of “General Secretary” or “Tsar.” The Ukraine not only has no history of democracy, none of its neighbors have, either.

2 months ago

> has claimed the US government is deliberately hiding that fact we are ‘not alone’ – amid numerous drone sightings across the country.

Yet the Fed doesn’t want to shoot some down for inspection, and freaks right out at the thought of citizens doing it. They seriously don’t want anyone getting their hands on one.

Conclusion: they’re either Federal drones, or the Feds are protecting whoever is flying them.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

It’s a distraction for something that’s for sure.

2 months ago

> Moscow hasn’t imposed visa restrictions on most US citizens and more Russian visas have been issued to US citizens this year than in 2023,

Klimov said that “in the first 11 months of 2024, a total of 7,737 visas (165 of which were business visas) were issued to US citizens by Russian diplomatic representation offices and consulates.” The official noted that the number was 5,694 for the entirety of last year.

Yeah, I could see that the Biden Administration’s attempts to go to war with the Federation could cause the number of visa applications to drop, but consider this: [from]


 Ninety-one percent of B (business/tourist) visa applications from Chinese citizens were approved last year. China-wide, the four consulates (Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, and Shanghai) and the U.S. embassy in Beijing issued more than 1.65 million nonimmigrant visas in FY 2014


1.65 million Chinese getting American visas [and that was just 2014] vs. a bit over seven thousand Americans getting Russian visas.

“Seems legit…”

2 months ago

Just to clarify my position on punishing traitors: Even if killing them all is a bad idea because their young kids are ALSO praying that God will somehow save THEIR wretched family, and we can’t make a liar out of God, the traitors would still all need to be tortured, anyway, i.e., exhaustively exorcised. For the greater good, for their good…as a practical calculation, of course, not just to satisfy an emotional bloodlust. And of course, self-defense is a natural inalienable right, so however many MUST die in order to be free, whatever that minimum is, so be it. That may include the *practical necessity* of publicly killing some of them in such a gruesome way that it discourages all future generations from ever constructing or cooperating with Surveillance bullshit everrrrrr again. Vivek, for example, might be such an example. “Vivek-section” is something I can easily imagine humans in the year 40,000 AD still remembering with a shudder.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Sounds good.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

The torture will not happen if you value your soul. Express mailing the worst to God for judgement is valid in the same way putting down an aggressive dog is just, but vengeance is the Lord’s, we are to leave the sadism out of the equation.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Absolutely, no reason to become an animal in order to put down an animal.

Lindsay Wheeler
2 months ago

On the stories here of European males not being able to get jobs—while the elite say we need to import foreigners.

Let me explain the game that is going on.

It is called the Hegelian Dialectic. (Readers of the old Spotlight and/or the MIA, The MacAlveny Intelligence Advisor will know about this.)

The Hegelian Dialectic is “Thesis, Anti-thesis, Synthesis”. It is also found in Scripture called Absalom’s Principle.

The Hegelian Dialectic is central to Communist tactics; there are several forms this take; the one I am pointing out is very simple.

In this case–, the Thesis is destroying the Whites; so the antithesis is the Jewish Agenda of Diversity is about marginalizing, pushing out the WASP out of educational institutions–(They CREATE The Problem), and then, in order to solve the problem of the lack of engineers—You SUGGEST the solution—MORE H1-B1 visas which is the Jewish Agenda!!!

Remember Pelosi and others saying–“We all need to become coders”?

That is the SAME thing—Wealth is based on a few things, one of them being manufacturing. In order to have Free Trade, and to bring up the Third World–you make the 1st Worlders into Coding and then transfer manufacturing to the Third World!!! It is also the Jewish Agenda. There is a video of a Jew advising that we all need to become “Coders”. Coders are NOT wealth creators–but similar to retail clerks—we are being impoverished on purpose. The Jew says “We must move to the 21st century so everybody needs to be a coder” and then uses this to transfer our manufacturing base OUT to the Third World–thus Equality. This also is the Hegelian Dialectic at work.

Look at that 60 Minutes with Section 8200–everything is planned out.

2 months ago

 I feel like a loon when I explain some simple reality of dealing with these tools which I have come to see as normal. I wish I could be respectable and seemingly of sound mind. But I feel like I have to make all of this known.
A friend and I were discussing 2 Samuel 24 & 1 Chronicles 21 where King David is punished for taking a census of the nation’s people and thought it may have been a burgeoning surveillance state action.

It was called a temptation of Satan to do so and God calls it a great sin worthy of sending an angel down to almost level Jerusalem. It’s considered a minor mystery as to why it was considered so bad and most people chalk it up to David not having faith in God’s might over needing to account for his earthly soldiers and taxes.

However since the spiritual war never really changes what we are seeing now with the Beam and Surveillance State Stasi could be a repeat of that very same incident. We are certainly more tracked, logged and censused than ever before. Take cheer in knowing that God gets angry about it more than we do.

Here’s an exceprt:
Satan rose up against Israel and caused David to take a census of the people of Israel. 2 So David said to Joab and the commanders of the army, “Take a census of all the people of Israel—from Beersheba in the south to Dan in the north—and bring me a report so I may know how many there are.”

3 But Joab replied, “May the Lord increase the number of his people a hundred times over! But why, my lord the king, do you want to do this? Are they not all your servants? Why must you cause Israel to sin?”

4 But the king insisted that they take the census, so Joab traveled throughout all Israel to count the people. Then he returned to Jerusalem 5 and reported the number of people to David. There were 1,100,000 warriors in all Israel who could handle a sword, and 470,000 in Judah. 6 But Joab did not include the tribes of Levi and Benjamin in the census because he was so distressed at what the king had made him do.

7 God was very displeased with the census, and he punished Israel for it. 8 Then David said to God, “I have sinned greatly by taking this census. Please forgive my guilt for doing this foolish thing.

Reply to  Dav
2 months ago

I’ve never like the Census baked into our system, and it’s been abused far beyond its original purpose.

Apportionment should be based on registered voters and voters should have to register and prove eligibility again after each election.
Apportionment should also take place every 5 years instead of every 10.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

Advice needed…
Who can tell me how American people are any better off today than they were on the day before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?
Don’t include inventions like microwave ovens and electric toothbrushes, ALL of which do not quite off set more cancer, autism, Communism, mass negro criminality, inflation, patriot act, and the ongoing mud invasion.
Thanks in advance.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

Not just Americans. The jews won WW2 and we are reaping the ‘reward’!

2 months ago

>the crazy things I write

Its all true. I have been beamed too. I am not on the same program and/or its different equipment because there are some minor differences. But nontheless its real and everyone needs to take AC seriously on this.

2 months ago

The Hill says the Constitution provides that an oath-breaking insurrectionist is ineligible to be president, and therefor Congress must disqualify Trump, and refuse to seat him.

BlueAnon nonsense. The SCOTUS already decided this in the CO opinion.

Any congressional legislation enforcing Section 3 must, like the Enforcement Act of 1870 and §2383, reflect “congruence and proportionality” between preventing or remedying that conduct “and the means adopted to that end.” City of Boerne, 521 U. S., at 520. Neither we nor the respondents are aware of any other legislation by Congress to enforce Section 3.

There is no enforcing legislation (1870 act was repealed in 1948) and you can’t pass the legislation ex post facto because that would be a bill of attainder in addition to the prohibition on ex post facto laws.

Last edited 2 months ago by phelps
2 months ago

China stuns with the sudden appearance of an airworthy 6th-Gen fighter jet.

We essentially have the mid-90s army we fought the invasion of Afghanistan with, except with 30 years of wear and less competent support chains.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

… and seriously it was fake and gay back then. What I saw of it was all media blitz and a lot of crap that just didn’t work.

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

I don’t believe China is any better though.
Their stuff is all cheap knock offs of stolen tech made with Chinesium.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

After WW2 the jap economy churned out cheap plastic shite etc. It then moved into cars, electronics, et al, most of which are superior to Western products. Japan is also a world leader in robotics.

It is highly likely China will follow a similar trajectory.

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

China will collapse before it can get even as far as Japan did.
And look how things turned out for Japan, they’re a dying country with an economy on life support.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Agreed, but quantity has a quality of its own.

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

True, but it is quite unlikely that the USA will be the side with quantity this time around.

Reply to  Nels
2 months ago

Of course, I was talking about china. America has decided to take up germanys role in the next world war.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

The cabal values the US military not because it can win wars, but because it can justify and facilitate expenditures from the US treasury. By that metric, the US military is the best in the world.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Just a Medic
2 months ago

Cabal used to. Now that the West is fully saturated with debt, the parasites need a new host so they are going East, where, over the next 20 or 30 years, a new credit cycle will lift hundreds of millions in the East into middle class status.
In order to facilitate this the parasites need the West fucked up, and incapable of coming after them, so there will be a big war that the West has already lost. The parasites make sure the people who they need to lose a war are given sub standard kit and training, hence F35, LCS ships, DEI etc.

This game has been going on for thousands of years.

Reply to  Just a Medic
2 months ago

Fair. The DOD is a money laundering scheme that occasionally bombs people.

Reply to  phelps
2 months ago

Yes, but we have F-35s, Littoral Combat Ships, and hypersonic missiles now*; let our opponents tremble in shock and awe!

(*) well, Real Soon Now. Maybe. For government values of “soon.”

2 months ago

Excellent analysis today. AC.

Americans are for “the team”. They just expect the team to be more comprehensive – to include “everybody”, be fair for “everybody”. Cabal don’t play that way.

Nor Indians:

I think you may have really nailed it.

Reply to  Mononomous
2 months ago

Excellent article. Thanks for sharing. And, yes, India is worse than I thought…and I already had a negative opinion.

Reply to  Mononomous
2 months ago

Excellent article.

Reply to  Mononomous
2 months ago

If this article is remotely true, India is almost the worst country in BRICS by miles second to South Africa. (I assume Brazil ain’t this bad?)

Reply to  kid
2 months ago

Brazil is not that bad.
Even China is not that bad.

2 months ago

Sorry, the “sacred points” forming the “seal of Satan” thing is complete bs.

There are four major papal basilicas in Rome, three originally built by Constantine in the fourth century, and one built in the fifth century:

The current “Pope” visited a modern Italian prison recently. The prison has no other association with the Catholic Church.

To get the “seal of Satan”, “Shadow of Ezra” has to include the prison with the basilicas, and do other things with the map to make it fit, and just no.

2 months ago

I knew the “green agenda”, which would have the effect of increasing industrial activity and pollution was fake, but was agnostic on the issue of whether industrial activity would increase carbon dioxide, in turn causing environmental effects that would have a negative effect on large animals like humans. That seemed plausible, and I thought if it turned out to the case, it would be due to something like carbon dioxide not existing, or having a cooling effect, or something.

A commentator yesterday posted this, which both Vox Day and Karl Denninger have referenced:

Basically, some carbon dioxide is absorbed by plants and the oceans, and some goes into the atmosphere. However, at some point the atmosphere reaches a saturation point, after which the stuff just goes into outer space. So there is a limit to the possible concentration.

There is still a problem in that climate heating still takes place before the saturation point is reached. And this could be just enough to trigger the release of methane from the tundra and the Artic, and methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, so we could still be screwed. Since no human economic activity causes methane emissions, they are completely ignored by all of the factions formed around climate change.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

I think we are more than fine regarding CO2.
From: Ask Randall: Climate Change – Who Are The Real Deniers?

“Here is something to ponder. Carbon Dioxide comprises .0004 of the total atmospheric composition. The natural contribution to the total ambient atmospheric CO2 is 250 times greater than the human contribution, about 750 gigatons naturally compared to 3 gigatons of anthropogenically sourced CO2 residing in the atmosphere at any given time. So, the human contribution to total atmospheric CO2 is .004, which means that anthropogenic sourced C02 comprises only 4 one thousandths part of 4 ten thousandth part, or 0.0000016 part of total atmospheric composition, that is 16 parts out of 10 million. This is what is known as a TRACE GAS, a gas, which, by the way, is absolutely essential to all life on Earth. A gas which has now been declared a “pollutant” by the EPA for purposes of regulatory control.”

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Warming is good too.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

The more CO2 the more vegetation, the more life.

2 months ago

I was a business developer. The anti visa argument is hard to follow. Elon blows everyone away. But he knows nothing about hiring? Ok. He’s just an idiot? We are talking about cutting edge levels of talent and drive here. What Elon is looking for is self motivated problem solvers, that’s why he said talented “and” motivated. If America had an excess of self motivated problem solvers, then why would they all be caught unwittingly in the conspiracy they are currently all in?
Either Americans are great problem solvers or they’re not. Take a look around. Look like excellence to you?
Also looking like a weak argument: why would they need to import foreign surveillance if they have such a giant domestic network to pull from and no shortage of desperate, apparently jobless tech guys?
Everyone is corruptible and broke but they can’t corrupt new surveillance? Americans are elite level problem solvers but they haven’t yet problem solved their own realities?
Those situations are mutually exclusive my man
All immigration standards need to be re-examined. No one is even arguing against that. What makes all of this insane is the framing. Everyone knows good talent is hard to find when you need ppl with high motivation. You know who has high motivation? Select ppl lower on Maslow’s scale, trying to climb out of third world countries.
We heard for years that good times create weak men, and now tech is like – American men have weak tier elite tech industry drive and everyone is like nooooo, no, no.
Ok, that’s fine, but im going to write “manufactured argument” next to it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

1) Yes. I think you would get hired.

But do you think you are the typical American that works in tech? You think there is a lot of you’s ?

I have worked with Tesla. They are not easy.

2) That’s my point: I have been on ur other site. Surveillance is going great. Why import it on convoluted visas when they can pull ppl already here?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I was going to reply earlier, but this conversation kept going. Don’t mind me interjecting here, but I wanted to add something.
There are other factors that maybe Anon313 should consider, that there has been a cultural war against the American family for a long time now. The reason why America was so successful in the good old days, most nuclear families consisted of 6 or more kids. We don’t have that now, hardly, and many are out on their own… no help from family. Surveillance does play a part in this… and you can trace this going back a long way… call it propaganda, too, whatever… but it’s a real war against the people.
Now, you have these folks from India coming over, they come from huge families… and they all live with each other. So, it’s not a stretch they would take a pay cut over some single white guy living on his own. That’s another thing. They can afford to do that. The white guy can’t. And this isn’t even considering all the DEI bull crap going on. But this type of favoritism towards immigrants, more so colored immigrants, has been going on for decades now. So, why on earth would a white guy be motivated to go into a field knowing full well he has all this to go up against? Most of the white guys in top positions are there solely based on their connections, maybe came from a wealthy family, or probably part of some group. They don’t let common folk in.
Anyway, the other thing… is that Indians, especially, and other folks from third world countries… cannot give directions or take directions the way Americans can. We are simply just hardier, take control of our own destiny type folks. That’s in our DNA. The only reason why it doesn’t seem like it as much now, is because our morale has been beaten down so badly. But regardless, American still are some hard working folk that can get shit done. We are the fucking cavalry. You couldn’t ask an Indian or a Chinese to take charge and get things done… they kick the can, or pass the buck off to someone else. Exceptions to the rule, of course… but the rule is that, you can’t expect anything to get done with third world workers (except Mexicans can work their ass off – that is true… but Mexico and America have some shared culture anyway.
If I was leading a team, I’d never want an Indian in it. You ask them a yes or no question, they do that ambiguous head nod where you can’t tell what they are saying. Why bring that kind of indecisive kick the can bullshit over here. It’s true, they still have people shitting in the street over there… and even the IT folks here with money have no clue how to even maintain their house in suburban USA. How can they be that good at IT and be that fucking stupid when it comes to other things? It doesn’t even add up. Who wants that shit here. We don’t need specialists… and I doubt they are that good at it either. Just like Heinlein said, specialization is for insects. This is America. I hope we don’t forget that.

a b c
a b c
Reply to  u.f.
2 months ago

India and China are known for rampant cheating, fake degrees even with another taking the test for them to pass so the actual degree recipient has no passing grade ability or talents, etc.
Saw a study of Indian comp. programmer engineers, degreed but only 6% or so of males could write competent code with no errors, a few more percent could write code with errors but would still compile, no female engineers from there (none, zero) could write code that could even compile, so diversity Indian female is 100% absolute net drain, on a good day, and sabotage either by design or reality of screwed by mental challenges dropping of the ball. That also begs the question in that test, were the actual degreed people taking the test for themselves there, either.

I did a quick look at the brightwork research link below, see this page about comments regarding Indians, hiring practices when they are in charge, and more:

Chinese construction can be seen as rampant corruption and shoddy materials (tofu dregs) and the stuff recounted by an english speaking teacher hired from USA to teach their kids: he was lambasted for calling out some kid for cheating on a test, both by the parents and school admin, no less. For them, if is a passing grade, the method doesn’t matter, only the outcome i.e. I will build a bridge and get paid, a year from now when it falls down, so what, evidently. UGH.

Reply to  a b c
2 months ago

It’s bizarre that the Indians and Chinese have not found anti-cheating solutions. It should not be this rampant, nor common in important things.

Reply to  kid
2 months ago

They don’t want to.
Corruption is profitable individually, even if it does destroy your society.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

To clarify, I meant anti-cheating measures yourself. Like obviously, you don’t want to hire fake people nor live in fake buildings.

Reply to  kid
2 months ago

They don’t view cheating as a problem.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

They must be pretty dumb then. Obviously you want to cheat yourself, but you should use basic anti-cheating when dealing with other people. Can extrapolate this logic, and if everyone uses anti-cheating it should be way less common.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  a b c
2 months ago

The British who put down the Sepoy Rebellion knew how to deal with low-trust, treacherous Indians.

Reply to  u.f.
2 months ago

Thoughtful answer. Enough emotional distance to avoid the typical emotional zealotry.
What everyone is still missing is that I don’t disagree w/ the bulk of the arguments. I disagree with how it’s being practically applied.
I have little experience w/ Indian hires (save for one service provider who was already here and does a fantastic job for me; I had him replace the caucasian provider who dropped the ball in that role – 2x), but a fair amount of experience w/ Chinese – who outperform frequently. So, again, the bulk of your comment is fair but ur specifics just aren’t holding up in the field. Also, DEI was being shoved down everyone’s throats for years and CA was getting killed on taxes. No one is considering that some of this is the result of forced DEI culture? Has everyone forgotten what the political and lawfare climate has been as of late? There are so, so, so many considerations that go into decisions at the corporate level of co’s that drive innovation. (Most co’s DON’T drive innovation – so if something does, it’s already a standout.) People want topics to be simple and clean – but they never are and I expect to see intelligent people reflect that reality.
Plus, a significant portion of American breakthroughs came from international scientists – and everyone here knows how frequently that tech was stolen. America was built on this. Tech is a vicious arms race and I don’t want foreign states winning it. We were entirely dependent on Russia until Space X. You guys are fine with that? You guys are the Patriots but you would have been fine w/ being dependent on a foreign power?
Most of the white guys in top positions are there solely based on their connections, maybe came from a wealthy family, or probably part of some group. They don’t let common folk in.”
This the tech bro’s fault? That’s the question that no one is answering. Comment section wants to do battle on 3,000 minor things except the core issue on which all the other issues are based. Yes- you are correct. There is a war on family, and a war on the people. And this war – it hasn’t weakened the family? It hasn’t weakened the people?
What this looks like to me is that people don’t want to accept the reality of the situation bc they don’t like that it happened. This is akin to “the war is real, but its effects are not.”
I agree w/ most points here – but I do not agree that all those things had zero effect on people in America. It had an effect. You can see it in live action.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

“I would not be a part of the surveillance targeting you because I feel we would be bound as Americans.”

Ur other site claims most of the current surveillance is American, which renders this moot. Dealing only with other Americans makes you 0% more safe in any capacity.

I see the point ur making, but I think Elon takes America far more seriously than most other Americans. America gave him everything, there is little evidence he has any interest in his home country. I get the divide ur drawing, but there are several ways to draw those lines. Incentives usually win. All of Elon’s incentives are wrapped up in America. On the contrary, there are a lot of Americans with zero investment in America.

I def think foreign interference is a real threat – especially in the extraordinary person visas and amongst the scientific community. But that’s a (spy) game as old as time; I don’t think the scientist poaching will ever go away (hello paper clip) and no one is even disputing those particular visas!

I’d love for this to make sense.
No one would love it more than me.

But how many Elons do we have?
And where did he come from?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Well, yes. Good answer and he def is.
But so is Diddy.
Same membership; only one of them kept us from being dependent on a foreign power.
Does that not matter

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

How many Americans did he steal the opportunity from, just like he is trying to steal opportunities for cabal connected H1Bs from everyone else?

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

Elon is already moving to China.
He will find somewhere else to move to if necessary.
He’s a rootless cosmopolitan parasite.

And nobody said Americans are the majority of surveillance.
Foreigners are vastly overrepresented and AC talks about that all the time.

Take your jive elsewhere.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Couldn’t even track my argument.

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

I’m curious, how well do you personally know Elon? I knew a guy who also worked (maybe he still does?) at Tesla, and out of the several years he was working there, he only met Elon once. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but it sounded to me like he is the middleman between project managers and investors.
The other thing, is that he doesn’t strike me as being someone as knowledgeable as he is portrayed. One tall tale sign is that, if you know what you are talking about, you would know the rough timeline it takes to complete a job. What I’ve heard, is that Elon promises investors a certain timeline that is highly unrealistic (and this was in 2017 when I was told this)… and then it translates into 16 hour workdays for the Tesla employees… because Elon knows Jack shit about what he’s talking about. It’s like the corporate suits, they have know idea what it takes to actually make something. I run into this all the time during home construction, and I install cabinets… and I hear it from designers all the time – many have no clue how long it takes to finish something. I’ll bet Elon can’t even use a wrench… he just has that personality of a designer type.

Reply to  u.f.
2 months ago

Timelines are THE hardest part of any new venture. Unimaginably hard. The trick is to give yourself a padded amount of time to account for unforeseen things going wrong. But guess how hard it is to plan for unforeseen things going wrong (key word – unforeseen). Now add investors who don’t give AF about your process – who are continually pressuring you to deliver on time or early. And your teams telling you why the timeline should change based on their findings. Being in the middle of that is like being intellectually drawn and quartered. Every day of your life. CEO’s are not supposed to be hands on. They are supposed to stay out of their teams’ way and mostly handle the big deals and big problems. And that’s harder than it sounds. Most can’t do that.
Another little known fact: the business plan you design for launch is virtually never the business plan that gets enacted. When you are creating something out of nothing – you are always guessing on what the nothing will become. Always. The best business developers in the world are the best guesses, which are backed by the most experiential data and an absolutely rabid, obsessive curiosity for consuming other people’s data (and experiences). That’s why you see a lot of them sleeping under their desks. On some level, they’re nuts. And you have to be nuts to work for them. You have it. Or you won’t want to stay.
If you install cabinets – and that’s not a dig – skilled trades are VASTLY important – then it’s very fucking hard to understand what Elon is doing. The game of making unseen things that no one has even effectively yet conceptualized into practical, tangible items is the hardest game in the world.
I rib AC bc I think he should know better.
And maybe I am wrong and it is me who should know better. But I am not seeing that yet.

Reply to  u.f.
2 months ago

missed small typos there, sry, in a rush

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Don’t forget the demoralisation of White men angle, the limiting of opportunity, the stifling of earning potential. These are all facets of the full spectrum assault on the White race courtesy of ZOG.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

You just know once you open your eyes that the “Influencing Machine” was some early tech that Cabal used.
They’ve advanced way beyond whispering through steam pipes at night.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
2 months ago

And now we have the voice of God technology.
I was searching for a site i can no longer find; but, i came across this (file it under the beam):

How Mind-Reading Technology conquers your Brain | Katrin-Cécile Ziegler | TEDxRWTHAachen

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

Most browsers use something like control-S to save a web page to local storage.

Web pages vanish all the time. Sometimes they get edited. If there’s anything you might even remotely want to see again, save it to local storage. A cheap 64Gb thumb drive would last you for years.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

I’ve been doing this for years, and nowhere near as much as I wish I did. I used to use Evernote, which has a rock solid web clipper. But they upped the price and I did not see a corresponding increase in value, so I didn’t renew. Back in the days when some blogs had useful comments, I’d be able to save the blog post with comments. This is the only site left on the entire Internet that I give a shit about the comments anymore, so I no longer worry about it.

You can clip web pages into OneNote, Notion, or a host of other products. Of you can simply save to pdf, although some longer form content can choke your system, especially on mobile.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I don’t know why Elon thinks that but I understand why I would.

Perhaps I did not grow up in a good nation but I can’t relate to this nationalist idea. Also never been to the US. It also seems that other than 1A, 2A, and maybe 4A, USA is not particularly free. In fact, you’re fucked because of 16A. (and 19A, whatever). Nomad Capitalist claims you get much more freedom, in particular “soft” freedom(less laws) in many countries.

I have friends from potentially all over. Why would I want people to be blocked? I understand why certain groups of people/races really suck, but if a bunch of us are rootless cosmopolitans we really have to live in a lax country visawise in order to meet up(and live) together. That’s where Elon’s national sports team analogy comes in.

Regarding your situation I imagine you are somewhat uniquely targeted. It’s hard to say whether it’s true that everyone like you will be blocked from not getting work. I think bureaucracies in corporate america or many other organisations are about conformity and playing the game. Have you/others tried doing that? Like, people don’t get ahead by being logical/analytical and I’m slowly seeing benefits by LARPing as a basically NPC/automaton.

Though I do think it’s silly that the normie idea of success/advice on how to get ahead in life, basically relies on other people “letting” you do so(getting into positions). Obviously you should rely on yourself or trusted friends/family.

Reply to  kid
2 months ago

“Though I do think it’s silly that the normie idea of success/advice on how to get ahead in life, basically relies on other people “letting” you do so(getting into positions).
Messed up, isn’t it? Also, there’s alot of horrible advice given on how to be successful, too. One big problem is that what worked for, say, the Boomers definitely would not work for the younger generations. You used to be able to have a modest job, modest income, and be able to buy a house if you just show up and go to work one shift – and be able to raise a family with 2-3 kids. Now, if you did that, you can probably rent a studio or one bedroom apartment and only be able to support yourself.
I worked in China before, spent about 2 years there, and what people have said to me… success is all about who you know. Everything is about who you know and how well connected you are. In other words, USA (I would say, the West in general) has become more like China than we realize.

Reply to  u.f.
2 months ago

> success is all about who you know. Everything is about who you know and how well connected you are.

The question is if it’s doable to know more/better people or not.

In a vacuum I’m leaning more and more yes. However, the conspiracy angle leans no and I’m not sure how much that angle is at play.

Also it’s totally fine to raise a family in a 1br. Especially if there’s a ton of amenities around, just use your apartment to sleep/relax but use the surroundings to get your space. Now obviously you want a bigger space ideally but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Last edited 2 months ago by kid
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

The real workforce issue is that ppl are traumatized and then were trained to self identify into the victim status. Not that it isn’t real, but those are compounding problems. It’s called learned helplessness. The problem is triple pronged at home, society, and the workforce. This ranges from family values to monetary policy. A visa fixes that? It’s tech’s job to fix that? Again, the framing of the tech right convo…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

also, I work at one of these Bay Area tech co’s that ur saying no one gets hired at

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I’ve been in business a long time. I’m not gonna keep draining ur time on this, but all I do is war with people trying to influence my decisions, my paths, and my career. Friends, foes, nobodies, somebodies. There is only one big business industry at the end of the day: money – and ppl will do a lot for that. Ppl u think u know will do almost anything for that.

Nothing surprises me. Everything is on the table.

It is not capitalism at the top, I am aware.

That’s why it vexes me that 70% of what you say makes sense and 30% doesn’t.

It should all be making sense.

Yet ur control of the frame won’t even relent that driven ppl are hard to find – or that the H1 problem is more about markets competing with China, or the prior administration abusing cheap labor.

The problem of the last ten years is that Elon is the enemy now? Willing to entertain this, but the presentation of the argument is so bizarre it hurts my brain.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Brother, how do u plan to do that?
U went from “Trump is the GodKing” to “well, he’s doing the best he can inside the script” to “ok he’s being ‘allowed’ to roll back’ some of the nonsense/ at least the script is in our favor.”
You see a path here that is not a system workaround?
Yes, ofc motivation would improve when it’s not being attacked. But America was founded on a liiiittle bit of intrinsic motivation (mostly insane adrenaline junkies, god bless them) and a whole LOT of extrinsic motivation (i.e. trying to stay TF alive). What’s the saying… “necessity breeds invention” ?
Not a fun truth – but you know what brings the most innovation? War. So take war the war away… take away the lowest level of Maslow’s hierarchy – most (not all) most people in America are not struggling to simply survive anymore – and not being driven to strive. That’s good. Except the extrinsic motivation to survive is gone and the intrinsic motivation to pursue something organically without being driven by external purposes – has not taken its place.
You want to switch everyone over from extrinsic motivation to intrinsic? That’s an excellent idea. It’s gonna take a looooooong time. It’s not a fast switch. It takes generations.
And at the same time – you argue that Elon is extrinsically motivated. But everything about him points to being intrinsically motivated.
That’s the very thing you claim to want.

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

I suppose you think ChatGPT gave you a winning argument.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Look at the groupthink thumbs down on the original comment btw. Ur crowd doesn’t like a lot of reality testing. I find that fascinating as well.

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

We don’t like gaslighting, which is all you are doing.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Invest in a dictionary. 0 of my arguments could be disproved, they could only be countered w/ additional facts which u lack the ability to provide.

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

Obvious explanation is he’s convinced us, and Cabal if real would want seed doubt. At this tiny corner of the internet, the burden is on you to find a better explanation than his for why we see what we see about how the world works.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 months ago

It’s not, bc I’m not recruiting. And if I were cabal, I’d have the whole world to use to seed doubt.
AC is championing premiere thinkers. I’d expect a little more than close-ranked popularity signals.
Thx for chiming in.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

Please take some time before you judge the nature of the commenters here, especially such a ridiculous accusation like groupthink. I wouldn’t be surprised if the average IQ of the commenters here approaches 3 standard deviations from the mean. We are nothing like a “crowd”, as the Deep State machine, perhaps the very 30% of the information that you have trouble grokking, has systematically targeted us due to our raw potential and truthseeking drive. We have seen behind the curtains and have made our peace.

Many of us likely use the thumbs up and down feature because we don’t want AC bogged down with moderating even more comments than those he deals with daily. This is not to mention the Deep State trolls always lurking.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 months ago

Comments boost his reach. Def in the realm of something the hyper-intelligent should know.
I’m not here to be a jerk – this is called debate. It’s an exchange of information designed to refine useful knowledge. Often in the fastest way possible. And almost no one here knows how to do it.
The goal here is to take on the world’s systems, but we are conflict-averse?
Nothing I have said resembles trolling.
Just interesting realities no one likes and, apparently, no one questioned previously.
I am, now, aware. TY

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

You and your gaslighting are beneath debate.
We are not about to let you waste our time in lengthy conversation where you deny reality over and over again.

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

More txtspk gibberish.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

someone finally figured out the tech person types like a tech person

congratulations 2 u

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

You think we are groupthink because we don’t believe what you said about people being driven. The problem is you have a mental straightjacket that the only good thing is growth and profits at all cost, and that everyone should work themselves to the bone like Elon and his bunch. I suspect that the people downvoting you think differently. I don’t care if we have the largest GDP as most of it is hoisted up to the top and very little goes to the bottom. “If” we had high tariffs and no immigrants, withdrew from clown world security, but it lowered GDP, then I would call that a bargain. As more people would have steady jobs that paid better. If we deported some of these foreigners, we still have lots of room and plenty of resources to live just fine.

I noticed that you said people will do most anything for money. This is part of the problem, and the people you work with and hang around with are like that. This is not an asset in the overall scheme of life. No one on their deathbed ever said.,”If only I could have worked more hours and made more money”.

Likely the large mass of people here and most Americans would be fine with less growth if there were less aliens flooding the country. Legal or illegal. For you, it appears, quality of life means more GDP, but that’s not really what it’s all about to most people. You have a hard time understanding, or so you say, but it’s simple. More crowding of all sorts of different cultures, especially the more aggressive, makes life less comfortable and as we can easily see one of the biggest wishes for all immigrants is…more immigrants.

I understand your point, but it’s foolish and short sighted. Look at India itself with a huge variety of clans and races and it’s a huge shithole. We don’t want that.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

Luke Smith on Why It’s Bad to Have High GDP

> No one on their deathbed ever said.,”If only I could have worked more hours and made more money”.

I think those people are largely silent gen/boomers. Nowadays, people are much poorer. Having a bit more money now especially when young changes your life to such a huge degree. And allows you to work less lol. I think the current generation/crop of people might regret not finding easy ways to earn money that they passed up.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

You do understand my point?
The problem is you have a mental straightjacket that the only good thing is growth and profits at all cost, and that everyone should work themselves to the bone like Elon and his bunch”
Where did I say that?
” For you, it appears, quality of life means more GDP, but that’s not really what it’s all about to most people.”
Where did I say that?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

He’s one of them, he’s here to gaslight.
Probably a Hindi in addition to being surveillance.

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Hindi? He did make a small grammar mistake in one of his comments above. Everybody must have seen it.
Whatever the case, Vox Day posted this today, demonstrating why an Indian workforce is, err, irredeemable. You should read the entire page the article links.

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

Found the immigrant

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

why would they need to import foreign surveillance if they have such a giant domestic network to pull from and no shortage of desperate, apparently jobless tech guys?
Boots on the ground. The shit is going to be lit and it starts right here.

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

The chat bots are getting sophisticated. Friendly note for the next psyop: your typing quality and vocabulary should match your alleged backstory. You claim to be a high-up at some “big business” venture but type like an idiot.

Try harder cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Premiere thinking.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

Tell us why we must have all this “tec,” when have not taken full advantage of the the knowledge and technology that we already have. Wracking my brain it’s not apparent how we are one bit better off than we were on the eve of the second big war — sometimes known as the second war to kill White People. I know the idea may seem ridiculous on first hearing, but it’s true.
Since that date, most of the so-called technological advancement has been to develop tools for the implementation of a technocracy that will be be and is being used to assure the accendency of mattoids and hasnamasses whose level of so- called knowledge far outbalances their degree of “being” (to crib a term from a once famous used carpet salesman). No need for a wall of text, but do please respond, if you are able. Thanks in advance.

Last edited 2 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

The rapid advancement of tech has been used to keep society off balance and constantly fighting to survive the constant change.
The best thing that could happen to the world would be if we hit a technical limitation and all tech advancement came to a halt for 50 years at least.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

We don’t. 80% of tech solves a problem nobody had.

Tech is mostly a joke.
Most ppl in tech are complete morons.
The products are redundant garbage.
Try using Google search these days.
Or windows.
They don’t even pretend they need to be fully functional products anymore.

But no one is arguing to end those companies – they’re arguing that they want to work there! Like…. what?

Only a few do anything innovative at all.

WWI never ended.
The crusades never ended.

Boeing’s an intelligence apparatus.
Their airplanes are falling out of the fucking sky
America’s space program was dead

AC’s point is Musk is basically an MK.
Yah, prob. And we watched him publicly fall for two honey pots.

You wanna give the space/tech/arms race back to the foreign powers bc of it? You wanna give Twitter back?

The real argument of the H1 debate is why US colleges aren’t producing engineers that can really innovate. Why tech CO’s aren’t doing more stuff that matters. Zero ppl have pressured the colleges. Zero ppl have pointed out tech’s shit products. Instead, they attacked one of the only innovative co’s we possess.

Making this an obvious proxy war for something unvocalized.

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

You can’t convince us that we need Musk or H1Bs.
We know better.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

Btw- just bc we stop making slaves and MK’s – u think Russia and China are gonna stop?

No, we don’t want slaves. No one should have to work 100 hrs a week like tech is famous for. But right now? That’s the game.

You wanna tear Space X down? Bc it doesn’t have good work life balance? Ok. U sure as shit better have something else to put in its place.

Bc rn only Elon and the immigrants are willing to fight on the forefront of that heated war while getting eaten alive on both sides.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I do not.

All ears. Been here for years.
U let me know how the utopia works, whenev ur ready lol

Competition never goes away.

Even in a united faction. Anything that can be exploited – will.

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

It seems you have an extremely geopolitically nationalist view. This probably is not a very good explanation of geopolitics.

Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

You will not talk us into accepting being made slaves.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anon313
2 months ago

Make the Rife Microscope Great Again.

2 months ago

Donald Trump’s Ally Laura Loomer Says Elon Musk Is ‘Silencing’ Her

Musk’s X platform took away Loomer’s blue check verification badge as she railed at Musk for backing legal immigration for skilled tech workers.

Shadowbanning, too, it seems.

Sore loser.

Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

Tech bros fap to insect culture

Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

Where 𝕏 is headed on certain topics

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 months ago

Damn that hits fucking hard.

2 months ago

Thanks to Elon and Vivek, the general public is now informed that the H1B/H2 system is public record and searchable, thus far exposing it’s use to hire clerical staff,m 7/11 cashiers, and even dancers for a strip club in Vegas. Obviously, jobs that now American would do.

This category of visa is essentially an indentured servant system which ties the slave to one corporation leaving them no way out other than going home. In the process they cause artificial scarcity in the housing market while driving down the labor costs for the locals, making them harmful to natives simply by being here, even as otherwise model residents. On top of that is the money pulled out of the US economy and sent to their home countries which then never comes back. It’s a shitty deal for everyone except corporate.

Vivek and Elon are now on MAGA’s shitlist, while not actually being in any kind of position to make decisions that involve immigration policy. They also are serving to gauge public mood regarding immigration – Elon was ratioed quite badly.

Last edited 2 months ago by lowell
2 months ago

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Disney used the stick to force their now-redundant employees to train their cut-rate foreign replacements. It was first-class dirtbaggery all the way down. A lot of the ex-Disney guys wrote about what went on; worth your time to look a couple of them up.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

I believe this was a thing at a lot of companies.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

There it is, the MIDDLE COURSE – “I will end the ABUSE…” Not the program. The program stays.

If you want the h1/H2 system abolished you’re an extremist and probably a racist. If you want it to be uncapped like Elon and Vivek, you’re just out of luck. The indentured servant visa stays, but we’ll just make sure they don’t use it too often, and you trust us don’t you anon?

We’re getting what we have now, just less of it. The more you ask yourself what a 90’s democrat would do, the better you are at predicting Trump.

Last edited 2 months ago by lowell
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

We need to keep pushing for more.

2 months ago

JD Vance is exactly right, maybe everyone should take a step back and listen to this:

“We’re done importing foreign labor. We’re going to fight for American citizens and their good jobs and their good wages.”

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Not just done importing let’s boot millions out and create an education system that trains our people to be the best. It’s not fucking hard, it just takes will.

Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago


Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

Do you think the way math was taught in the government schools derailed a lot of people and was it purposeful? I’m talking the so-called “New Math” of the 1960s, that had most parents saying “WTF?”

Last edited 2 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

It seems the Prussian school system derails peoples’ independence/creativity generally.

2 months ago

Every time I see that inbred Indian fuck Vivek, I want to shove a fucking baseball bat in his mouth and wail on it with a 25lb sledge hammer.
I love how every Indian inside of India can barely make $5 and then they get CIA moved into America into a six figure job.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

All of them, every last one of them.
It’s a natural alarm bell they set off for anyone with a trace of instinct.

Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

Vivek is brilliantly polished, confident, presents well, assertive, and often says things people want to hear. The problem is, those things he says don’t form a consistent package. Nothing completely looney-toon, but enough to make you go “whaaat?” from time to time.

His legend – excuse me, “employment background” – pushes too many “oh, come now” buttons for me to be comfortable with. He’s presented as some kind of synergistic polymath – biologist, lawyer, pharma founder, asset manager – jumping from win to win apparently without effort.


Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

You’ve probably seen a film titled “The Thing.” It’s been made at least twice. What the Thing did by absorbing and mimicking bodies and minds, the average Indian pajeed is able to do with cultures and world views. Be ware.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

He’s just another scammer, like Elon.
That’s why they get along so well.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

Vivek made some extraordinarily cringe posts on Gab, back when he was hoping to convince Americans to vote him into the Presidency, earlier this year. Many such pleas he made. “Send bobs and vagene.”

2 months ago

Funny how all of the foreigners don’t make shit or do shit in their country of origin (aka 3rd world SHITHOLE), until the CIA moves them into the USA.

Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

It’s our magic dirt, bro.

Reply to  AnonL
2 months ago

People should take the magic dirt analogy to the extreme(ie, that it *isn’t* magic dirt) and realise G7 people are likely way superior to BRICS/global south people at least for now. G7 countries, maybe except US, maybe Japan are failing and totalitarian, so their people really should make a break for it in other countries, and realise that people in other countries are losers (average quality of life/wealth in a country isn’t that a good metric in terms of choosing which country to be in, because it likely does not tell you the quality of life/wealth *you* will have)

Last edited 2 months ago by kid
Reply to  kid
2 months ago

That’s a recipe for destruction of our cultures and race.
It’s also a way to get crushed by the resentful low IQ majority in the places you flee to.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

In popular expat locations(according to Nomad Capitalist) like SEA, MX, Oman, UAE, Georgia, Armenia, supposedly the people are friendly and not all that resentful. Taxes are low enough which allow you to actually build wealth and there is much less brutal laws and regulations against you.

Also I was listening to this from coming from Jayant Bhandari.

According to him/his guests many in the third world don’t seem to understand morality per se nor that it’s wrong that their rulers/tyrants are exploiting them, nor that they are doing so, so they(often) are totally fine with their rulers. From this logic, it appears the people will not be particularly resentful, they’ll just assume you got your stuff because you’re superior.

Also I expect many SEA countries or EE countries are mid-high IQ anyway so they are going to grow to be rich (assuming nothing adverse happens).

I am a very pro individualist here. Keep your culture/race as an individual and re-constitute it in countries/states which treat you well. At least enough people need to do this, so the threat is credible, so states cannot be completely totalitarian. (It appears normies basically won’t do collective action)

Edit: I met a few young French, Italian and Spanish people in Poland. Less so German/British, but basically those people are much better off in Poland, it’s crazy. The French/Germans/Scandinavians earn almost as much as they would in their home countries(because their language is in demand) but cost of living is maybe half. And apparently unemployment is higher back in their home countries so they are likely not able to find work(Scandinavia might be find wrt this though).

It is clearly better for them to leave their home countries but the numbers of those who do are shockingly low

Last edited 2 months ago by kid
Reply to  kid
2 months ago

These are good times.
Just wait and see what happens to minorities in 3rd world countries when real hard times come.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

The idea is you want to go to countries where good times are most likely to be and be in greatest position of maneuverability to escape.

I would bet on Slavs in the 2nd world fwiw in hard times. Though Americans are great too- the problem is USA is already in bad times so. Swiss in the 3rd world are also pretty cool.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Also curious what would your advice be to any native Canadian or British person be. Stay in their country? lol (almost any move is an upgrade)

Reply to  kid
2 months ago

Either start fighting for their country or leave for somewhere compatible, that means white and preferably English speaking.

In the end you do what you must, but you don’t aim for something suboptimal like central America.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

In general, because of immigration laws, they’d almost certainly be blocked from the US. (they could get really rich or lucky, whatever)

I can understand white.

The Anglo countries outside of US tend to really suck. Not worth it to bother to move to- might as well move to a good country.

Enough white countries speak English, though not natively, but who cares. (It so happens I recommend people move to countries where English is not the native language)

Also yeah, a country like Italy is economically stagnant/unviable for any young person. So young Italians basically have to leave as well. (The government screws you in favor of the old, the population is aging, and no one will do anything about it)

2 months ago

comment image

2 months ago

MUSK is getting BTFO’d on his own fucking platform. What a colossal faggot.

2 months ago

Andrew “CIA” Tate is in on it too.

2 months ago

More Elon posting.

2 months ago

We’ve seen this movie before.

2 months ago

Welcome to school, 75 IQ inbred streetshitter:
NATION, noun [to be born]
nation as its etymology imports, originally denoted a family or race of men descended from a common progenitor, like tribe, but by emigration, conquest and intermixture of men of different families, this distinction is in most countries lost.

2 months ago

Elon OS 14.x is about to crash.

Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

Totally sperging out.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

Fuck him!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

No. Lock his ball sack in a vice and whack his nuts with a 32 oz rubber mallet. See if you can make his smarmy noggin pop off and hit the ceiling.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

You know Elon has lost when Sam turns against him.

2 months ago

Best and Brightest.

Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

I don’t know him that well but realistically I do love Sloppy Steve lool

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

Excellent lnik. The money quote,

“…Indians who emigrated to European-based countries think they are obtaining rights because they are so amazing, but what they do not realize is that they are leveraging systems of regulations and laws that they had nothing to do with building. All they did was jump on an airplane, allowing them to benefit from hundreds of years of European based progress….”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
2 months ago


“…IBM has been laying off domestic workers in primary markets for IT services (US, Europe, Australia, Canada) and replacing them with Indian workers. Intel has been classifying Indian workers as domestic also to hide the fact that Intel is becoming increasingly Indian…”

And notice IBM, Intel etc. are going to shit. Intel can’t move up to the next level tech. I’m willing to bet it’s because of all these paired over techs they hire who can dazzle the HR diversity but can’t do shit.

2 months ago

More Elon.

Reply to  Bman
2 months ago

Nailed it!

2 months ago

US Army Builds NEW Ammo Production Facility & Ammo Prices Drop For THESE Calibers!

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Presumably 7.62×51, 5.56×45, and 9mm NATO. Possibly some .338 Lapua or that stupid .277 SIG, which I doubt will be around for very long.

Not worth sitting through a Youtube video for, no matter how much its creator wants clicks for the Google maw.

2 months ago

Remember this?

2 months ago

Only the best!

2 months ago

Here’s a hot take from the Jew website written by a Cabal Streetshitter.
……..I returned to India to set up a subsidiary of a British company, which was a huge success……

2 months ago

The H1B Database. Literally the CIA Surveillance Job Database for bringing in foreign recruits. Look at this shit.

2 months ago

H1B Database:

2 months ago

It’s the John Bolton effect, the thing going on right now with Elon and Vivek. Trump is letting/having them explode this bomb the way he paraded around Bolton. It will make Trump look like the sane one in the room and the voice of reason when he charts a middle course between unlimited H1/H2 corporate indentured servant visas and full suspension of all legal immigration for twenty years.

We SHOULD be erring on the side of full immigration suspension, legal or otherwise.

Last edited 2 months ago by lowell
Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Zero immigration until further notice.
We can reconsider in 20 years, but even then we must only ever let in a trickle of the absolute best from only compatible cultures.
And only if we have expelled cabal and the left.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

In a vacuum I think you’re correct for America first, but I also think you’ll find that many Americans would/should leave and thus won’t come back. (it’s hard to say- if immigrants really are ruining the US then maybe not!)

The west really is doing too much immigration and too badly. Why people want to give immigrants welfare/benefits is kind of beyond me. Doing immigration great should be preferable though.

Certain western countries might be in a huge bind though. USA for example has some of the toughest immigration rules around, but also a shitload of immigrants/illegals. Plenty of countries which are great to live in has way laxer immigration rules. For example nationalist Poland or Hungary should be way easier to move to.

Tough immigration rules are brutal if you don’t happen to already be inside.

Last edited 2 months ago by kid
Reply to  kid
2 months ago

Any supposed Americans that leave because we start to MAGA we don’t want.

2 months ago

Been caught up in Tech Bros. Adrian Dittman is Elon Musk. It is all fake and gay. It is a calculated psyop as a distraction from something. Not sure what…

2 months ago

Germany’s president dissolves parliament, paving the way for snap election

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Yeah, people go on about how wonderful parliaments are, but in the end they all come down a cross between anarchy and WWF wrestling.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Governments do not govern but merely control the machinery of government for the hidden hand which is the real Ruler.
– Benjamin Disraeli

A close friend of a feller called Rothschild.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Beats the two party duopoly the Founders left us.
AfD can grow and extract concessions because its a parliamentary system, they’d be just as irrelevant as the Constitution Party in America if they had our system.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

The parties aren’t an official part of the US government. Though I admit they’ve inserted themselves into the State like ticks in a belly button.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

They’re an unavoidable outcome of the winner take all system instead of a proportional representation system.

You are forced into the two center parties if you ever want to win anything.

2 months ago


Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive
2 months ago


English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Beautiful photo Farce.