News Briefs – 11/13/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Analyst testimony suggests FBI used tool to track and ‘spy’ on Americans engaged in election-related talk on social media.

The American Conservative, a right-wing blog and Project 2025 partner, published an article advocating to repeal the 22nd Amendment so that Donald Trump would be able to serve a third term.

Speaker Johnson orders entire Biden administration to preserve and retain all records and documents.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito does not intend to retire in light of President-elect Donald Trump’s election victory, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The Manhattan judge overseeing President-elect Donald Trump’s trial agreed to grant a stay on all deadlines associated with the felony conviction proceedings against President-elect Donald Trump, including the Nov. 26 sentencing date, to consider the effect of his election as president.

Police report filed as EVIDENCE emerges that Nevada Officials DELETED 26,902 ballots from their own reported mail in ballot totals, after which the Republican, who had been leading, lost the race.

Far-left groups with a history of engaging in violent protest are recruiting ahead of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20.

Introducing RINO WATCH — Launched Ahead of Senate Majority Leader Vote! Now You Can Track the RINOs Who Vote Against Trump Agenda — WE’RE WATCHING and WE WILL VOTE THEM OUT. It sounds nice, but it is at the top of Gateway Pundit, so it is just another bullshit site diluting the real voices out there which are not under control. For now, maybe Trump can use it to pressure people to support his agenda.

Hard-line conservatives are plotting to challenge Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) for the gavel during Wednesday’s internal House GOP elections, four sources familiar with the matter told The Hill.

One of the top stories at the liberal Washington Post tells liberals how to move to another country.

Ratcliffe is the new CIA Director. Kash Patel appears to have probably been leaked to see who in the operation was a leaker.

More UFO stuff from the upcoming hearing. NOAA official will describe getting an email from the Operations Officer for Navy Fleet Forces Command, with the Go-Fast video attached, which says they have now had multiple near-collisions with those things, they are screwing with their planes, and they will have to cancel their current training exercises unless they can figure out what is going on and stop it. He then watched as the email disappeared from the server, most likely deleted by someone who knew what it was, and who was covering it up. Could be an intel official covering for  either classified tech we are developing or UFOs, or could be an agent of the organization running the UFOs, infiltrated into our government to cover things like that up.

Ratcliffe on UFO Declas:

The 2nd Judicial District Attorney’s Office in Denver is investigating alleged violations of elections laws following the publication of voting machine passwords by the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office during the run-up to the Nov. 5 general election.

Biden gives even less of a fuck than he did before:

This would complicate surveillance, if you could assure your flying car was not trackable or hackable:

FEMA official who was fired for avoiding homes with Trump signs says FEMA did it in the Carolinas too, and if you had a Trump sign, FEMA would not offer you assistance as a matter of policy.

New York State didn’t euthanize Peanut the Squirrel because he bit a worker, but rather specifically organized the seizure to kill him, coordinating the euthanizing days before the raid. Imagine seeing the Instagram page of that little happy squirrel, and immediately putting together a 12 person team to go and kill it. Imagine what a psycho you would need to be. An asshole, really, just a psycho asshole, bordering on a serial killer psychology. And taxpayers are putting food on the tables of these assholes. They are giving them guns, and the right to get into people’s lives using state authority. I would fire everyone in that agency, just so the next people hired on would know, if they have a psycho like that in their midst, it would pay for them to deal with them within the agency before they go and do something stupid like this.

MSNBC (aka:MSDNC) loses over half of its primetime audience as ratings tank.

What does this mean?:

An election conspiracy theory is spreading on social media alleging that billionaire Elon Musk hacked the 2024 election in favor of President-elect Donald Trump using his Starlink satellite internet company.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized approximately 11,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition being smuggled into the United States from Mexico.

China is heading for collapse and Xi Jinping has no exit strategy.

Yair Netanyahu accuses Shin Bet of trying to overthrow his father, torturing IDF troops.

Iranian hackers hacked the phone of former Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz, revealing a sex scandal involving him and a Netanyahu employee. Interesting in that you have to ask why is that shit on his phone? I think at that level, it is like Hunter Biden – they ALL take video and pictures like that and store them on their devices, which they all know the conspiracy has backdoored. By doing that, they are giving the conspiracy blackmail and control, and showing they will not be a problem for the leadership, as they are willingly giving it the power to destroy them. No idea if this is the conspiracy destroying Gantz, or if Iran somehow accessed the materials too. Just interesting how they all know things we could not imagine.

‘House of horrors’: Israeli journalist-turned-intel officer confirms widescale torture of Palestinians.

American Airlines becomes the third US carrier to report being fired upon in Haiti.

Fury as Justin Trudeau REFUSES to release the names of 900 Nazi war criminals who fled to Canada after WWII: ‘Justice denied.’

Russian Parliament advances bill to ban adoptions by gender-transition countries.

Progressive Democrats are pushing to take over the party leadership as in-fighting breaks out following Kamala Harris’ loss.

Melania Trump declines to meet with Jill Biden at White House, citing Mar-a-Lago raid: source.

Trump pledges war on human traffickers by giving them the death penalty when convicted.

The Supreme Court refused Tuesday to let former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows move the election interference case against him in Georgia to federal court, where he would have argued he was immune from prosecution.

Send people to, because there are a lot of traitors and agents to deal with

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Just Me
Just Me
4 months ago

Forgot the “News Briefs” title bar and link.

4 months ago

Today’s Brief has no title.

4 months ago

comment image

It’s funny, but it’s not the cause.
They just didn’t turn the fraud machine up to 12 this time.

Last edited 4 months ago by Farcesensitive
4 months ago

Tartaria x Texas Arcane

When I was training for the Shockoe Slip marathon each year as a very young man, I had a lot of fun running 12 miles into Richmond and then navigating the ruins of Belle Isle. […]

Even when I was very young … I noticed the incongruence of all the buildings. There were ruins of architecture from the Civil War … Victorian England … Much older classical structures … even older stone walls that looked to be built by very early inhabitants … other things that looked like they came from another planet. It was a lot like when they blend many different styles in a small place like Disneyland replicas of different eras.

I had ideas that were crazy. I knew they couldn’t be true.

I used to get a creepy feeling they were left over from stage changes. Here was a building they threw up for one scene … here was another.

[continued at the link]

4 months ago

‘Analyst testimony suggests FBI used tool to track and ‘spy’ on Americans engaged in election-related talk on social media.’

When I check the WiFi settings on my iPad, one of them lists “FBISurveillance.” They probably wouldn’t be that blatant.


Reply to  Maniac
4 months ago

That’s a meme that people name their networks.
Still could be the FBI taking advantage of the meme.

Reply to  Maniac
4 months ago

“It’s traditional!” Back to the dawn of wifi-as-we-know-it. (there were several earlier protocols that didn’t make it)

My SSID is “FBI Surveillance Van 3”.

Reply to  Maniac
4 months ago

I have the same thing come up on mine in my neighborhood

4 months ago

Another case of multiple WP Install attacks but the sidebar still stands.

4 months ago

Is this the real image of the Trump administration?
comment image

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Yeah Israel last makes sense. The Script does seem to be following Q’s flow. Zionists come in all shapes and sizes…masks on all the time so Time has to be played out. We probably won’t be around to see the complete unmasking just more and more peeks behind The Curtain.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Two explanations, Roy cone taught him so well he believes he is jewish. 2/3 of his grandkids are Jewish. Or what Roy cone did to his butt has never been forgiven and he’s out for revenge.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

My friends and I have been discussing this too. Lots of israel first neocons is not what we want to see. Definitely don’t want to get into more wars over there.
One thought is that the “samson option” is a problem that needs very careful handling. If Israel has planted a bunch of nuclear bombs or dirty bombs in many western cities, then large stretches of western populations are being held hostage. Which means a hostage negotiation is currently ongoing. TBH Israell does seem like a rogue terrorist state who would do something like that. Jews individually seem to be more odious in the ways of lying and scheming than average. A whole country filled with lying, scheming psychopaths who think they are better than everyone else might do something like that.
Its mentioned in the article below.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

I read many years ago that the nukes are in Israeli embassies worldwide, just waiting for the go signal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

Israel isn’t full cornered yet. Still more work to do.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I think so. And remember DJT’s first visit and talk with AIPAC? When he didn’t say one single word about the so-called holocaust? Has any other visitor to that den of snakes ever been so rude?
On the other hand, he freed J. Pollard.

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

So may animal lovers here and no one spoke about “how cool that they don’t spoil the horse”? 😛

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

I’ve come full circle on this choice of hot tub boy. Putin and Lavrov are laughing but then they stop suddenly. They look at eachother and say…”Brilliant, It’s The Chaos Pick”.

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

The Convention was supposed to choose between Rubio and Cruz in 2016. The fix was in. Trump waltzed in and the floor voted massively in favor of Trump, causing panic and anger in the RNC leadership.

Which is why the Republican Party worked so hard against Trump during his campaign and Presidency – he wasn’t *their* candidate.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Insist that they pay you by the comment. Some slackers out there are only posting one anti-Trump comment and calling it a day.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
4 months ago

He’s been elected president, not God. If he repeats His his bad judgment calls on appointees as he did in his first go-round, then his election was a waste of time.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
4 months ago

“Dear Lord, please don’t let Trump speak out in favor of coffee!”

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Reliable. No matter what Trump does, you can always count on someone here to sh1t all over it.

Last edited 4 months ago by Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

I will defer to you on this and I believe you are mostly correct, but it still is good to, even if you don’t take it seriously, rail on how bad Rubio is like how Judge Nap and co does.

4 months ago

> Analyst testimony suggests FBI used tool to track and ‘spy’ on Americans engaged in election-related talk on social media.

The FBI has been monitoring the internet, and BBSs before that, since the late 1980s. The FBI’s first well-known spy system was called Carnivore, and the Feebs claim it went online in 1997. However, it was well known to the comp.risks mailing list in the late 1980s, and you’ll often see “Carnivore bait” .sig files appended to netnews and mailing list messages from back then.

There are maybe a dozen “social media” monitors run by various Federal agencies, and they hire civilian contractors as well.

40 years of data and analysis don’t seem to have made a dent in terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking, or white-collar crime

A paranoid person would wonder if any of those spy programs were actually intended to gather intelligence about them.

“Please speak freely. Big Brother is listening to YOU!”

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Well, we are all “on their radar”, or “we were aware of this individual” list.

Reply to  Festis
4 months ago

Remember, they Feebs use the Equifax database as their default dataset. Do you have a credit report? The FBI has a “file” on you.

You might be surprised that Equifax (and its competition) keep credit reports on minor children as well. And, by the way, it’s *much* harder to correct a minor’s credit report than that of an adult.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Corporations also run their own surveillance of the internet, mainly searching for themselves and looking for any insiders spilling secrets.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Do not fear this. The feds need to be educated just as much as the normies.

4 months ago

> Far-left groups with a history of engaging in violent protest are recruiting ahead of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20.

Of course. The Usual Suspects will get their checks from the Democratic Party.

The real question is, “will the police and local governments actively assist the terrorists, as they did in 2020 and 2016, or will they actually make arrests and convictions for assault, vandalism, and arson?”

Their suborned courts have de facto made assault and arson “protected political speech.” At least, when it’s done by Democrat sock puppets.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

The groups have been infiltrated. This time around we may see the mass incarceration of these a holes. It will then be used by the left as “Trump is a dictator” smear. All the while being controlled by Cabal.

4 months ago

> Speaker Johnson orders entire Biden administration to preserve and retain all records and documents.

I thought that was covered by the Federal Records Act. But it wouldn’t hurt to remind the vermin of that.

Particularly the FBI, which has a long institutional history of somehow misplacing documents and deleting files that somehow had avoided Federal backup and secure storage requirements.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Joe keeps all of his stuff in his garage.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
4 months ago

This post appears as “(no title)” in the “Recent Posts” list under the comments.

4 months ago

> U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers seized approximately 11,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition being smuggled into the United States from Mexico.

Loose ammo in plastic bags, according to the article. I couldn’t tell if they were .308 or 7.62×39, that’s shy of 8 crates.

I know several people with that much ammo. 1400 rounds to the crate, and it was cheap fifteen years ago.
CBP’s priorities are odd, though. Criminal trespassers: OK. Constitutionally-protected goods: not OK.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Was it trying to be smuggled into California? That’s the only place on the border I know of that’s a bitch to purchase ammo without state interference.

4 months ago

> Interesting in that you have to ask why is that shit on his phone?

People who should know better routinely put incriminating evidence on their phones. Like Strzok and his doxy, for example. Most people use their phones for webmail now, and that’s accessible to various apps. Plus the phones can listen to surrounding conversations and relay them to the Mothership; that’s how Siri and Ask Google work. I’v seen photos of supposedly-confidential meetings in the White House Situation Room with every member having his smartphone out on the table in front of them.

And don’t forget both Obama and Trump practically lived on their phones when in office; they carried them everywhere. And those phones were pwned in both hardware and software, relaying Top Secret information to… we don’t really know, yet.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

The white house has its own network. Anything in or out gets scrutinized and recorded. Then again I bet everything that goes through any network gets recorded anyhow.

4 months ago

> ‘House of horrors’: Israeli journalist-turned-intel officer confirms widescale torture of Palestinians.

Tit for tat. The field of my fucks lies barren; I have none to give.

“Not my circus, not my monkeys.”

4 months ago

Ed Dowd interviewed by Greg Hunter. Well worth your time, and there is a printed summary in the link:

The short summary is that the Biden Administration has been lying about the economy, which administrations have been doing since the 1990s but its been taken to a new level, and the world is facing an economic collapse. Interestingly, in an essay posted last week Sarah Hoyt argued that the American economy has already collapsed. Also news, bad of course, about the MRNA injections.

Reply to  Ed
4 months ago

Trump has a few arrows left in his quiver…he has to target each one with maximum effectiveness.

4 months ago

> Fury as Justin Trudeau REFUSES to release the names of 900 Nazi war criminals who fled to Canada after WWII: ‘Justice denied.’

Waaaaay past time to care. If the “Nazis” were 18 – legal age in Canada – on V-E Day, they’d be at least 87 today. By the time the Canuckistani courts got their ducks in a row they’d be long dead.

The Dominion had no problems with ex-Nazis in the old days. Oberstleutnant Hans von Luck moved to Canada after getting out of a Soviet prison camp, and spent years as a lumber salesman before retiring and moving back to Germany. His memoir “Panzer Commander” was first published in 1989 and it’s still in print, so I’m sure plenty of Canadians were aware of him.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

The point is to expose the government for harboring them, and investigate what influence they may have had.
Trump needs to declassify Paperclip too.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

They hardly needed to be exposed; they were no secret. Certainly von Luck wasn’t.

Supposedly all the Paperclip files were declassified in the 1980s. It was was widely known to the public anyway; it was pretty hard to hide that von Braun had been a member of the SS.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Supposedly is the operative word there.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

It might be the reason Mr. Turdo dressed as a Nazi for Halloween some years back. Family friends and all.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

That is lot of “criminals”; are former soldiers considered criminals? Why, because they didn’t suicide themselves by disobeying orders? If so, why don’t we in all honesty consider any and all former soldiers of the former Soviet Union to be criminals. Or does this bullshit only apply to, OMG!, he’s was a Nazis.

4 months ago

> New York State didn’t euthanize Peanut the Squirrel because he bit a worker, but rather specifically organized the seizure to kill him, coordinating the euthanizing days before the raid. 

I’d believe that. Peanut was raised by humans from infancy and extremely tame, as his Youtube channel showed. Yet somehow he bit a trained professional wildlife officer wearing protective gear.

For which he was immediately killed, because, you know, if he had rabies, that would kill any rabies he might have passed on to the trained professional wildlife officer, right? Sort of like if you don’t get the vaxx, it will make someone else get the Coof?

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

The logic actually is sound for rabies. The rabies shot/vaccine is, according to Midwestern Doctor, one of the only shots recommended/medically sound, however it is also one of the most highly damaging. (mainly because of how deadly, but slow acting rabies is) And people who get a rabies shot but the animal they got bit by happened not to be rabid highly regretted their decision to get the shot.

Therefore it actually makes sense. You kill and autopsy the animal for rabies. If they have it, give the shot, otherwise spare them the shot.

Reply to  kid
4 months ago


They have saliva tests for Rabies, killing the animals was completely unnecessary and premeditated.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

IIRC rabies can only be detected by dissecting a potential host and inspect its nervous system

Reply to  KarmaK
4 months ago

They can test saliva, that’s how it spreads.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

That’s where the term “foaming at the mouth” made the cut in words to live by, and insults to fling.

4 months ago

> Russian Parliament advances bill to ban adoptions by gender-transition countries.

Russia has claimed a shortage of ethnic Russians since the Soviet era. Why are they allowing foreign adoptions to begin with?

Though of course the Federation encompasses quite a few non-Russian ethnic groups.

4 months ago

> Melania Trump declines to meet with Jill Biden at White House, citing Mar-a-Lago raid: source.

Good. I hope she storms into the White House on January 20th with a full cleanup team. Throw out anything the Bidens touched, or put it back in the warehouse if it’s historic property, replace the carpets, repaint the walls, and replace the toilets and light switches too.

4 months ago

> Trump pledges war on human traffickers by giving them the death penalty when convicted.

The traffickers are comped. That’s why they’re almost never arrested. If some random cop makes a mistake and arrests one anyway, the DAs won’t refer the case to a court.

The traffickers are just a symptom; they get away with it because both the police and justice systems are rotten.

4 months ago

My head board is toward the street. I got some lead foil (yes they sell that) and wrapped it over it. Then I got a dentists blanket and put it over that. The blankets have tiny lead beads suspended in latex and do a better job with scattering beams as opposed to just blocking. Somehow the headboard got loose and fell down.

Its hard to say if it hit while I was asleep, or if I woke up and just accidentally lifted me head into the “ball” node or whatever the most concentrated part is. And it is hard to describe the feeling. “Dzzzzt” I want to say. Almost like shocked/numb incapacitated feeling for a brief time. I still feel it behind the left side of my nose as I typed this. Like it caused some sinus issue. It reminds me a little of this scene where jarjar binks gets shocked in the starwars prequal:

Though the numbness disappeared as soon as I was out of the beam rather than persisting. Just the sinus problem is still ongoing and it is not severe. Just noticeable since it is right where the beam felt strongest.

Just reporting this to add to your list for future reference.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

Lead foil is sometimes used for sound deadening in cars, and (believe it or not) in aircraft.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Thanks for pointing that out. It reminded me of something. I do think one type of beam is sound based. There is a novelty decoration where you put a little ultra-sound device in a bowl of water and it makes a mist appear above the water. If you put your hand close to that device the feeling is actually pretty similar to what I experienced here. “Dzzzzzt”

Reply to  Anonymous
4 months ago

Uuhhh… huh.

I did a web search to check some stuff for a reply, and followed a link to


Since the goal is a small loudspeaker but strong directivity, the only possible solution is to generate very small wavelengths – such as those of high-frequency ultrasound. The ultrasound used in Holosonic technology has wavelengths only a few millimeters long, which are much smaller than the source, and therefore naturally travel in an extremely narrow beam.
Of course, the ultrasound, which contains frequencies far outside our range of hearing, is completely inaudible. But as the ultrasonic beam travels through the air, the inherent properties of the air cause the ultrasound to change shape in a predictable way. This gives rise to frequency components in the audible band, which can be accurately predicted, and therefore precisely controlled. By generating the correct ultrasonic signal, we can create, within the air itself, any sound desired.
SOUND IS LITERALLY MADE FROM THIN AIR.Note that the source of sound is not the physical device you see, but the invisible beam of ultrasound, which can be many meters long. This new sound source, while invisible, is very large compared to the audio wavelengths it’s generating. So, the resulting audio is now extremely directional, just like a beam of light.


“Voices in my head?”

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

That isn’t even classified tech.

4 months ago

Gaetz for AG

4 months ago

Tulsi as DNI

4 months ago

Turkey severs all relations with Israel, says Erdogan

4 months ago

Rubio confirmed at State

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

Rubio is a weasel. DJT will wind up regretting that decision.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

And Scott Ritter and/or Napolitano were so confident he would not

Captain Chaos
Captain Chaos
4 months ago

Does the Trump/Biden handshake in the Daily Mail look masonic LOL?

Reply to  Captain Chaos
4 months ago

Yeah my instant reaction/thought.

Reply to  Captain Chaos
4 months ago


Reply to  Captain Chaos
4 months ago

Gaetz and ‘swamp monster Rosenstein’ two years ago. It’s a big club and they are all in it. Maybe.

Reply to  Captain Chaos
4 months ago

It is a big club and we ain’t in it. Enjoy the show anyways.

4 months ago

The Manhattan judge overseeing President-elect Donald Trump’s trial agreed to grant a stay on all deadlines associated with the felony conviction proceedings against President-elect Donald Trump, including the Nov. 26 sentencing date, to consider the effect of his election as president.

Hoping against hope that something will happen, and I think both (Merchan and the state) are hoping that the other will put this decrepit case out of its misery. They want to avoid being the ones blamed by the left, so they are both stalling hoping that the other will kill it.
Because it is going to die, and Trump won’t be sentenced.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

Nah. He’ll just declare a “continuance” to pause things until after Trump leaves office, then resume the trial then.

The J6 trials will probably still be going on too.

“The process is the punishment.”

Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once told a defendant, “Courts are courts of law, not courts of justice.” That got my back up when I first encountered it long ago. If not the courts, where would get get justice? Certainly not from their partners the police, or the legislatures.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

The appeals will kill it long before Trump’s term is over.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

He’s not a permanent judge. He’s an acting judge from NY Family Court. He might not even be on the bench in 4 years.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

Granted. But there’s nothing stopping his replacement from doing the same thing.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

It’s a shit sandwich now. No matter what you do, you look like a failure to the left and a monster to the right. No one else will touch this.

4 months ago

Police report filed as EVIDENCE emerges that Nevada Officials DELETED 26,902 ballots from their own reported mail in ballot totals, after which the Republican, who had been leading, lost the race.

Rosen only won by 12K. This is more than enough to effect the election, even if they were 60-40.

4 months ago

An election conspiracy theory is spreading on social media alleging that billionaire Elon Musk hacked the 2024 election in favor of President-elect Donald Trump using his Starlink satellite internet company.

Absolutely. Keep investigating Starlink. Twitter had nothing to do with this, don’t look over there.
The most hilarious part of this theory (we should go easy on them, they are new at this) is that Elon blew up a bunch of starlink sats to cover his tracks.
Now, think about this. They think that he had to blow them up to destroy the evidence. How was anyone going to get to that evidence? Was the FBI going to suit up, fly into orbit, capture one of these extreme low orbit zippy satellites, and bring it back to earth to do a forensic examination of it?
Bitch, HOW? SpaceX is the only way to get into orbit now! Elon ain’t going to give the FBI a ride to orbit to discover his hacking tracks.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

The most hilarious part of this theory (we should go easy on them, they are new at this) is that Elon blew up a bunch of starlink sats to cover his tracks.”

At first, when I read “blew up” I thought you meant it as slang, like “blowing up” someone’s phone with a bunch of texts and calls in a short period of time. Then I realized you meant it literally, as in an explosive demolition.

I’m confident NORAD would pick that up, and prolly NASA too.

Reply to  phelps
4 months ago

> Was the FBI going to suit up, fly into orbit, capture one of these extreme low orbit zippy satellites, and bring it back to earth to do a forensic examination of it?

They could totally do that… if the Fed still had a flyable Space Shuttle.

Right now, the only ones who could do it would be Elon Musk or the Russians. [snide laugh]

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Interesting I should keep an eye on Iodine again.

He’s wrong about sugar causing insulin resistance though.

This comment really elaborates

Ray Peat was super hesitant about Io because it’s thyroid suppressing, but I think I will re-take it a lot for now.

Last edited 4 months ago by kid
Reply to  kid
4 months ago

Not getting Iodine is thyroid suppressing.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

Probably true. I’ve no idea why Peat would be so wrong on this but so right on most things.

Reply to  teotoon
4 months ago

Meanwhile, they’ve been literally shoving flouride down our throats since the 1950s.

There was very little (and quite questionable!) reason to think there was a benefit to flouride, but it was the vaxx of the 1950s; the Fed went nuts for it, and forced the states to go along, even as newer studies showed that flouride was actually detrimental in some cases. But any studies contradicting Established Knowledge were ignored or shouted town.

The parallels to the Coof are hard to ignore once they attract your attention.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

I was mulling over, when I was travelling a lot and watching videos on a bunch of different conclusions.

Basically, countries with fluoride in their water and car/automobile usage seem to correlate very highly with NPC behavior/mentality. I think it’s both highly causal and also a result. Which is, if you can’t fight against putting neurotoxins in water you’ve already fait accompli lost. (with cars, I think cars actively ruin quality of life if used excessively[vast majority of countries], so they both cause NPCness, as well as NPCs allow it)

Reply to  kid
4 months ago

Fluoride yes, cars no.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

What does it say to you when they are dumping substances in our water that have this warning on the bag,
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Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
4 months ago

Gen. Ripper knew!
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4 months ago


4 months ago

Rep. Matt Gaetz
We ought to have a full court press against this WEAPONIZED government that has been turned against our people.

And if that means ABOLISHING every one of the three letter agencies, from the FBI to the ATF, I’m ready to get going!

4 months ago


4 months ago

   Trump’s next AG Matt Gaetz revealed shocking theory Epstein may have been assassinated in a “state-to-state” operation executed by a foreign state in concert with Feds:

   “It was a foreign operation. Government-sponsored.”

   “There’s no way you’re getting the real story.”

   — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 13, 2024

Last edited 4 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

I dunno. I’m still betting the dirty work was done by the prison guards.
Too many of the ones involved in the Epstein murder suddenly bought new cars or showed other signs of sudden, undeclared money.

As to who paid them… there are lots of pedohiles who could have paid it out of their own pocket, if it came down to it. There were plenty of people who wanted Epstein silenced or dead. Some of the pedos might be working for foreign governments, but I can’t see any national-level agency getting involved with it. Too many ways for them to get caught, and way too much political flack.

Reply to  TRX
4 months ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 months ago

How can anybody think any of this? Don’t look at what they say, see what they saw. The body was not Epstein and they prominently displayed it. Who else do they display the body all over the press? No one. No one at all. They showed their co-conspirators, hey here’s the body we say is Epstein and see, it’s not him so, the obvious corollary is, he’s alive.

Epstein is in Israel or could be in Argentina. A Jew bought damn near the whole Southern part of the country. I bet he’s there.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 months ago

You start pulling on the hanging thread the public accepts, then you might be able to unravel the whole sweater.

4 months ago

Alexandre de Moraes will be the minister in charge of the investigation into the explosions at the Supreme Federal Court (STF) building. He plans to incorporate this event into the ongoing investigations of the January 8th attacks, of which he is also the rapporteur.

False flag, crackdown incoming.

4 months ago

AC I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about Nick Fuentes but I picked up a detail about the recent incident with the woman who came to his house after he was doxed that I think you might find interesting and I haven’t seen it reported anywhere else except this article. Apparently the woman lived nearby and only came to see what his house looked like, if we can believe her, when a passerby encouraged her to knock on the door and confront him about his comments about women’s bodies. After Fuentes pepper sprayed her and allegedly pushed her down the stairs this same passerby supposedly called the police on her behalf so I’m assuming the passerby isn’t a fabricated person the woman is trying to scapegoat. Also why was Fuentes so ready to pepper spray anyone who knocked on his door? This sounds like an intelligence set up to stir controversy and maybe keep Fuentes in the news cycle. What do you think?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 months ago

He’s a fairly public figure. I would expect him to have a state of the art home security system that would record that sort of thing.