Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
Texas Arcane of Vault-Co fame actually did a podcast conversation with a couple of others on the destruction that is coming. I believe it is his only audio podcast.
The state grand jury documents in the case of Jeffrey Epstein that led to a deal with federal prosecutors over his sex trafficking operation involving underage girls released. Docs are here.
Jack Posobiec – Judge Merchan will hit Trump with a multi year sentence on July 11th.
Florida man arrested after shooting down Walmart delivery drone which he thought was watching him.
BBC presenter’s despicable Tweet: ‘If I Was Biden I’d Hurry Up and Have Trump Murdered.’ Supposedly satire over the Supreme Court saying Presidents have immunity, but I am sure there was a subtext those in Cabal would see.
Justice Clarence Thomas challenges Jack Smith’s legitimacy as Trump makes same argument in Florida.
Trump seeks to set aside New York hush money verdict hours after Supreme Court ruling.
Democrats warn: Immunity decision will let Presidents go after political opponents.
Bannon reports to fill his four moth prison sentence.
Carl Bernstein – Biden [having] marked incidence of cognitive decline, in last 6 months particularly.” Woodward also was playing up what a disaster it was and how Biden has to go.
Carville: Democrats must nominate someone other than Biden: ‘It doesn’t make any sense.’ Feels like Cabal members signaling distress to the rest of the conspiracy. It would fit better in the context of somebody covertly taking over command and running the conspiracy into the ground, and they are warning everyone else that there may be a problem, and the orders from command may not be what they seem.
AOC threatens to IMPEACH all six conservative Supreme Court Justices after Trump immunity ruling.
Neurosurgeon says Biden has unmistakable Parkinson’s dementia, and he will have trouble walking over the next six months. Rest of the course sounds too variable to predict.
Hillary Clinton plotting to replace Kamala Harris as VP to ‘save Biden.’ Do you want to be the one person whose death would deliver the White House, and the title of first female President, to Hillary Clinton? LOL.
‘Obama is telling democrats privately, Joe Biden can not win.’
California’s credit card codes for gun shops now in effect.
Biden admin flying migrants deported by Trump back into the US.
RNC files motion to enforce proof-of-citizenship requirements for Arizona voters.
Justice Department looks for ways to continue January 6 cases after Supreme Court ruling.
Biden reads “end of quote” from teleprompter.
Republican Rep Victoria Sparz of Indiana left an unloaded handgun in her suitcase and got busted at Dulles. Cited and released.
Chicago shootings: At least 35 shot, 4 fatally, in weekend gun violence across city, police say.
Nigel Farage sounds a little RINOy: “Nigel Farage has said that it would be a “disaster” if Marine Le Pen’s National Rally won power in France. The Reform UK leader said the hard-Right party would be “even worse for the economy than the current lot”. But he praised Giorgia Meloni, the hard-Right prime minister of Italy, saying: “She’s brought her party into the 21st century. Some of the more radical Italians might not like it, but she’s been a very good thing and she’s made her party electable.”” It is all a big cocktail party on the plebe’s dime for these assholes, and I fear though better than the others, Nigel is one of the assholes too.
Ukraine faces potential default in August amid stalled debt negotiations.
South Korea will consider supplying arms to Ukraine after Russia, North Korea sign strategic pact.
Redneck Bitcoin on Twitter – “I’d like to thank Congress for using my Tax money to buy Zelensky’s wife a Bugatti.” Some are arguing the invoice is fake, but they did the same thing on the two motor yachts, which seemed legit.
Thousands of Ukrainian convicts hit the frontlines as war with Russia drags on.
President Trump leads President Joe Biden by six points in the probability of winning the popular vote in November, Nate Silver’s election model forecasted June 30 after the first presidential debate. 68% chance of victory against Biden overall.
Spread r/K Theory, because that is a PDW in my pants
Today’s blog lacks a title.
Thank you!
The title says 202 not 2024.
Thank you!
did you perchance mean “pedantic”?
Ha! You, you, you fool you!

Florida man arrested after shooting down Walmart delivery drone which he thought was watching him.
It is interesting. There are strict rules on aircraft and model aircraft, but drones can go anywhere?
“Nigel Farage has said that it would be a “disaster” if Marine Le Pen’s National Rally won power in France”
He is on the back foot with MSM attacks. French dont care what he says, and it is not important.
‘MSNBC’s Anti-Trumper Nicole Wallace on SCOTUS immunity ruling: Trump could target me, people will flee the country.’
Is it still illegal to vote more than once?
Klaus Schwab Amygdala Hijack
Once, when a Forum employee inadvertently pulled into Schwab’s parking spot at the Forum’s world headquarters in Switzerland, the boss caught wind of the insubordination and, despite the fact he was overseas at the time, demanded she be fired. He relented “only after senior staff intervened to save her,” Goodman writes.
-Peter S. Goodman in his new book, “Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World” (Custom House)
Parking spots. Very important!
The fact that due to popularity of Japanese Manga, Anime and Webtoons. Cabal has moved to take complete control at its source of all those forms of cultural influence:
Their intent to corrupt everything. With their relentless power thirst. Speak of the demonic determination of Satan.
No matter where we run we will be chased down to the ends of the earth.
FYI, I made it to South America without my plane falling out of the sky. I am in a country that practices censorship even more than in the USA, and am surrounded by my wife’s relatives, so will have to change my information consumption habits.
On the plane, I discovered a movie released in October 2023, just over an hour, the Freud’s Last Session:
Sigmund Freud talks with C.S. Lewis for about an hour, three weeks before Freud’s death. Recommended for anyone with interested in either psychology or religion, or just two smart people with different perspectives having a friendly discussion. Recommended even if you don’t have a high opinion of Freud (I don’t think anyone dislikes C.S. Lewis).
Freud’s last book was Moses and Monotheism. It is a really interesting perspective. Basically Moses was Akhenaten or one of his underlings and the Hebrews escaping Egypt were the Hyksos.
These are the most plausible take on what happened. Freud was ridiculously well educated, but there have been additional archeological discoveries after his death.
Checking Wikipedia, the Hyksos ruled most of Egypt betweeen about 1650 BC and 1550 BC. The dates of Akhenaten’s rule are generally given two centuries later.
The only evidence for Moses and the Exodus are the Old Testament stories, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t happen. Really for events in those times, we just have single sources and myths, with occasional caches of archives.
The Hyksos, like most conquerors, would have brought in lots of non-Egyptians to help them rule the Egyptians, and when the Egyptians expelled them, they would have expelled the other “immigrants” as well. Or followers of Akhenaten could have gone into exile when the old gods were restored. Either event are plausible origins for the Hebrews.
Yes, there was an Exodus:
This apologetics YouTuber who makes content based on scholarly books has a playlist exploring the question of the he rews in Egypt. Worth watching if you have time.
“Carville: Democrats must nominate someone other than Biden: ‘It doesn’t make any sense.’ ”
“Feels like Cabal members signaling distress to the rest of the conspiracy. It would fit better in the context of somebody covertly taking over command and running the conspiracy into the ground, and they are warning everyone else that there may be a problem, and the orders from command may not be what they seem.”
Can’t make a longer comment, but the Cabal practices OPSEC and the Cabal leadership are not going to tell their plans to low level members like Carville. That is all this is.
And its obvious, and not just to me, that the plan now is nuclear war, either real or simulated. Martin Armstrong and Lame Cherry say it will be launched in September, but I’m thinking July (obviously later in the month since its July 2nd) due to the timing of the British and French elections. They want the war governments in place by the middle of the month.
If I’m right, it will make “Biden” being “president” irrelevant, and they will be no effect on the “election”, which I doubt will happen. But they will let the theater kids chatter, to provide misdirection.
The Duran on the French elections:
Good twenty minute overview, including that the French “far right” (currently National Rally) hold pretty much the same position as the normal French right in the late twentieth century. Basically the orders seem to be to keep them out of power at all costs, which raises the question of why even hold the elections and not keep working with the Ensemble/ Republican majority. I suspect this is something Macron went out and did on his own, which is why they normally try to keep intelligent people out of formal positions of power, even intelligent people loyal to them.
Electorally, the first round share of the vote for the National Rally went from an already historically high 18% of the vote to 34% of the vote, though this seems to have been mostly due to cannibalizing the vote of smaller “far right” parties. The left alliance around Melanchon, which was called different names in 2022 and 2024, increased their percentage by 2%, to a second place 29%. The Macronists dropped by 4%, to about 20%, and the country club Republicans dropped by 1%, to 10%. This does not translate into a National Rally majority, but the Macron grouping won’t get a majority out this, so I am wondering what is the point.
In the rest of Europe, all the parties are Cabal parties, so elections are for show. France is different because they have never been able to incorporate the right nationalists, or even the left populists, into their system. They have the same problem with the MAGA right in the United States, but solve that by blatant cheating of the type that other countries take strong preventive measures against. With France, they have to rely on lots of slick maneuvers, and you can do only so much of this.
I think these days, “far right” is centrist as it includes “old fashioned” socialists & conservatives. Just those people that want to live a life, have a family, and provide for it.
The globalists are far left, and probably communist.
The WP install error keeps coming and going, and the sidebar is messed up again.
Anonymous the Eighth posted this at TA:
Yeah, we are under attack again. The amount of dumb shit people do with this site, which never changes anything is amazing.
Thanks for the heads up.
I’ve been getting the wordpress sign in as well. Pain in the arse.
It is like a DDOS attack. They do this every few months for a while, and eventually find something better to do.
Re French elections.
Commentator “Diversity Heretic” on the second Steve Sailer French elections thread:
“I vote in France and one votes by selecting a piece of paper showing the candidate and his or her party and placing it in an envelope. You can select several pieces of paper and take them to the voting booth and insert the one you want in secret and discard or take the others with you. You then show your electoral card and an ID (if the community is more than 1,000 persons) to two electoral officials standing at the ballot box. One of them reads your name to a third electoral official who verifies that you are properly registered and then you are permitted to place your envelope in the ballot box. You then sign your name on the record maintained by the local elections board, and go on your way. Counting the votes is a simple matter of counting how many pieces of paper are there for each candidate after taking them out of the envelope. I suppose it’s possible to stuff a ballot box, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem. There are no absentee ballots; you have to find someone you authorize to vote in your place and hope that they vote the way you instruct them. There were an unusual number of “instructed votes” in this election, which cause some concern, but I haven’t heard of serious allegations of fraud.”
Commentator notbe mk2:
“Hang on you aren’t going to believe this but it goes like this:
“The voter presents his or her ID to the election officers and they cross off your name from a list (this process being highly traumatic and obviously totalitarian so not used in real democracies like the USA). The voter then takes something called a ballot and goes behind a screen where he or she ticks off his or her preferences and put the “ballot” into something called a “ballot box”.
“The absurdity continues-after the election closes, the election officers open the ballot box, take out a paper ballot and reads out which candidate got the tick (or ticks if it is proportional voting), the process is then repeated, the ticks are then put in different columns, a column per candidate or party.
“The number of ticks per column are then measured up using a weird mathematic technique called “arithmetic”. In the Third world they also ink your thumb so you don’t vote twice (which according to US journalists is meant to intimidate voters).
“Yes indeed laughable according to the US media and political scientists. Is is all unbelievably archaic distaining the use of computerized voting machines which by the very nature of being programmed cannot fake elections unlike a pencil mark on a piece of paper. Just goes to show you how incredibly backward (and obviously corrupt) the rest of the world is compared to the USA which is first in everything.”
But contrary to what many smart people think, American elections do mean something, or else they wouldn’t be run the way they are run.
More WP install errors and the sidebar is completely gone.
Amazing, I just fixed it like a couple of hours ago. How do you delete a sidebar without admin access to a wordpress backend?
And I’ve got Sitelock Anti-malware.
I don’t know but it’s already gone again.
Mail-In Voting Calamity Hits UK 2 Days Before Election.
Yesterday, in a stunning opinion that destabilized the Lawfare ideologues, the Supreme Court affirmed the Unitary Executive principle around the constitution.
The 6-3 opinion held that the President is “a person alone who comprises a branch of government.” This is important to understand. The Executive Branch is the President.
As noted by reader Alex1689: […] Read the SCOTUS opinion, not from a point of view of apprehension about President Trump (he’ll be fine), but from the point of view of what does this allow him to do in his second term, and what straightjackets does it remove that were a threat during his first term?
To start, the court wrote about powers that carry with them core, absolute immunity, the exercise of which cannot come under question in any forum. It specifically identified:
Recognition of foreign governments
Removal of executive branch officials.
If it can’t be questioned . . . It also cannot be the grounds for impeachment, can it?
Let’s repeat: If it’s a core power, the exercise of the core power cannot be grounds for impeachment (*except if done in connection with taking a bribe).
In his first term, there was the threat that if President Trump fired . . .
That he would be prosecuted for obstruction of justice or impeached.
That threat is forever off the table now.
He can fire anyone he likes in the executive branch. The straightjacket is gone.
On that point, further, the majority opinion uses strong language consistent with the Unitary Executive theory of the Constitution. The President is “a person alone who comprises a branch of government.”
While there are areas of shared constitutional responsibility, the core powers of the Executive Branch, including personnel, are the President’s alone.
Schedule F
While impeachment is a political process within the Legislative Branch, and the Supreme Court is extremely hesitant to overstep their role therein, they did put this sentiment clearly into the opinion about immunity: …“The President is not above the law. But Congress may not criminalize the President’s conduct in carrying out the responsibilities of the Executive Branch under the Constitution.”…
Congress may not criminalize the conduct of the President simply for carrying out his core executive branch duties. Removal of Executive Branch officials is a core duty, an official act, carrying absolute immunity.
That newly affirmed reality is exactly why Andrew Weissmann and the Lawfare crowd are very alarmed.
More at:
Trump can now do in 2025 what he was elected to do in 2016.
First, he needs to be inaugurated & elected.
Votes dont decide elections, the poll workers, mules & Dominion machines do