In biotechnology, you will note a lot of the mechanisms follow common themes which you will see again and again. So you will eventually realize when you see something new, you can extrapolate out a lot of the mechanism in a loose general sense, like how the system regulates itself, what will amp it up, how it will be suppressed. I think Cabal’s control operations will be like that. I think all of these mechanisms we are seeing which they used in social media – surrounding people with fake followers, probably fake friends, using peer pressure, using one agent to introduce another to give the new agent trust, feigning fights to distract you, limiting the ability of your communications to go where you want, even controlling dating apps to put you in arranged relationships – I will bet though these all look new to us, they were used for decades before the internet ever was introduced, just on a smaller scale, and much more personally, by the domestic network, to insulate certain people from the broader world. I had a friend in martial arts. Great guy, very social. But as I look back, all his stories were total Cabal setups. He and a buddy slipping to some remote place in their car with a mirror that had a four inch pile of coke on it, when in rolled a cop who followed them as they pulled out, pulled them over, found all the little cut up straws in their pockets, but never searched the car. Girls approaching him left and right. He eventually got engaged to one, and she was always tense, and reserved, and would never talk around me. The day before their wedding, he happens to run into the girl he was engaged to before her (who made him go and buy a ring, and told him when and where he would propose to her). She kept asking him  leading questions about if he was seeing anyone, what he was doing that weekend (He said “nobody,” and “nothing special”), but I remember him saying, baffled, it was like she knew, even though he hadn’t seen her in years and he didn’t know anyone related to her. The girl who snagged him by walking up to him out of the blue in a bar, immediately moved him out to a remote area, and none of us ever saw him again. My experience with him suddenly being ripped from the club and isolated completely, and thrust into a boring life where he saw nobody, (I was like 20) actually poisoned me against the idea of marriage for a good while. And I have actually seen the same thing happen in my family. They used a marriage to pull somebody out of society, and cut off their contacts, to isolate them.

But I think they were practicing this social control, and insulation from society game, for a long time, before they had the technology to expand it to many, many more people through the internet. And I bet if old timers here keep that in mind, they may see common themes retained, where what was done in person, in cases they saw firsthand, is now being done through the system they are putting between all of us, online. And where what they see being done through the internet now jogs a memory from years ago.

It also may offer you a way to fight back. I want to know what it is we are not supposed to see, or experience, or do. What are they trying to steal from our lives, behind our backs? They want to isolate us, insulate our ideas from the broader society so they can’t spark and kindle. So make those connections. Get the authority. Spread outward into the environment, and focus on meeting as many new contacts as you can. And whatever they are trying, as we figure it out, we should go around it and do the opposite of what they are trying to trick us into.

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