3300 California Massage Parlors Involved In Sex Trafficking

Shocking, even for the rabbit utopia:

A recent report by the Polaris Project, an anti-human trafficking organization, found that there are over 3,300 massage parlors in California that are posing fronts for sex trafficking.

The report states that there are at least 9,000 “illicit massage businesses” nationwide, meaning that California is home to a third of these establishments. The estimated revenue of these businesses is $2.5 billion annually.

“There may be women who choose to sell sex either along with or under the guise of massage therapy,” the report states. “But evidence suggests that many of the thousands of women engaging in commercial sex in massage parlors are victims of human trafficking.”

They say a lot of these are young girls who are told they are being sent to America, and will work in hotels or restaurants for a short while to work off the cost of their travel. Next thing they know they are prisoners of the traffickers, being forced into prostitution.

Why are these places still open? Police officers, knowing there are young girls being forced into prostitution would make these places a priority. It is natural to their psychology to not want something out of the movie Taken happening in their area of responsibility. I’m sure they have the intel on where they are, and the means to raid them every day if they have to.

Now think about these places, and think about politics. What is politics? Hollywood for ugly people. Which is a humorous way of saying the people in politics have the egos of stars, and the thirst for power of Alphas, but the charisma and attractiveness of omega frogs. What do you think politicians are like when they are young? How are they likely to seek sex? Will they chat up the cheerleader, or will they sneak into the massage parlor?

Who runs these massage parlors? Who supplies the girls? Probably in many cases, organized crime. Which means you can get warrants to install extensive surveillance in these places, and you can seize jurisdiction, and keep local law enforcement out of the area. It would not surprise me if everyone who goes into one of these places has the video of their “massage” placed in their permanent file.

While we are on the subject, I have heard of all the people who said Sandy hook was a false flag. I assumed it possible, but never actually looked into it, because I assumed if it was the evidence would at least be arguable, and not that interesting. Surely if the government were to create a production, it would at least be arguable.

Nevertheless, periodically pieces happened across my radar, which would seem to indicate that in this time of r-selection, everyone, including government propaganda ministers, display a shocking level of incompetence. First I saw the Sloppy Sniper footage, which was well summarized below:

Who uses a known actor as one of the parents, and then uses him to fill out the FBI SWAT team as well in the stock footage of the shooting? Especially when the actor knows nothing about firearms? What sniper, of all specialties, carries an AR with an optic upside down, pointing backward, and by the magazine, which is designed to pop out?

That brought to my attention the signs about checking in, the porta-potties, and all the other stuff indicating there was some sort of organized gathering.

I figured that was the high point of interestingness, so I never dug deeper, until this video happened to cross my radar on 4Chan:

One possibility to factor away is there is a government agency which we are not familiar with. We do see that domestic government exhibits a lot of the services you find in the military, from logistics, to intelligence, to direct action. One thing the military performs, which we never hear of domestic government performing, is psychological operations. Of course if you live in an ostensibly free democracy with a government which is supposedly “of the people,” such an agency’s number one priority would be to, like satan, convince the world they never existed.

I still think it likely there was shooting, but I assume the parents were too traumatized to be interviewed or speak, and there was no footage of the initial response to air on TV, so to maximize the emotional impact on the country Obama had some footage cooked up with actors to give the event a little emotional punch on the evening news, and maybe help get an assault weapons ban. I’d love to know what agency or group was tasked with conjuring that.

That said, I am more shocked the Deep State put this footage together so badly. It is just more evidence that r-selection diminishes competence, and that we have had a lot of r-selection of late. It points to the fact that when the wheels come off this roller coaster, there will be nobody of any measurable competence steering the ship of the Deep State.

Also, in the fight between the Deep State and the God Emperor, more and more, I’d bet on the God Emperor.

Spread r/K Theory, because nothing is like it seems these days

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7 years ago

Alot of Sandy Hook parents are winning the lottery. It’s probably mathematically impossible how many are winning.

Gavin Newsom is probably the anti-christ and California delenda est

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
7 years ago

You must look into Sandy Hoax more. It’s even easier to believe that WTC 7 fell due to being hit by debris than it is to believe that Sandy Hook happened. Every last thing about it is fishy, from the photoshopped photos of “Adam Lanza” to the photos from inside the school showing that it was unused to the photos of people drilling “bullet strike holes” in the walls to the unused triage tarps to the lack of a single image of any victim to the photos (and video!) of the victims who hang out together now that they’re older, and on and on it goes. The one that you, AC, will likely find most incongruent is the one nobody is asking: why no wounded? 20+ “dead” and not a single person treated for a nonlethal gunshot wound? Hollywood works that way; shootings don’t.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
7 years ago

Oh, and don’t forget that Noah Posner died twice, once at Sandy Hoax and then again as a victim of a Pakistani terror attack. The list of fishy things is probably 100 items wrong. Even the funeral home director looked like a fraud! The kids and teacher in the class photo were wearing clothes and shoes that were out of style for the the year of the incident. The incident was reported a day early on the Internet. I mean, NOTHING adds up.

Logical Conservative
Logical Conservative
7 years ago

Here is an overly long, but quite interesting breakdown of much of the sandy hook inconsistencies.

When it happened, and no bodies were brought out..I thought that was really fishy, but moved on with other things. When I saw the sloppy sniper thing, I knew something was really wrong and started looking deeper.

No kids died. No death certificates or coroner reports have ever been released. Most of the families bought houses on Dec 25 2009. What title company will close on a house on Dec 25?

This rabbit hole is deep.

7 years ago

No opinion if Sandy Hook is real or not, but one reason to re-used actors would be to minimize the number of people involved in the operation. Not everyone can keep their mouth shut… if you need 25 actors, but only have 20 that can be trusted to not blab, someone’s gonna get two roles.

7 years ago

How much you wanna bet that SanFran will crack down mercilessly on heterosexual rub-n-tug establishments while completely ignoring the cesspool disease vectors of homosexual bathhouses?

Straight (white) males must be suppressed and controlled, you see, while the Coalition of the Botched is supported and empowered in every way.

7 years ago

“Sex trafficking” is the biggest false flag, a ruse to get men white-knighting for a bunch of itinerant whores. It’s impossible for a pimp to keep his girls locked up when they can walk out the door with a customer at any time. If you “rescue” a hooker, she’ll be whoring out of your house in no time, and if caught, telling the cops you trafficked and pimped her!

7 years ago

“Most of the families bought houses on Dec 25 2009. What title company will close on a house on Dec 25?”

But, see? THIS is the kind “evidence” too many can use to tear down the REAL evidence. *IF* a govt agency loses/damages their records (affirmative action clerks?!) , they will make shit up. Personal example: if your computer dies and you put all your data files onto the new one of Dec 25 2009 — they will ALL show that date as “date modified.” That’s SO not true, and easily explained away; so it works AGAINST clarity i the false flag info…

(It MIGHT be usable if there is some way to find OTHER houses in that small town have longer-back records; and ONLY the “affected” families (allegedly) “bought” on that day. But, it’s a datum that might very well backfire. NEVER attribute to malice what can be explained away by stupidity and/or affirmative action!!)

You (we-all!) have to be VERY careful not to use easily debunked “evidence.” The Bush-monkey “claiming” he saw the first plane crash into the first WTC tower, when there was no such film available at the time. Fer cryin’ out loud — easily made, stupid mistake — NOT evidence!

Heck, even the Flat Earthers are holding up as “proof” the Earth is flat because planes flying from Rio de Janeiro to J-burg SAfrica fly via London “because it’s a straight line across the flat Earth!” — is SO easy to blow-off: No, the airline needs to make MONEY — so they fly to where the passengers are or might be (London). Otherwise, it’s a big plane with very few playing passengers. Duh.

IF you can attribute one of your pieces of “evidence” to just plain old human error; then it’s NOT good evidence. It may indeed BE evidence — but since there are boatloads of BETTER evidence — stick with those!

Chris Stevenson
Chris Stevenson
7 years ago

worked in real estate and property management for over two decades so i still notice things about rented spaces and building security. every massage parlor whether it be storefront or interior to the building has a high resolution, low-light capable video camera(s) at the entrance door. yes, for security many businesses do this. however the footage can go places or be stored. we have in our community an average eight year cycle of busts of these places, otherwise the go about their business. the same locations always reopen a month or so later, advertising with the same innuendo, saying under new management. the cameras stay in place as do the place’s fittings. perhaps it is just a show to make it look like the authorities are doing something, perhaps clean out the old girls for new. they often just go to work at another place after the bust or simply go home, often to back to Korea.

maybe they do not give the footage to anyone, but this does not prevent interested parties from hacking into their cameras and getting the footage for free.