News Briefs – 02/06/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

The Image:


The Tweet:


The video:

Why “Revival”? Q’s anons found this:

I am not sure what it means when Bob Jones said “when the chiefs win the Super Bowl revival is going to break out but I sure am excited. We haven’t been able to find any recordings of him saying this but he said it often to us. He often prophesied about sports teams and prophetic symbolism. He said when the chiefs win God is raising up His apostolic chiefs around the nation and one time he said “nations”

and this:

Bob Jones had heard from God that the chiefs would go to the Super Bowl and win it. He shared that when they won it would be a sign of upcoming and end time revival.
He explained that God is raising up His chiefs to be apostolic leaders in many spheres of influence.


President Trump acquitted on all charges.

Republicans planning to expunge Trump impeachment if they win back the House.

Corona virus – 28,281 cases, 568 deaths, 24,702 suspected.

Tencent may have accidentally leaked real data on Wuhan virus deaths. 155,000 infected and 24,589 deaths might be the real numbers. Several times now, Tencent has posted enormously higher numbers, and each has been credible percentage measurements for daily increase that fit the same mathematical model, only to shortly thereafter revert to official Chinese numbers, making some think Tencent has two sets of numbers, and somebody is trying to leak the full scale of the crisis to outsiders.

Worker at Wuhan Crematorium says they are working overtime to burn all the bodies.

CDC Director says, on Corona virus, U.S. strategy for now isn’t to stop it, but to slow it.

12th case of Corona virus in Wisconsin.

Turning Point USA visited Cuba, found filth and poverty, and overwhelming government surveillance. If there is overwhelming government surveillance (there is), they know who was hitting our people with Directed Energy Weapons. McAfee claimed when he was in Cuba he was seeing CIA-type surveillance techniques. Somebody wanted Cuba as a Denied Area to Trump and company. Soon we may find out why.

Democrat insiders are already talking about a contested convention which hands the nomination to a Cabal insider like Adam Schiff.

Benedict Romney votes to convict Trump.

Christopher Wray testified that the actions taken by the bureau to obtain a FISA warrant against Carter Page were “unacceptable” and “cannot be repeated.”

Video at the link of a man attacking his girlfriend violently, but because he only scratched and bruised her, he was set free immediately under New York’s bail-reform laws. Feminists and domestic violence advocates are outraged, because this is the new norm, and yet the attitude of the leftist government is nothing will change. These rules are preparation for what is coming.

New York also mandates that defendants must be given all information on witnesses testifying against them immediately, which just got a man who was going to testify against MS-13 killed. I wonder if all these criminal friendly laws were passed because the politicians felt they would soon be the criminals according to the system, and could possibly use these advantages.

Biden admits, ‘We took a gut punch in Iowa.’

Inside the Democrat app that was cobbled together with tutorials before it broke the Iowa Democrat Caucuses. Done by somebody just learning to code, and may have had security vulnerabilities which would allow results to be hacked and altered.

James Carville says of the state of the Democratic party: ‘I’m scared to death!’

Van Jones warns Democrats, Trump is helping African-Americans ‘in real life.’

Reporters at the Chicago Tribune are trying to find a new owner for their newspaper because they were just sold off to a hedge fund known for slashing staff and costs. More money woes.

Four Detroit-area physicians found guilty of health care fraud charges for role in over $150 million health care fraud scheme.

Democrat Law Professor Jonathan Turley calls on Pelosi to resign.

McConnell tees up five Trump judges after impeachment trial wraps.

U.S. added 291,000 jobs in January.

74% of Americans believe they will be better off financially this year – a record.

Spread r/K Theory, because a Revival sounds pretty good right now.

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5 years ago

“Democrat insiders are already talking about a contested convention which hands the nomination to a Cabal insider like Adam Schiff.”

Hitlery will take the nomination at a brokered convention.

5 years ago

“U.S. added 291,000 jobs in January”

More than that:

ADP Says 291,000 New Jobs in January; It’s More Like 336,000

Ogden Frost
Ogden Frost
5 years ago

Thanks, AC! Yours is the first site I open every morning.

If you’re not already, may I respectfully suggest that you follow Truthleaks @GeorgWebb on twitter and youtube. He traces the metadata that exposes the Deep State crimes weeks before they appear on any other news channel.

Thank you again. Your insights are invaluable!

5 years ago

Tencent has two sets of numbers, and somebody is trying to leak the full scale of the crisis to outsiders.

The only place for them to get the numbers is the Party. I think the Party is using them to trial balloon the real numbers, to see how the world reacts. If they freak, you disavow. If they accept it, you can make the official number closer to the real number.

5 years ago

Done by somebody just learning to code, and may have had security vulnerabilities which would allow results to be hacked and altered.

It could only be hacked and altered if it was ever going to report numbers. I think that Shadow had the “results” canned and just needed people to use the app to destroy the testimony trail. Instead, hardly anyone used the app, and now they have no idea how to successfully rig the result for Buttgigger.

Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

They have a new idea:

Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez on Thursday called for a recanvass in Iowa following chaos and delayed results during the state’s Democratic caucuses earlier this week.
“Enough is enough. In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass,” Perez tweeted early Thursday afternoon.
A recanvass is a review of the worksheets from each caucus site to ensure accuracy.

The IDP will continue to report results.
— Tom Perez (@TomPerez) February 6, 2020

More at:…egin-recanvass

5 years ago


I think they are on to something.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

This Corona Virus is freaking me out. I usually go back every day and read the last three days post comments and when you add up all the really bad news about this virus it looks grim.

If what I’ve read about it is true then it looks very much like this was engineered. Especially telling is how China has moved REALLY FAST to close down massive sections of country. How could they possibly do this unless they knew what it was already???

It also worries me a great deal that the Jews have done this to murder the Chinese. I have commented frequently that the Jews, long term, are in a world of hurt because the Chinese are not buying a damn thing they are trying to push at the same time they are destroying the US and more and more people know this every day. A hail merry for the Jews is to just kill off the Chinese. I think they are capable of this. There’s no doubt even remotely in my mind that they did 9-11 and that, so far, they control our government enough that nothing is being done about. Could they be killing the Chinese and then attempting to blame it on us sparking a nuclear war? I speculated, a year ago and earlier, that it appeared very much as if the Jews wanted a Russia/China vs US nuclear war while they sat it out in the Middle East. Possibly nuking Europe and the major Arab and Persian cites as no one would notice with all this carnage.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Meh, I had so many plans to do some nice shit around people in the coming months, looks like I am just going to keep basement dwelling like a boss until there is more intel on this shit.

Robert Mando
5 years ago

Friesdat has changed her post, this is the new address / post:

5 years ago

Chinese City Provokes Public Backlash By Stealing Shipment Of Facemasks

5 years ago

Scientists Warn: You Can Contract The Coronavirus More Than Once

5 years ago

RIGGED? Texas Democrats Warn of Iowa-Style Mishaps to Come in Their State’s Upcoming Primary

5 years ago

China Launches Biological Warfare Agenda: Covertly Infiltrates Plane With “Trojan Horse” Coronavirus Carrier

Local investigators confirm plane’s destination is Taiwan

5 years ago
5 years ago

You Should Know About This Chernobyl Fungus That Eats Radiation

“How can this fungus process radiation in this way? Because it has tons of very dark melanin pigment that absorbs radiation and processes it in a harmless way to produce energy.”

Does it work that way for animals and humans?
Is melanism an r selected trait to gather free energy from the environment?
Is this why the cabal is particularly interested in black children?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Wild shit. Thanks for posting it.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Wuhan Ordered to Put Coronavirus-Infected Residents in Mass Quarantine Camps


Wuhan to open ELEVEN MORE makeshift coronavirus hospitals after workers turn sports halls and exhibition centres into temporary medical centres OVERNIGHT

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

It’s just a flu bro, nothing to see here.
>Coughs up his own left lung in Cantonese

5 years ago

Wuhan is ordering all 11 million residents to report their body temperature every day to combat the coronavirus

Sam J's Boy Scouts Drill Instructor
Sam J's Boy Scouts Drill Instructor
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Meh, nothing 6000000 push-ups per hour doesn’t cure.

5 years ago

AG Barr Requires FBI to Obtain His Approval Before Investigating 2020 Candidates

5 years ago

Kremlin starts temperature checks at Putin events over virus fears