News Briefs – 01/03/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


First today, thank you to Vox Day for a link. I have been busy, and put every spare moment now into the news brief to make it as complete as possible for everyone else to use, so I rarely get to check stats, do email, hang out on other sites, and so on. I just saw a spike happened a couple of days ago, and realized Vox linked to my theory Q is going to release the private FISA files of everyone. Castalia House is still humming along, so if you need a book, especially a quality hardcover epic Fantasy book for a gift to a child you know, stop by. There is nothing like a present that is both a pleasure, a brain-developer, and a good habit to get into for the rest of your life (reading), all rolled into one.

There was one point I wanted to raise in response to a couple of commenters on his site. Again, I do not have inside info, beyond having seen what was assembled, and having an ability to extrapolate out from logic rather than what we were programmed with. But I think this is the Occam’s razor explanation for how you get to Q’s assertion of all Americans uniting behind Donald Trump, and Obama having to flee to Kenya and beg for citizenship to try and escape what is coming. And it does not involve a Boogaloo.

There were a few who said, the release of the files was not going to produce an epic boogaloo revenge fantasy, and it would be forgotten quickly, and thus nothing would come from it, and nothing would change. There are two points about that I’d like to make.

One, radio host Tom Bauerle described coming out of his house unexpectedly, and finding one of the neighborhood spooks running away from a neighbor’s window. What I am sure was going on was the spook had an ear piece hooked to a monitoring spook who was inside a house nearby trying to watch the entire neighborhood from deployed tech, and guide his buddy around anyone in it, so he would be undetected as he snooped. Bauerle surprised them, and ended up seeing something he was supposed to miss, possibly because the husband at that house happened to also be wandering around outside, and was keeping the monitor too occupied to watch everyone. When Bauerle told the neighbor what he saw, the neighbor shit, because his wife had been showering in the bathroom at that window at that very moment. I would assume they heard she was going in the shower off the seismic and pole mics (The same way they timed Bill Binney’s raid, to hit his house just as he stepped in the shower, so they could pull him out of it wet and naked, at gun point. Yes, Cabal neighborhood spooks are watching/listening in your houses in real time, as if your house has no walls. It is weird.). Once they ID’d she was going in, the foot-spook headed over there guided by his buddy, and they were video’ing through a crack in the drapes at the window, or at least trying.

That is going to be common in the files, and I will bet it is done more often to people who are not having affairs, doing drugs, or being closeted gays, and who will be more conservative with less blackmailable material extant. And it will have happened with things more sensitive and private than just showering, too. That is going to be more triggering to someone who sees their video’s in their files, than Biden’s kid, who none of us know, stealing a bunch of money which we really don’t notice was stolen. And I suspect most of us will have videos like that.

Notice also one of Vox’s commenters at the link had a friend run for Congress, and he was intimidated by the machine, face to face, for trying to serve there. In America, inherent to everyone’s psychology is that every door is open to them. We were raised to think, we can be anything we want to be, if we work hard and never quit. But the reality was much different. There were doors which were never going to be open to you, because you were not in the club. And if you tried, this machine would show up and tell you, “This is our turf, you need to get back to your lower station as a worker bee, or we will make things very uncomfortable for you.” There are kids who took off for Hollywood, and threw away their lives on a dream which was never going to happen for them. And nobody told them this, because if nobody knew about the secret club, it could get all of this stuff for free, without every having to actually fight for it. It is really shocking, not even because of the threat, but because we are all so programmed with this idea of America as the most free place on earth, that seeing the reality is a shocking violation of expectation.

What will really seal it will be that actual people were reviewing this material, and using it to suppress others, and personally intrude on their privacy. It is one thing if an Alexa records a guy’s wife moaning and talking dirty as they have sex, and it disappears on some hard drive somewhere. There is almost a Schrodinger’s cat quality to it, where if it is never listened to, it is like it never existed. It is another thing entirely, if an Amazon tech happens to hear it one day. It is another thing yet if there is someone who knows these people, who is hacking into the Alexa and recording it because he is listening via another mic system and the feed is not clear enough. And it is still another level that if the wife tried to run for politics one day, and they would use that recording to humiliate her, and prevent her from running so their corrupt candidate could win without having to fight for it. Think about all of the candidates which just effortlessly stepped aside for Obama, as he began his political assent. This is what you were looking at.

People will not just go on as normal after this, because when you run into it, and actual real people are intruding on you, you become hyper-paranoid all the time. You scour the ceiling for micro-pinhole camera lenses, you always assume you are being watched, you learn to write shit down rather than speak it and then burn the notes once they are read by the other party. It gets creepy and unsettling fast, especially as you watch dead bodies pile up on the news, and hear about people getting radiated at night. I will be like this for the rest of my life, and so will everyone else when they see their files.

And all of that ignores this is the tip of the iceberg. Once everyone is triggered by this, then they will find out really nice people who did good for others selflessly – innocent people – got caught up in this and murdered. To say nothing of 9/11, which I now think was a purposeful op. People will care once it has been made real.

Second, the goal of Trump and Q is not a revenge porn fantasy Boogaloo. I am not even sure the locals will get any punishment, and I am pretty sure they are not the main concern for Q, because at their level, things are probably compartmentalized. They know a few things about some of their neighbors, and how the tech works, but if they are cut off from the command, they wouldn’t know fuck-all about rebuilding the system. They will be about as important as the pussy-poser-politicians in the Roman Senate as things went down hill.

The main concern will be the people at the top who know where all the moving pieces are, and how they fit together. Think of the Roman intel guys who knew where all the informants and agents in Rome’s spy networks throughout the entire Empire were, how to control them, and how to use them to get more. They guys knew how to issue an order to their poisoners and get it carried out. The guys who probably disappeared into the Vatican and produced the network we see today. And I guarantee you most today are probably smart enough we don’t know much about them. They are the danger, and I think they will either have to be locked in solitary with no unmonitored outside communications for the rest of their lives, or maybe killed outright. Because if you leave them out there, their first goal will be to secure a denied area, where they can plot, and their second goal will be to put the band back together – and they know where all the pieces are and how they fit together. I assume they will have to die, probably with Military Tribunals.

I assume Trump and Q may make examples of a few other prominent names, just so history will record that if you try something like this, the world may not always be free from consequences, and no matter how high you are, you may end up hanging from a broken neck for a few seconds before you expire, or feeling the burn as the needle delivers your injection, even if at that moment it seems incomprehensible.

But Trump and Q aren’t going to just give polite society their names and tell us to go get them. They are going to get a very unusual process applied to them, namely the legal system taking their crimes, charging them with treason, and then carrying out the sentence. We all know that system is out there in theory, but I expect they will actually put it back into practice. I think they will prove treason, using uncontaminated judges, and sentence them to death. And I think they will use the rules to do it as arbitrarily as the Cabal had arbitrarily ignored the whole system and had nothing happen for so many decades now. There are rules they will use for sure, but at its core, this will be a blatant application of raw, unbridled power and wrath, damn the consequences.

The problem will not be getting us to go out and kill people. We’re going to be stocking up on popcorn, and getting cozy in our recliners when we see what is probably coming. The problem will be getting the left wing of the country to not see this as their wonderful leaders and heroes, who love them, being murdered by a political opponent for nothing more than politics, and start boogaloo’ing themselves. That is where the files come in, as well as probably the blackmail videos, which at that point will be DeepFake-proofed, because people will have just seen shocking shit they know they did in private on tape, so they will assume that shocking shit they see others doing on tape will be real as well. Once you begin to see that nothing is like you expected, your ability to believe just how weird things are expands exponentially.

And I am pretty sure, once most leftists  see their files, or just get an idea of what was being done to them, of what these leaders were ordering done to them, they will be more than willing to sit back and let justice be served. There will probably be an element of calibration on how much is released, with them releasing just enough to quell leftist outrage, but not so much they trigger Boogaloo.

I have no idea what, if anything, happens to the locals, though I suspect domestic spying at all levels, down to a small three man Police Department, will get some sort of massive oversight apparatus to control it, and make sure it can never get up on the innocent American citizenry like this again. Because people really don’t understand how helpless the citizenry was, or how close we were. This nation was designed to be ruled by the masses, because the masses are, on the whole, good. That needs to be preserved, because as it stood, the masses had been completely overrun by this operation, without even knowing it was an enemy taking over their nation. I am at about 98-99% that those FEMA cattle cars with the human restraints were real pictures, maybe even taken by an Army Intel guy who realized what he saw, took the pics, and then released them on the internet to deliver them to the resistance anonymously, as a signal that it was now or never. I am certain this is why for several years, you could not find ammunition in stores, because the federal government was buying up all of it, for use on us, probably in a blitzkrieg scheduled for the moment things started, before we knew they knew so much about us.

One of the funnier things which will come of this, will be going back over everyone’s boogaloo fantasies, where “we” acted cleverly, and the dumb government got caught off-guard, and we disabled their APCs, or launched some brilliant attack they never saw coming, or a sniper went around with impunity assassinating corrupt politicians, or we disabled such and such or hit so and so. You can’t do that when every Class 4-Class 5 intersection is actively monitored 24/7 by a tech in an observation post who has been assigned 50-100 such intersections of varying traffic levels, every Class 3-Class 3 intersection has a vehicular unit staged and ready to approach it on the cue of the observation post that is assigned that sector’s phased coverage, and the state already knows exactly who everyone is and who they need to keep an eye on, because they have someone in every neighborhood who has been listening in houses and getting to know everyone in their neighborhood better than even  their spouses know them. You do not do anything under those conditions without them seeing you coming a mile away.

Although I wouldn’t be surprised in that scenario if some yahoos managed to kill a few hundred feds and cops, because Cabal knew it was coming, and judged it an excellent PR opportunity to set up crushing the movement. A lot of cops and feds are going to have their heads fucked with, when these files come out, and they see cops like the Officer who saw shaped charges inside the Murrah Building who got killed shortly thereafter, or the two NYPD cops Q says Cabal killed to send a message to NYPD, were basically murdered in co9ld blood by this thing. I’ll bet there are, over the decades, hundreds of dead cops, and with 9/11 probably thousands of dead civilians, who would not have died if this machine had been available to them, and focused on Law Enforcement, rather than supporting Cabal operations and suppressing anyone the machine calculated was a threat.

Ironically, those who already knew about it before will have the easiest ride, because for them, the whole thing will just signal the sudden arrival of a peace and freedom which it seemed was impossibly far away. The rest of society is going to need a few years, to come to terms with just how technology and organized intelligence operations have rendered the world so very differentt from what we were raised to expect. But for the rest of us, this will be utopia.

End rant.

Mark Meadows says of Durham’s probe, “I promise you, their day is coming.” Says findings will be very problematic, and show a concerted effort after the election to try and overthrow President Trump, long after it was clear they had no case.


Iran Supreme leader says to President Trump:

Trump responds by killing his top military leader and then tweeting an American flag at him:

Flashback – Qassem Suleimani was granted an amnesty and taken off the list of proscribed Iranians – together with a number of senior members of the Revolutionary Guards as part of Obama’s Iran deal.

Iran Supreme Leader vows revenge.

Meanwhile two Iraq militia leaders captured:

John Kerry’s daughter is married to an Iranian national who was plugged into the elite political circles there.

New York Times covers the unexplained drones that are swarming by night over Colorado, looking for something. Nobody will own up to them.

CNN says the Impeachment vote should be held in secret, so traitor Republicans can betray the party and movement without fear of being exposed.

UK spy Christopher Steele said he was “absolutely flabbergasted” when BuzzFeed published the pee dossier after an advisor to John McCain shared it with the media, purportedly against Steele’s wishes.

New California law on water use says you can take a shower or you can do a single load of laundry, but you cannot do both. 55 gal per day limit, or face a $1k fine. LA TV anchors go crazy on air over it.

Remember bug-eye’d Evelyn Farkas, who accidently admitted to using the spy apparatus to gather intel on the Trump campaign, before shitting her pants live on TV? Somebody found pics of her and the Director of the Atlantic Council, decked out in Burisma jackets, I assume in the Ukraine.

Hunter Biden’s Chinese firm invested in an African ‘blood mine.’ And just like that I realize all of the propaganda, where you should never invest in a socially irresponsible investment like “Blood Diamonds” just because it is profitable, was only to drive down the demand for those investments so they would be even cheaper for Cabal, and they would make an even bigger profit margin. And every person who tried to be good fucked themselves as the Cabal laughed at their stupidity.

Marianne Williamson has laid off her entire campaign staff.

Poll says Biden remains ahead of Sanders by 10 points.

But Bernie raised the most money with $34.5 million in the final quarter. Trump blew everyone away with $46 million in the quarter and $143 million for the year, and he doesn’t even have a primary, and he would probably win if he didn’t spend a penny of it.

Joe Biden’s Senate papers will stay under wraps until after 2020 election.

20-year-old L.A. man killed in Utah ski accident ID’d as son of ‘Orange Is the New Black’ TV show creator. Congressman Sonny Bono died the same way.

Richard Jewell was a highly skilled shooter and gun enthusiast.

Hillary Clinton was appointed Thursday as the new chancellor of Queen’s University Belfast. Clinton will serve for five years in the largely ceremonial role. Some have speculated she is hoping to exploit a clause in the extradition treaty which exempts politically motivated extraditions from being enforceable.

Swedish political science professor Tommy Möller has warned that Sweden’s society may be ‘dissolving’ due to mass migration.

Virginia’s gun sanctuary movement is fighting the governor’s call for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed “assault weapons” ban. Definitely, if you are trying to get a gun ban passed, first open with a proposal for the paramilitary force you are going to deploy to engage gun owners in armed combat on American streets, because there is nothing the public wants more than a roaring gunfight occurring right next door. Coonman is not the sharpest tool in the drawer.

Marvel to get first transgender superhero in a movie that is shooting right now.

Notice, in this next one, somebody is all ready to film the tirade. Given what I have seen, it is entirely possible the black guy, the “Jews” he is insulting, and the videographer are all Secret Society, and they were given this script, turned out the video, posted it online, and the Cabal-members in media promoted it onto your desktop. If what we have seen is correct, and a foreign intel op took over CIA, CIA then went on to take over actual private companies through infiltration and recruitment of agents, make them the only companies around by using Agency resources to quash competition, make the only jobs at those companies Agency-approved hires, and assemble this massive network, then is it that far fetched our entire media (which we have always known was compromised by something) would be one giant version of an Army Psychological Operation, run by a first rate, first nation intelligence agency to control our population? Q said, this thing is bigger than you could possibly imagine. I cannot say it is this, but it is entirely possible given what I have seen:

Las Vegas PD is looking for a possible kidnapper and a victim seen on a doorbell camera on News Year’s eve:

Sheriffs appear ready to go to jail to protect their communities with Second Amendment Sanctuaries. It will never come to it. Liberals need centralized power. They do not want to open up that first leak in the dam which will lead to every community rejecting centralized authority and just doing what the community members want. They may “fail” to get the ban, in a way which will rile up their base and make it look like they tried, rather than face this.

President Donald Trump nixed nearly 100 environmental regulations during his first three years in office, effectively rolling back much of Obama’s environmental legacy.

Government watchdog Judicial Watch is warning 19 large counties in five states that they will be sued unless they clean up their voting registration lists. Go Tom Fitton.

Precious metals stored in the Texas Bullion Depository are now exempt from certain taxes. From the article : “Enactment of this law takes another step toward the everyday use of gold and silver in financial transactions in the Lone Star State and sets the stage to undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money.” That would not happen if Cabal was still in control.

Virginia gun store says firearms, ammunition, and magazines flying off shelves with upswing in cash purchases.

Stocks roar to fresh records as new year kicks off.

Trump’s $200 billion in sanctions have wiped out Obama’s $150 billion nuclear deal.

Trump is gaining ground in Virginia as the Second Amendment fight rages on.

Father caught a pedophile in his toddlers’ bedroom, naked from the waist down, went medieval, and this was what the pedo’s mugshot looked like:

Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t mess around with Trump.

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5 years ago

That flag that Trump tweeted wasn’t just any flag. It was the exact same image Q has used in his drops.

5 years ago

So, what would it take to set up a denied area?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

We get flyovers, but i hope we’re out of range of the rest.

5 years ago

AC, Vox Day has quoted/linked to you on several occasions recently. He’s an astute, apparently honest guy and is on my very short list of regular reading. Vox has a sizeable following so it’s great to see your influence growing.

The leader piece you wrote today about the extent of the surveillance was an epic. I think this is where you are leading the journalistic charge and providing insight second to none. For me personally, and surely many others here, your writing is a revelation that is preparing me for what is to come. I expect your writings will one day be regarded and respected as truly historic. Please keep up the good work.

5 years ago

Vox has been trying to force K-selected dynamics into an r-selected environment and is paying dearly for it. It’s unfortunate to watch because, if he grasped the moral neutrality between r/K, he’d not be cultivating his ideological germs in ways which necessitate the elimination of rivals, instead of being able to develop a symbiotic balance with them.

Anger is a great exploit, and human attention is the closest we’ve gotten to an infinite resource, but if he and others like him don’t embrace the power of rivalry and cultivate a balanced intellectual ecosystem in an almost pure r-selected environment, they’ll be outbred and sidelined by those ideological germs that do.

Tangential: does r/K have any intellectual rivals to tilt against with flourish to try and draw people’s attention? How could anger be exploited to grow r/K awareness?

Reply to  chronoblip
5 years ago

Vox doesn’t care about balance.

Vox wants them destroyed. He’s willing to take one for the team to advance that goal.

5 years ago

In addition to our esteemed hosts’ books at Castalia, I also heartily recommend The Missionaries by Owen Stanley. Can’t find it in the CH bookstore, but it is still on amazon from CH:

It is one of the most hilarious books I’ve read in a long, long time. And if you haven’t read Social Justice Warriors Always Lie find it right now, put it on your list, and start reading it some time today.

5 years ago

Virginia’s gun sanctuary movement is fighting the governor’s call for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed “assault weapons” ban. Definitely, if you are trying to get a gun ban passed, first open with a proposal for the paramilitary force you are going to deploy to engage gun owners in armed combat on American streets, because there is nothing the public wants more than a roaring gunfight occurring right next door. Coonman is not the sharpest tool in the drawer.

That’s not a confiscation budget. That would need to be in the hundreds of millions, if not billions.

That’s just Coonman stealing $5 million. Keep watching and you’ll see that money going to contractors who funnel it right back to the cabal.

5 years ago

Las Vegas PD is looking for a possible kidnapper and a victim seen on a doorbell camera on News Year’s eve:

Got ’em.

The Toll will always be paid.

Homestead Tuck
Homestead Tuck
5 years ago

AC, I woke up this morning after having a dream that Sonny Bono was Q. I mused at how silly that idea was then seriously wondered if Bono was perhaps an early cabal hit since he was an entertainment industry mega insider who became a Republican congressman. What a bizarre dream I thought. Cut to 30 minutes later sipping coffee reading the Daily Briefs- and Sony Bono’s name pops up! WTF? Unbelievable synchronicity. There are no coincidences. ( Not important, but wow, blew my mind.) Also belated Happy New Year To all on this blog. It’s going to be biblical.

5 years ago

Your rant left me speechless … in a good way, I guess. Will copy and paste and read, like scripture, until it sinks in.
Comment on Iran/Iraq, if you will.

5 years ago

There is a personality cult or at least a carefully crafted image around Qassem Soleimani. I’m wondering what a facial analysis would reveal?

comment image

There is plenty of other photos available, so I thought this could be a shot to understand his ID.

5 years ago

>”The problem will be getting the left wing of the country to not see this as their wonderful leaders and heroes, who love them, being murdered by a political opponent for nothing more than politics, and start boogaloo’ing themselves. That is where the files come in, as well as probably the blackmail videos, which at that point will be DeepFake-proofed, because people will have just seen shocking shit they know they did in private on tape, so they will assume that shocking shit they see others doing on tape will be real as well. Once you begin to see that nothing is like you expected, your ability to believe just how weird things are expands exponentially.”

Very good point. I mean, how many of them might have been recruited by the network to become pawns for their spying operation via the use of lies and bullshit? I think it’s plausible that many of the operational pawns in the network get recruited via a process of someone they trust telling them that they are needed “to keep an eye on a dangerous guy/gal who did X (x being some bullshit they make up about the target)”. Once all those pawns see that they too had their privacy violated by the network, they will know this was not about keeping bad people in line, it was about getting everyone under the control of the global mafia that the cabal is.

And you’re right, revenge porn is a bullshit trap, freedom is the prize, not having free reign to take out frustrations on some low level pawns who for the most part were probably recruited by being manipulated using the information the network got from them by violating their privacy.

5 years ago

What can you tell me about Castalia House?

I’m interested in possibly writing and publishing some novels, would they be a good option?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

They are a good option if you are truly writing at a pro level, can work with editors, and are making a go at professional writing. They are not a good option if you are looking for a vanity press (industry term, not an insult.)

Be forewarned, if you send a manuscript to CH you will get the truth about it’s quality, good or bad. Search yourself carefully before you do.

5 years ago

It’s best to avoid Boogaloo if possible.
But if the country isn’t purged of r selected people and people willing to join the cabal then Boogaloo will come sooner or later.

We need to dump the low level destroyers of civilization in Mexico if there is no Boogaloo and any survivors if there is Boogaloo.

AmeriKa needs to be a K nation.

5 years ago

“Virginia’s gun sanctuary movement is fighting the governor’s call for a $4.8 million, 18-officer team to enforce his proposed “assault weapons” ban. Definitely, if you are trying to get a gun ban passed, first open with a proposal for the paramilitary force you are going to deploy to engage gun owners in armed combat on American streets, because there is nothing the public wants more than a roaring gunfight occurring right next door. Coonman is not the sharpest tool in the drawer.”

Coonman may not be behind this, much smarter people may be trying to start the Boogaloo to disrupt Trump and Q.

5 years ago

More strikes and more kills today.

5 years ago

Trump must avoid a war with Iran, that’s what the deepstate wants.
We need to leave Iraq now that we have shown strength before something happens to force Trump’s hand and we should leave Syria at the same time.

5 years ago

China Urges ‘Calm And Restraint’ After US Kills Top Iranian General

5 years ago

Speaker Pelosi Threatens Possibility of Armed Conflict Against U.S. Department of Justice

5 years ago

“He told police he was stabbed for being Jewish. Then his Apple Watch caught him in a lie.”

I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.

5 years ago

Power imbalance in new Austrian coalition shows as deal is unveiled

5 years ago

I’m thinking that youtube is one way to pass money “legitimately” among Cabal. Look at the trending videos. ASMR of some Asian lady eating with millions of views? A whole raft of them just don’t make sense. According to something Tim Pool once said, 1 million views = $1,000 ad revenue.

Reply to  Tony
5 years ago

Of course it is. Also, instagram sposnorships, YT sponsorships, gofundme campaigns, book deals, film options (90% of which never get made), essentially anything involved in getting tons of money for a no-work or little work job.

Reply to  Phelps
5 years ago

Also, the entire modern art industry. Where else can so much money trade “legitimately” for so little work or merit?

In my opinion, professional sports is a huge money laundering op also. Payoffs for mediocre players that should not be on the field, great players that never get a shot, not to mention the game fixing and gambling profits.

5 years ago

Methodist Church plans to pay off conservative Methodists to go away and start their own, breakaway branch with $25 million (and they can keep their church properties). The schism is a result of the UMC’s embrace of the issue of homosexual “marriage,” a fad that traditionalist Methodists do not see fit to endorse.

5 years ago

Iraq’s top Shi’ite cleric tells all parties to practice restraint

5 years ago

Weakened by sanctions, Venezuela’s PDVSA cedes oilfield operations to foreign firms

5 years ago

Father of Alabama Sen. Doug Jones dies after dementia fight

Natural or cabal induced?

5 years ago


I was reading that Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars paper you linked, I thought page 42 was interesting.

Factor I

As in every social system approach, stability is achieved only by
understanding and accounting for human nature (action/reaction patterns).
A failure to do so can be, and usually is, disastrous.

As in other human social schemes, one form or another of intimidation (or
incentive) is essential to the success of the draft. Physical principles of
action and reaction must be applied to both internal and external

To secure the draft, individual brainwashing/programming and both the
family unit and the peer group must be engaged and brought under

Factor II – Father

The man of the household must be housebroken to ensure that junior will
grow up with the right social training and attitudes. The advertising media,
etc., are engaged to see to it that father-to-be is pussy-whipped before or
by the time he is married. He is taught that he either conforms to the social
notch cut out for him or his sex life will be hobbled and his tender
companionship will be zero. He is made to see that women demand
security more than logical, principled, or honorable behavior.

By the time his son must go to war, father (with jelly for a backbone) will
slam a gun into junior’s hand before father will risk the censure of his
peers, or make a hypocrite of himself by crossing the investment he has in
his own personal opinion or self-esteem. Junior will go to war or father
will be embarrassed. So junior will go to war, the true purpose not

Factor III – Mother

The female element of human society is ruled by emotion first and logic
second. In the battle between logic and imagination, imagination always
wins, fantasy prevails, maternal instinct dominates so that the child comes
first and the future comes second. A woman with a newborn baby is too
starry-eyed to see a wealthy man’s cannon fodder or a cheap source of
slave labor. A woman must, however, be conditioned to accept the
transition to “reality” when it comes, or sooner.

As the transition becomes more difficult to manage, the family unit must
be carefully disintegrated, and state-controlled public education and state-
operated child-care centers must be become more common and legally
enforced so as to begin the detachment of the child from the mother and
father at an earlier age. Inoculation of behavioral drugs [Ritalin] can speed
the transition for the child (mandatory). Caution: A woman’s impulsive
anger can override her fear. An irate woman’s power must never be
underestimated, and her power over a pussy-whipped husband must
likewise never be underestimated. It got women the vote in 1920.

Factor IV – Junior

The emotional pressure for self-preservation during the time of war and
the self-serving attitude of the common herd that have an option to avoid
the battlefield – if junior can be persuaded to go – is all of the pressure
finally necessary to propel Johnny off to war. Their quiet blackmailings of
him are the threats: “No sacrifice, no friends; no glory, no girlfriends.”

Factor V – Sister

And what about junior’s sister? She is given all the good things of life by
her father, and taught to expect the same from her future husband
regardless of the price.

Factor VI – Cattle

Those who will not use their brains are no better off than those who have
no brains, and so this mindless school of jelly-fish, father, mother, son,
and daughter, become useful beasts of burden or trainers of the same.