I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump. __________________________________
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
Veterans Today hosts Jesse Ventura’s episode of Conspiracy Theory devoted to the Targeted Individual phenomenon in this next video, which makes me wonder if the vets who run it have run into anything in their own lives. It is 42 minutes, but worth the watch. The victims have even gotten the vibrations, which I can vouch for. The CIA guy strikes me as total disinformation. I think his goal was to guide your perception toward thinking there are these GWEN towers, and five or ten guys in DC who are pressing a button and causing the effects. What he didn’t want you to think is that there is a massive intelligence network of recruited civilian spies and informants, spread throughout the nation, embedded in communities, organized, compartmentalized, and operating like terrorist cells, on orders from some central controlling authority, who work together and produce each of those cases. I would guess the correlation between cases of targeted surveillance/harassment and the microwave towers is not due to their radiations being used as weapons, but rather they are being used as repeaters for team communication systems necessary to run and coordinate field operations. My impression is those radiations will be coming from closer to the targets. This piece shows a part of the big deal, although admittedly probably the worst part. These are the nails which stood up, and which the machine decided to hammer down with force. But the bigger story is, everyone is a nail, the Secret Society is massive and everywhere, and this may have affected everything you see. Politics, economics, history, psychology, culture, everything is meaningless compared to this, because this is not only operative on a few isolated cases. This is what has been nudging, and sometimes shoving, everything else you see. I believe this is a massive hidden hand which guides the lives and paths of almost all, if not all, individuals with potential in their areas of operations (usually populous areas), to control the entire system. This network is everywhere. It clocks just about everyone, from their earliest age. When your child is enjoying the excitement of the first grade sitting at their desk with their brand new box of crayons, there are kids in their class right alongside them who are quietly observing and informing on all the non-member kids of the network in their school to adult handlers, and their intel is going into files that will follow your kids for life. There are teachers in the school, watching and listening. Aides, janitors, counselors, they can all be part of the network. And that is on top of the people in the neighborhood watching, and the social circle infiltrators. Those files will be built throughout their schooling and then their lives. Psychological profiles, standardized tests, likes, dislikes, hobbies, traumas, medical stuff, it all goes in their files. As they move through life, opportunities will open up, opportunities will close off, ideas which they hear, and decide to pursue, and information which will dissuade them from things, many of those turning points will have been engineered to guide those non-members into positions where the Network of the Secret Society wants them in the machine. Since 9/11 you cannot imagine how big this has gotten. I suspect there are more than a few drug addicts whose files showed them being risks who had too much potential, and who were generously offered that first hit of heroin or meth for free by a Secret Society member on the orders of the machine when they were just a dumb kid, before they became dangerous. I suspect there were some kids with potential who were molested by priests and scout leaders on orders of the leadership (religious kids and scouts are the types of kids who will have potential, and maybe be dangerous). I have even wondered if the rise in autism could be inflicted using technology from houses nearby, or even injected on purpose, if you knew all of the technological weapons at the disposal of the machine. Everyone who isn’t in the network is a chess piece to be moved. Add in the group manipulation, like the promotion of degeneracy, and mass migration, and gun disarmament, and the idea the capable have an unfair advantage, and LGBTQPed, and you have a real system of control. I preach this because an awareness of the system is the only way to help those of our kind. This isn’t surprising. It is not the first time in history a network of control, using regular civilians like this, has been built. Understand there is a shadow dictatorship out there which is trying to control everything, and which is nudging you during critical periods. Know that it knows about you, even if you do not know about it. If you have children with potential, protect them, because there is something dangerous out there which may decide it doesn’t like them. Warn them about the danger, and to be careful who they trust, even among their friends. The only thing I disagree with this show on is whether this is the US government. Obviously, although it may in places avail itself of US government authorities or technologies, or even agencies, I suspect the real leadership of it traces to something bigger than merely the US government. And finally, pray for Q and Trump. The video:
Now file away that all of that is being done to innocent Americans, and then listen to these next two cocksuckers spout their bullshit about how they are on the side of the angels, the old system is pure American goodness, and Donald Trump is the enemy. They know, and I will bet the cunt interviewing them does too, or she would not have been allowed to get there. These are two 100% psychopaths on full display, and before Trump’s election, they were the unelected dictators of the Soviet Republic of America:
In a little noticed development, Cindy McCain has gotten “The Boot.” I have never seen a single person who got a boot like this, let alone one who inexplicably swapped the boot from foot to foot for no reason, and then had his wife wearing the exact same type of boot. And in their circles, of late it has practically become a familial fashion accessory, with both Hillary and Chelsea getting one too:

Lara Trump says she is pushing Trump to adopt a White House dog. Given how everyone is attacking him all the time, a dog would be a good fit for his life. I hope she pulls it off, but I also hope he only goes with the dog who is a good fit. Conan could be it, but from what I have seen, I think Trump would be more a German Shepherd guy, as they are more laid back and thoughtful. Belgian Malinois have that drive, and don’t seem to throttle down. German Shepards are much more likely to get this expression than Malinois.
Flynn will ask the Judge to dismiss the case against him, his lawyer says.
North Korea is cracking down on illegal cellphone use after sensitive details about Kim Jong Un’s itinerary leaked out. Could be more to it, as it has also closed the border, launched mass searches by security services, and shut down all smuggling. From the article, one person said, “The state security officials that the Central Committee dispatched are searching everywhere [for illegal phone users]. I have a feeling that something serious is about to go down.”
NSC official reportedly testifies he heard nothing illegal on the Trump-Zelensky call.
Trump says he wants to read Ukraine call transcript in televised ‘fireside chat.’
Forbes says Japan must either open up to foreigners, or face economic collapse. Disturbing as they had a thread on /pol showing how Japan has girl bands signing songs celebrating gays and transgender’s, and Japan anons have noticed the shift in how celebrity girls are portraying themselves, as seen in the pic below. I cannot help but think this is retaliation for Abe standing by Trump’s side:
Missing Canadian bomb expert with Neo-Nazi ties may be in the U.S.
Talks halt between whistleblower lawyers and Schiff staff amid expectation he won’t testify.
Two Democrats cross over to oppose Impeachment at the outset. Reps. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey and Collin Peterson of Minnesota both voted no. All the rest are desperately trying to save themselves. Also Tulsi supported it, though it is not impossible this Impeachment push is part of Trump’s Plan.
More than 200 flights at Chicago’s international airports canceled due to snowfall on Halloween.
Utah sees record cold of -43.6 ºF – ‘Perhaps the lowest October temperature ever recorded’.
“Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace said that he “can feel goosebumps” during an impeachment resolution vote on the House floor. The cult is a family affair.
Rumors of trouble in the Royal Family between Harry and Meghan and the Queen. Harry always seemed like a good guy. Unfortunately loyalty, and not being a self-serving psychopath, are exactly what make you vulnerable to the types of manipulators who will destroy your life. You have to process that not everyone thinks like you or operates the way you would for them, even those closest to you.
Laura Ingraham warns Republicans: ‘There is no GOP in 2020 without Trump.’ If Trump were removed, it becomes Civil War time, as Louie Gohmert openly said. We just need to blind the surveillance machine first.
Jeb Bush says it is shameful to question the patriotism of any Impeachment witnesses. I wonder if what Laura Bush showed him at Poppy’s funeral was a picture of his aborted sister/fetus in a jar, which was used as a good luck charm by his Dad. We know Barbara had a “failed” pregnancy, though they say it was a miscarriage. But with Cabal you never know. The only thing I know is there is likely something very wrong hidden in the shadows behind that family, and they are terrified it is about to come out.
Children in Austin as young as 8 years old will now be taught a controversial sex education curriculum promoting high-risk sexual behavior, thanks to a unanimous decision by the Austin Independent School District. Will give first rate instructions on exactly how to have anal sex.
The FBI is investigating after someone drove a car up to the back gate of its office in Pittsburgh’s South Side and left it there with a message written on it. Message said, “Russia plants micro radio devices in ppls ears and controls them using a sound similar to a dog whistle. Subliminal hypnosis.” I’ve got news for you anon – that’s not Russia.
Grassley will take back the Judiciary gavel from Lindsey Graham if GOP keeps the Senate in 2020.
Rabbi says, vote against Corbyn because he is bad for Jews. Granted, he says Labour is not the problem, it is just the people in it, but baby steps.
New sexual abuse allegations against former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky under investigation. There were whispers he may have been like Jimmy Saville – the first thread which had it been pulled, would have reached right up into the seats of power.
Trump changes primary residence to Palm Beach. I really think much of his life was a cover. He was a New York Democrat, a billionaire playboy, an entertainer/celebrity/reality TV show host, a goofball joker, a pseudo-leftist. And all along he was saying quietly to himself, “Soon….”
Given this from the comments, which implied Trump pulling troops out of Syria was a feint to draw enemy action, I thought it was interesting we have popped back into Northern Syria:
Spread r/K Theory, because it is the biggest witch hunt in history.
I find the story on Japan to be quite interesting. The Forbes article argues that Japan’s demographic situation of having low birthrates was caused by previous economic slowdowns. But low marriage and birthrates are a problem that we see across the entire developed world, even in the US which has a strong economy. Clearly the problem is not something unique to Japan. Observers on the right have correctly identified cultural changes, and feminism in particular, for changing the dynamics between men and women in our modern societies in such a way as to dis-incentivize marriage and child-rearing. The resulting dearth of children then gives the left an excuse to argue for more 3rd-world immigration to “solve” the problem.
One of the traps is “my country right or wrong” it in contrast to allegience to King Jesus is vulnerable to co-option to work for cabal without knowledge of doing their bidding.
Whoops should be a new thread.
My husband had to wear one of those boots when he had the same brain tumor McCain had that eventually made him completely paralyzed on the one side. It prevents drop foot in people with either nerve damage or who are recumbent in a hospital bed for a long period. Switching sides is weird…like are they faking nerve damage for some reason?
Something strange happened to me yesterday that reminded me of something I read on this blog. It was when Rand Paul and his friend were having food in a diner. Some whacko came up and started hassling him. You had the theory it was a distraction to prevent him noticing something else going on in the background. I think that happened to me…no joke. I was out shopping early in the morning in shitty weather. That’s the best time to go because most other people aren’t out and about. Sure enough, I stopped at a large chain and got an easy parking spot.
After that, I thought I’d head home, but then spontaneously decided to stop in a small business nearby because I was doing good for time. I didn’t really need a specific thing, just thought I’d scrounge for deals. When I pulled up, there was a line of cars in the lot, but when I went in, there was nobody around, even people who worked there. I was only there for a minute when I was approached by a ‘Karen’ like one of those middle aged blondes with the wedge shaped hairdo. I got this vibe she wanted me to leave. She talked really fast about this other similar business the next town over, and how the place I was at didn’t have the selection, prices, etc as this other place. I asked her questions to be polite but tried edging away because I didn’t want to be bothered, but she stayed on me. When she ran out of things to talk about, she started repeating herself. Her chatter was such I couldn’t concentrate on looking at anything, so I ended up leaving. She followed me out the door, then sat in her car and made sure I left.
It made me think, “Holy shit…did I almost roll my hamster ball into a drug smuggling operation or whatever, and they had to send Karen87 from the Shadow Guard to escort me away of seeing something I shouldn’t?”
Line of cars in the lot, nobody in the store. They may have been staging vehicles there to follow you, or other people (this thing is bigger than you would believe), and using there specifically because there wasn’t anyone there. Plus your file will note you surf here, and thus may be surveillance-aware, so you jumping off could be you running a surveillance detection route because you saw something earlier which sparked you and you are testing them. Then you run into a massive line of their staged cars, and they freak out. There are things which in their heads scream, “Holy shit, he’s about to figure it out!” but it rolls off us without us knowing, because literally, I have seen a ton, and still am in disbelief anything like this could ever exist in America. Nobody sees it because nobody would think it possible. But it is those moments when we jump off our plans, go off script, and do something they weren’t betting on when they stumble and these little things happen which begin to reveal something odd is going on around us. Without that stop, they would have had people all along your route in cars, and you’d have never seen anything.
Also, easy parking spots can be a sign, if you park when things are crowded. They like total control, knowing ahead of time where you will park, because then they can extrapolate where you will walk, and put only a few people along the one path they know you will take, rather than staking out an entire parking lot, and filling up all the various paths from all of the parts of it to where you are going. So if they know where you are going, they get a guy there a half hour before you to grab a spot in the area they want you, and then as you approach, they radio him to pull out and leave. And in you pull and the dance begins, without you ever knowing.
Don’t freak out. Even though it is way, way outside of a normal person’s comfort zone, this is just part of the game today, unless you are happy to sit back like a good quiet serf as your country is ruined for some pansy elites who expect everyone to just follow their orders. Plus I really think Trump will fix this in the near future.
Funny thing is I encountered a similar situation before, but the difference is that another person showed up a few minutes later. Both of us ended up buying something and waiting by the register because there was nobody around running the till. Finally, somebody came out of the back. This time, it was a huge fuck-up, like if there was something shady going on, they should have let me wander around and possibly leave, or if I found something, they could have sent someone up to run the till (not Karen; she doesn’t look the type). That would have been a lot less weird that what went down, and if I’m being watched, then you’d think they’d know I’m always wondering about people acting weird around me all the damn time. An effort should be made to act natural. That lady was seriously freaked out though.
I’m not freaked out by it because I’ve lived too long and am in Zen mode most of the time. There’s no middle ground. It’s either embrace the horror movie your life is or be in a constant state of having a nervous break down.
Or, the competition she was pushing you TO was cabal, and they were trying to fill the lot and push people away to kill that non-cabal business.
Did you get my last comment? When I hit ‘post’ it disappeared.
http://archive.vn/lwbzT – “Florida principal who told parent he ‘can’t say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event’ is fired”
People are waking up to the fact that the official version of the holocaust is a fraud and a money grabbing racket.
This man should be supported for speaking out the truth.
For those that want to learn more about the holohoax, watch and read this:
http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=1001 – “One Third of the Holocaust” – documentary
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK3AUG87JD0 – “The First Holocaust The Surprising Origin of the Six Million Figure”
https://codoh.com/ – Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website
https://www.bitchute.com/video/5W6zIPoHcAAs/ – “The “Holocaust” testimonies you DIDN’T hear!”
This blog has no title and so none of the comments in the new comments page contain a link to it.
Thank you. I made the mistake of updating the blog software, and now it does this every so often, with no real predictability. I enter a title, but for some reason it doesn’t take when the post launches.
Kek, watch this 40 second video that will make you smile (generation Zyklon is real):
More on the Black school prinicpal getting fired for saying truths about the holohoax:
-History schoolteacher says: “There was lots of proof from the Red Cross, that the number of deceased in the WORK camps, they were not other types of camps, they were work camps, they starved because the allies were starving them”
Part of the edifice? From buzzfeed of all places….
TX state rep vows action after ‘transition’ legal fight
http://archive.vn/RRAbR – “Illinois’ Jewish Governor Pritzker Signs Law Mandating LGBT Indoctrination in Public Schools”
Billboard in London Encourages White People to Sterilize Themselves
Parents force WA school district to eliminate sex ed requirement
Scotland’s Sturgeon says to demand powers for new independence referendum
Ukraine, NATO issue statement on minority rights after Hungary threat
Syria’s Assad calls Trump the ‘most transparent president’
Bringing the truth out in the open is essential to changing the status quo.
Tens of thousands of Islamists rallied alongside opposition supporters in Pakistan’s capital Friday, as the firebrand cleric leading anti-government protests called on Prime Minister Imran Khan to step down within 48 hours.
In nod to protests, Iraq president calls for new voting law
People are being financially deplatformed from various banks: