The Most Important Concept Here
Since beginning this site, we have encountered what most people would never believe could exist - the massive domestic network of spies and civilian informants, exactly like the East German Stasi, that has been created and deployed against the American people within America, by whoever controls our government. If you are a conservative who supports Donald Trump, it is most likely operating in your neighborhood, and spying on your family, even though you have never seen it, and would never believe it possible. Our writings on this subject are the most important contribution this website will make for America, which is why it is at the top of our sidebar. You need to click here first for the summary, or go to our main website on the subject at, to read our book on how to spot the domestic intelligence machine in America which is targeting you and your children in the schools.Meta
Monthly Archives: August 2016
Venezuela Imposes Forced Labor As Women Self-Sterilize
The next step – when rabbits at the top want free resources, they make it happen by force: “A new decree establishing that any employee in Venezuela can be effectively made to work in the country’s fields as a way … Continue reading
Posted in Amygdala, Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences
Thinking of Emigrating? The Swiss Own Lots Of Guns…
If you end up a political refugee from the US, you could do worse than Switzerland: As nations around Europe tighten their gun laws after a series of terror attacks in several countries since 2015, the Swiss are bucking this … Continue reading
Posted in Economic Collapse, Europe, Guns, K-stimuli
Married Homosexuals Three Times More Likely To Commit Suicide
What brain structure drives suicide? Homosexuals who “marry” each other are almost three times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual counterparts, even in very gay-friendly Sweden, according to a study published in the May issue of the European … Continue reading
Posted in Amygdala, Homosexuality, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance
Refugee Resettlement Contractors Have A Lobbying Arm
And people thought the military-industrial complex was bad: We have written often about the consortium of members of the refugee resettlement industry calling themselves the Refugee Council USA (RCUSA). Go here for our archive on the group which includes the … Continue reading
Donald Sees What Is Coming – Establishes The “Short Circuiting” Meme
Donald is laying the groundwork: Heading to New Hampshire – will be talking about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and other things!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 6, 2016 This may mean Donald is going to go for the … Continue reading
Posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump
Liberals Want Higher Crime To Ameliorate Global Warming
Clearly this is why they hate the book More Guns, Less Crime: In a recent study published in The Journal of Industrial Ecology, researchers at the Center for Environmental Strategy at the University of Surrey in England estimated the annual … Continue reading
Posted in Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli
Somali Knife Attacker Recommended Jihad Book
As you would expect, he was a jihadi, not simply mentally ill: The British authorities have said Zakaria Bulhan – the 19-year-old Norwegian man of Somali descent arrested on suspicion of murdering American tourist Darlene Horton in London on Wednesday … Continue reading
Posted in Europe, Immigration, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, rabbitry
Migrants From Muslim And African Nations Are Mentally Retarded
I love this link. It rates the IQ’s of various nations. It is a guaranteed SJW trigger all by itself. I had no idea the IQ disparities were this enormous. I stumbled upon it while thinking about the Somali-Norwegian knife … Continue reading
Server For Lawyer Suing Clinton For Fraud Found Dead
From Snopes: In August 2016, rumors began circulating that Shawn Lucas had died unexpectedly; Lucas was known to many frustrated Democrats as the young man who served the Democratic National Committee (DNC) with a lawsuit in early July 2016 charging … Continue reading
Posted in Conspiracy, Politics, rabbitry
Trump Was Right – Iran Released Video Of Pallets of Cash To Embarrass The US
Here is exactly what Donald describe: Iran might have a video of America’s $400 million cash payment to the regime after all — even though Donald Trump backed off such claims early Friday amid intense criticism. An apparent Iranian TV … Continue reading