Monthly Archives: July 2016
Angela Merkel Is Feeling The Heat
The worm turns: Merkel’s premiership is hanging by a thread today as thousands gathered to call for her resignation while a key political ally dramatically withdrew his support over immigration policy. More than 5,000 protested in Berlin and thousands more … Continue reading
Russia Has An Anthrax Outbreak In Siberia
They think Anthrax, though it is unconfirmed: Thirteen people have been taken to hospital in a remote part of Siberia after an anthrax outbreak linked to a frozen reindeer carcass… Russian Ministry of Agriculture officials believe the anthrax emanates from … Continue reading
Hillary Clinton, Extreme Startle Reaction, Startle Epilepsy, And Her Red Mouth
I was watching Hillary’s speech, and noticed a minor point. At the beginning, her tongue would periodically show, and it appeared unusually deep red on the outside, as did the insides of her lips. As the speech went on, her … Continue reading
Men’s Lingerie – Signs Of The Apocalypse
It always gets darkest right before the dawn. I am saying that to myself all the time lately: When it comes to style, guys are starting to have way more fun: donning skirts, braiding their hair and even applying lipstick … Continue reading
Michael Moore Highlights Liberal Amygdala Function – Violation of Expectations And Denial
Known wolf Aurini commented in an email on Michael Moore’s realization that Trump will win in November: This part stood out to me: “You need to exit that bubble right now. You need to stop living in denial and face … Continue reading
Navy To Name Ship After Gay Child-Molester
I guess we don’t have to ask where the Admirals “stow their torpedoes“: This is what Obama thinks of the military. This is what he thinks of children. This is what he thinks of us. As J.E. Dyer reports, Obama … Continue reading
Scott Adams Sees Liberalism Crushing Testosterone
Interesting: But if you’re an undecided voter, and male, you’re seeing something different. You’re seeing a celebration that your role in society is permanently diminished… Let me say this again, so you know I’m not kidding. Based on what I … Continue reading
Democrats Ban Uniformed Police Officers From Their Convention Floor
Not surprising: Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” in an appearance from the site of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani called the convention “the most anti-police” and “the most anti-law … Continue reading
Liberals Seek To Assuage Amygdalae
Conservatives said the world is an amygdala stimulant, and Donald Trump will be the relaxant. The liberals are trying to assuage everyone’s amygdalae, say the world is just fine, and Donald will be the amygdala stimulant. The first night of … Continue reading
Clinton Has Been Maintaining A Press Conference Blackout
This makes more sense now: Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager can’t guarantee that the Democratic presidential candidate will hold a press conference between now and the election and laughed off questions about why she doesn’t gaggle with reporters. Speaking at a … Continue reading