Monthly Archives: May 2016
Hillary’s Amygdala Under Load
A reader emails in this article: In March, Mrs. Clinton lost her temper with a Greenpeace Activist who asked her about donations from the fossil-fuel industry. After Mrs. Clinton answered that she takes donations from a lot of people who … Continue reading
Another Cog In The Apocalypse Machinery
When things get bad, not only do people not borrow, everyone tries to liquidate debt: Central banks are dumping America’s debt at a record pace. China, Russia and Brazil sold off U.S. Treasury bonds as they tried to soften the … Continue reading
Trump Rattles, Obama Is Rattled By Rattling
r vs K, in every facet: Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is responding to President Barack Obama, who while overseas said foreign leaders are rattled by Trump. “When you rattle someone, that’s good because many of the world, many of … Continue reading
The Last Superbug Gene Is Here
An Apocalypse all its own: For the first time, researchers have found a person in the United States carrying bacteria resistant to antibiotics of last resort, an alarming development that the top U.S. public health official says could signal “the … Continue reading
Trump’s Opponents Vs America’s K-strategists
Everywhere you look, it is r vs K: In one of the presidential campaign year’s more grisly spectacles, protesters at a Donald Trump rally in New Mexico threw burning T-shirts, plastic bottles and other items at police officers, injuring several, … Continue reading
Matt Forney Cover’s Milo’s Rabbit Riot
Milo ran into another group of pink shirts at his event at DePaul University. Looking to get the real scoop, I headed over to Matt Forney, who can be counted on for incredibly insightful, reader-supported, in-person coverage of much of … Continue reading
US May Have A Venezuelan Migrant Crime Wave Coming
In Germany, they learn migrants are r-strategists: A massive, migrant crime wave is surging across Germany according to figures buried in a new report released by the country’s Interior Ministry. The data reveals that without migrants considered, crime rates in … Continue reading
On Violence, Amygdala, And Shifting Toward K
An anonymized commenter writes: I lost a friend today. She wasn’t a friend so much, but more of a nice person that I enjoyed chatting with at the gym. The conversation started innocuously enough. She was taking classes at university. … Continue reading
New Minor Apocalypse Closing In?
Zero Hedge shows, business delinquencies rising: Delinquencies of commercial and industrial loans at all banks, after hitting a low point in Q4 2014 of $11.7 billion, have begun to balloon (they’re delinquent when they’re 30 days or more past due). … Continue reading
K-selection Begins In Myanmar
You most likely know it as Myanmar… but it will always be Burma to me: At the entrance to Thaungtan village there’s a brand new sign, bright yellow, and bearing a message: “No Muslims allowed to stay overnight. No Muslims … Continue reading