The Most Important Concept Here
Since beginning this site, we have encountered what most people would never believe could exist - the massive domestic network of spies and civilian informants, exactly like the East German Stasi, that has been created and deployed against the American people within America, by whoever controls our government. If you are a conservative who supports Donald Trump, it is most likely operating in your neighborhood, and spying on your family, even though you have never seen it, and would never believe it possible. Our writings on this subject are the most important contribution this website will make for America, which is why it is at the top of our sidebar. You need to click here first for the summary, or go to our main website on the subject at, to read our book on how to spot the domestic intelligence machine in America which is targeting you and your children in the schools.
Monthly Archives: February 2016
New Hampshire Supports A Ban On Muslim Immigration
This is in-grouping: According to the New Hampshire exit polls, a full 66% of Republican voters back a “ban on Muslims from entering the U.S.” This obviously is good news for Donald Trump, who proposed a temporary ban on foreign … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Turkey’s Erdogan Blackmailed Europe For Billions
ZeroHedge has a story on it here: Following unfavorable election results last June, Erdogan plunged the country into civil war be restarting a long simmering battle with the PKK and proceeded to crack down on journalists and anyone else critical … Continue reading
Posted in Europe, Immigration, Muslims, Trump
Pentagon Must Consider Climate Change Before Doing Anything
More madness that only happens when there is no threat and resources are free: The Pentagon is ordering the top brass to incorporate climate change into virtually everything they do, from testing weapons to training troops to war planning to … Continue reading
Posted in Decline, Economic Collapse, Liberals, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry
Kurds Are r-strategists
Tom Kratman has a great piece on his experiences with the people which seems to indicate so: Most people shy away from or are at least ignorant of the reason so many of those adorable kids died. It’s simple; the … Continue reading
Posted in Muslims, rabbitry
Do We Really Elect Our Leaders?
Interesting: Keane Schwarz is certain he knows the outcome of the vote in his precinct: He was the lone caucusgoer in Woodbury County No. 43. But the Iowa Democratic Party’s final results state that Hillary Clinton won one county delegate … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
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Donald Trump Rises In New Hampshire
Donald is on the move again: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s lead widened in New Hampshire just days before the primary, according to the latest CNN/WMUR tracking poll. Thirty-three percent of likely Republican primary voters said they support Trump, giving … Continue reading
Posted in Amygdala, Conservatives, In-grouping, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Trump
French Rabbits Order Police To Attack Pegida
Lots of anarchy in France, Czechoslovakia, and Amsterdam as K-amygdalae fire up: Police in Calais have dispersed a rowdy anti-migrant protest with tear gas after clashes with protesters and detained several far-right demonstrators. Around 150 militants from the anti-Islam, anti-immigration … Continue reading
Posted in Amygdala, Cowardice, Dopamine, Europe, Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Narcissists, rabbitry
Live Zika Virus Found In Saliva – Kissing Transmission?
This is disturbing: Scientists identified the Zika virus in the saliva and urine of two infected patients, a top Brazilian biomedical research institution said on Friday, prompting its president to urge pregnant women not to kiss strangers just as local … Continue reading
Posted in Disgust, Pandemic
r/K Selection and Burger Competitions
Picture this. You spend all day running around in the woods. Your muscles are tired, you are starving, and your spear broke in half three hours ago so all you have is the half-spear with the arrowhead. Roots reach up … Continue reading
Posted in Dopamine, Economic Collapse, K-stimuli, Psychology, r-stimuli
European Migrants – Where Is The Money Going?
Just saw this article: The Berlin Senate has announced an audacious, and some would say totally inappropriate plan to house 10,000 migrants in mid level to luxury hotels in the city with a total price tag of at least 600 … Continue reading
Posted in Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics