Monthly Archives: September 2015
Rabbits Use Imagery In The Normalization of Pedophilia
The rabbit quote was very well crafted: What reality does Crowder live in where things are made better by refusing to understand them [pedophiles]? Never mind that his solution to sex offenders is to shoot them in the head, which … Continue reading
Where Trump Beats Cruz
Cruz Likens Obama to the Terminator: Sen. Ted Cruz on Tuesday delivered a scathing assessment of Republican leaders in Congress, and said they continue to surrender to President Obama, who he compared to Arnold Scharzenegger’s Terminator for his tenacity when … Continue reading
Now We Are Importing Terrorists
Obama changes the rules: As if President Obama’s sweeping amnesty measures haven’t compromised national security enough, the administration let 1,519 “inadmissible” foreigners embroiled in terrorism into the U.S. last year because the crimes were committed “while under duress.” Before the … Continue reading
The Far Right Makes Hay In Europe
Immigration of savages combined with fear is great for right-wing recruitment: The far right in Europe is making capital from the hundreds of thousands of migrants pushing into the continent and hopes to turn fears it has helped to fuel … Continue reading
Cuckservative David French Notices Racial In-grouping
NRO is noticing the trend toward racial in-grouping: On the alt-right, the race-obsessed get Twitter accounts; on the far Left, they get tenure — and then go on to celebrate only the most radical voices as truly “authentic.” Recently, Yale … Continue reading
Catalonia Votes for Independence
Catalonia seems on the path to secession: An exit poll from Sunday’s elections in Catalonia indicates that the pro-independence parties are likely to win a majority in the regional parliament, making a collision with Madrid over independence inevitable. r-selected rabbits … Continue reading
When Resources Are Free – Importing Retards Edition
Think allowing low IQ third worlders to travel here on their own dime is a bad idea? Now we’re going to pay their travel costs: Hundreds of immigrants with mental disabilities who were deported from the U.S. after representing themselves … Continue reading
Elizabeth Warren on Police Training
Elizabeth Warren kisses #Blacklivesmatters ass: In a Sunday speech on racial inequality, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called for broad policing reform — including de-escalation training and body cameras for all police officers… De-escalation training. As a rabbit, it is natural … Continue reading
Things are Changing in Germany
Not unpredictable, but not what it will be when the economic system goes down. Locals in Giessen are appalled by the rape allegations. But many are also increasingly worried about the effect of the migrants — some 6,000 Syrians, Iraqis, … Continue reading
Rabbits Run
If you are a rabbit, and somebody threatens you over your patch of grass, you run. There is always more grass, so those rabbits who fight in r-selection get hurt fighting over things that they could have just as easily … Continue reading