Monthly Archives: April 2015
Michael Slager, Walter Scott, and the Amygdala
This comment at Free Republic is interesting. A lot of this shooting bothers me, mainly because it doesn’t make sense. If the officer was a psychopath, he would have known that in shooting the suspect in the back, he would … Continue reading
Aurini Goes for the Shock Hijack
Aurini advocates the airhorn as a counter protest measure. It is a brilliant strategy for many reasons. Loud noises at unpredictable, random intervals will trigger the startle response, activating the amygdala, and warming it up for loading with aversive stimulus. … Continue reading
“Right Wing Extremists” Post Home Info of DHS and FBI Officials
From this article: Federal law enforcement officials are investigating the online publication of home addresses of senior officials and former officials of the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other agencies, CBS News has learned…. In … Continue reading
Technology Begins Aiding the K-Shift
I must confess to having been somewhat bothered by the effect of technology on our r/K balance. I was particularly bothered by smartphones. If the internet is a big dopamine eliciting drug, then the smartphone is the little package you … Continue reading
r/K Invades the Investment World
There is a great link here on an investment site, discussing resource shortage, r/K Theory, and the changes in psychology which occur due to it all. I particularly liked the rabbit, who faced with the aggression, said, “I left after … Continue reading
Ted Cruz and the K-shift
I keep saying it is getting more K, and as it does, the world will begin to make more sense. Yes, if you travel into the heart of a warren, lesbian rabbits are still stiffing cabbies, and then getting them … Continue reading
Bill Buckley Saw the Rabbit Amygdala
From Jeffery Lord at the Spectator: Bill Buckley Was Right: America in the Grip of the Liberal Mania : What Buckley knew in 1959 was this: “I shall be assuming that in most respects the liberal ideologists are, like Don … Continue reading
Conspiracies and the Shadows of Government
Conspiracies are always fun to speculate about so here is a funny memory that was dredged up this week. Harry Reid was in the news for the third time with major injuries that he was attributing to some benign cause. … Continue reading
Amygdalae, IQ, Reaction Times, and Ideology
A while back, Michael Woodley did some fascinating research into how different generations compare to each other with respect to IQ. His paper generated quite a stir, because it provided evidence that Victorians may have been smarter on average than … Continue reading
New Poll – Government is the Enemy
A new poll shows even Democrats are turning on the government. As the amygdala irritation increases, people will look for an entity to focus on, with an eye to alleviating the irritation. If there is one entity, everyone is allying … Continue reading