Monthly Archives: October 2014
Amygdalae in the News
A National Review Article by Victor Davis Hansen Relevant part of the article: “At the end of the 18th century, there were two great Western revolutions — the American and the French. Americans opted for the freedom of the individual, … Continue reading
Preparing for Ebola
Hopefully Ebola will prove controllable. but it never hurts to recognize potential threats and prepare, and given the incompetence of our government, that is never more true than now. Obviously, I saw Vox’s post on the curve, and that doesn’t … Continue reading
Amygdala Rising
Doctors, nurses in Liberia fleeing Ebola hospitals (When this takes off, it could be a tipping point) What goes on all the time that you don’t hear about on the national news (local news links down the thread) Where it … Continue reading
Ebola, Natural Selection, and Facilitating a K-Shift to Conservatism to Save Lives
Lots of disease in the news recently, and it highlights how people should factor disease into their catastrophe planning, perhaps even more than economic or civil collapse. Have enough food, medicine, and other supplies to bed down for four to … Continue reading