Monthly Archives: January 2014
Narcissists Enjoy Sadness In Others
Just a quick link to this paper, “The affective and cognitive empathic nature of the dark triad of personality,” which found evidence, …indicating that individuals high on narcissism, primary psychopathy, and Machiavellianism experienced positive affect towards sad emotions Also, …primary … Continue reading
The Forces Exerted By r and K-Selection Effects Mold the Ideological Inclinations of Societies – How Resource Availability Determines Destiny
Here is another graphic supporting the contention that Conservatism is actually a K-selected reproductive strategy, designed to arise under conditions of resource scarcity, and Liberalism is actually an r-selected reproductive strategy, designed to arise under conditions of free resource availability. … Continue reading
Amygdala Activation, Facial Expression, And Aberrant Behavior
In the book People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil, M. Scott Peck described how many strange behaviors he saw in his psychiatry practice were basically produced by a mind seeking to distract itself from some form … Continue reading