Monthly Archives: July 2013
The Amygala Hijack of Narcissists and Liberals – Another Perspective
Vox had a post describing how our economic growth since 1980 has just been a debt-fueled illusion (which implies as our ability to shoulder ever-increasing debt diminishes, so will the happy reality produced by the illusion). One of the commenters … Continue reading
When Narcissists Attack
I’ve always said, if you deal with a Narcissist, be aware that they will do things that you couldn’t possibly predict. They could catch you sleeping, and maybe even kill you. Here is an example of what I mean when … Continue reading
The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics Will Be Free In Kindle Form Next Thursday
Despite being really busy, I took some time and revised and updated the hard and soft copies of the book, adding the dopamine/oxytocin and homosexuality stuff, putting together the Kindle version, and it is now all up on Amazon, with … Continue reading