20% of Refugees May Be ISIS

From the Syrian ambassador:

NEW DELHI – In early September, media reported, citing an unnamed ISIL operative, that an estimated 4,000 covert ISIL terrorists had arrived to Europe disguised as refugees.

“Among the refugees, who went to Europe, maybe more than 20 percent belong to ISIL groups. Now Europe has received bad element into their ground. They will face further problem in future,” Riad Abbas said, commenting on recent deadly terrorist acts in Paris on November 13.

According to the diplomat, terrorism has penetrated everywhere in Europe….

Apocalypse may not begin to describe what will happen when the economic rug is pulled out from under this house of cards. Ouch.

There needs to be a name for the pathology that produced this, something like, “r-selected mania.” It is a real phenomenon, when, as a direct result of free resource availability something snaps in rabbit brains and human nature changes. Suddenly a resultant deep-rooted insecurity in one’s own power due to never having been tested, causes what was a mere blindness to reality to transition into a full-fledged burning need to actively prove reality wrong by doing exactly what common sense dictates is the exact wrong action. It is almost as if everything has gone their way for so long they have begun to create a hope that they are a god, and their way to prove this to themselves, is to do what is clearly wrong and see it made right, solely by the power of their own vocal assertions.

Now that the Frailest Generation is reaching peak rabbitry is the time to lay out the case for this ardent leftist statism as a pathology, name it, characterize it, and then let each story in the daily news stand as one more piece of evidence that the leftist statist philosophy is actually a diagnostic sign of something fundamentally wrong with the leftist’s brain. Caitlyn Jenner wins woman of the year. The flowers will protect us. We need more immigrants from the very part of the world that has sworn to kill us. Charlie Sheen has shown true bravery. Barack Obama is the best President ever. We can borrow and spend forever with no consequence. Gay marriage is wonderful for the children they adopt. Pedophiliacs are unjustly discriminated against for their sexual orientation. Michael Brown was an innocent child, and Darren Wilson was a cold-blooded murderer for shooting him. And on and on.

This is when we can lay out the evidence to the moderates of the future, that these people are positively insane, and should never be listened to, or allowed anywhere near the levers of government.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

At the core of leftist rhetoric is the gaslight. The lie is the ends, not the ends to a means. Notice that they aren’t happy to just lie. They are driven to have you repeat and accept the lie.

It isn’t about you believing the lie. It is about you denying the truth.

9 years ago

I would call it homogenizing the herd.

The last thing that the rabbits want is to actually lose access to the wolves’ resources, so the situation they must try to prevent at all costs is any kind of mass awakening of K-strategists, keep them from forming an identity that allows out-grouping r-types. That means attacking any and all norms or standards that might be used to establish a K-exclusive in-grouping.

Aeoli Pera
Aeoli Pera
9 years ago

>This is when we can lay out the evidence to the moderates of the future, that these people are positively insane, and should never be listened to, or allowed anywhere near the levers of government.

Moderates are cowards by definition. The only evidence they understand is fear, hence the Overton window.