15 Million African Migrants To Head To Europe

What we have seen thus far is probably the tip of the iceberg:

AS many as 15 million new migrants could enter Europe from Africa in the next three years, according to a report by an Austrian intelligence agency.

Analysis by Austrian Military Intelligence, an agency of the Austrian Armed Forces, has predicted a sharp rise in unemployment across Africa, which would lead to millions of economic migrants travelling to Europe in search of work between now and 2020…

The agency said one solution to the impending influx would be for Europe to bolster African nations’ economies, in order to support job creation, productivity and education.

I’ll bet it will be worse than that, once the full Apocalypse is in effect.

The doors have been opened, and the fact has been advertised to everyone. You will never have another famine in Africa, without every person there making an immediate beeline to Europe. Nobody will stay in Africa if all they have to do is head north, and be welcomed by idiot cucks who will sacrifice their own children’s safety, their people’s wealth, and their nation’s futures in the hopes of being “liked.” The migration we are seeing now is just the first burp of travelers starting when the economic conditions have made only the smallest contraction.

We have an Apocalypse enroute that will dwarf everything we have seen in the last several hundred years. When it hits, Africa will empty out into Europe in its entirety, unless Europe begins to close its doors. and make the fact of those closed doors known widely.

If Europe does not close its borders between now and then, it will be flooded with hostile migrants from violent cultures all over the world, who will bring with them violence, disease, and chaos. Europe will be no more, until its own violent men begin to purge the foreigners, as they try to recreate what was.

The only thing worse than killing a few migrants as they try to enter Europe will be having to kill millions to eject them from the continent.

Spread r/K Theory, because things will be getting a lot worse in the future

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8 years ago

[…] 15 Million African Migrants To Head To Europe […]

8 years ago

The Austrian military, being the bunch of leftist star-eyed politically correct puppets they are, is wrong about the solution to this.
Helping africa prop up their economies will not ensure that less of them run north to get gibmedats.
Africans have never been able to sustain a population at current levels on their own. The current situation is one engendered by the decades old activity of “help” NGO’s which have ensured that Africans who would have otherwise died, survived, and leftist ideologues who have propagated the kooky tales that Africans have any right to the affluence of Europeans. Europeans should say farewell to the idea that Africans are even human, what is strongly suggested by their looks and their behaviour.

I propose:
a) End all material help to africa and simultaneously arm the most violent populace there. That would ensure at least a partial die off of their surplus population.
b) Depopulate the Sahara while pushing that population to the south. This would be a unified European endeavour and would have the added benefit of taking a support basis from islam, which has often enough shown enmity against us.
c) Create a 50Km – 100Km defensive stripe/wall/barrier south of the Sahara to contain moochers who would push north. Process those captured into fertiliser.
d) Push Africans already in Europe back south. Process those unwilling to leave into fertiliser for the Sahara.

That should solve the negro problem for good.

Karl Gustav Mahler jr
Karl Gustav Mahler jr
8 years ago

The USW has a good chance to seal the southern border. but europe is toast.

8 years ago

Even if it develops the will power, Europe may not have the manpower to stop that flood. If America breaks up at some point China+Islam may try to stomp out the pieces still clinging to Western Culture. WMDs have to be used at some point to assist the Euro K’s who may be overrun, is there any other way?

8 years ago

Numbers mean nothing to ‘r’abbits!

Western Civilisation is being destroyed by numerical illiteracy,
£Millions….$Billions… just words to them.

Doc Sithicus
Doc Sithicus
8 years ago

I think the situation got to the point that it cannot be resolved without getting into serious genocide. In order to avoid ours, we’ll have to implement theirs. But I’m OK with that. I will gladly go into the grave with hands stained with blood of thousands men, women and children. For their deaths are necessary to create safe future for my children and grandchildren.

the cruncher
the cruncher
8 years ago


He’d be happy to know he’s missed – maybe Trump, or Putin if he really does want to save Europe for some reason, will install another evil, brutal dictator.