Paul Ryan Leads The Cuckservative Charge Against President Trump

The Cucks fight like liberals:

Paul Ryan has entered into a secret alliance between himself and other Establishment Republicans in the House as well as Nancy Pelosi and her activist brigade of Democrats. This alliance also extends to Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer, and a mix of Senate Republicans and Democrats as well.

The primary goal? Delay Donald Trump’s agenda. See the economy remain stagnant. Fill seats with moderate (spineless) Republicans come 2018, and declare the Trump agenda dead thereafter.

Notice, they will feign being on Donald’s side, before stabbing him the back when he isn’t looking. That is a textbook liberal tactic.

The Cucks also have the fascistic urge:

Members of a storied Manhattan Republican club were booted during a heated meeting at its Upper East Side headquarters — because of their support for President Trump, sources told The Post.

Tensions at the Metropolitan Republican Club on East 83rd Street — which counts state Republican Committee chief Ed Cox and former Mayor Mike Bloomberg as members — had been festering for months over Trump’s ascent to the presidency.

After his surprise victory in November, sources said, the club’s old guard launched a campaign to cleanse Trump supporters.

“They hate Donald Trump, and they were really pissed when he won,” said expelled executive board member Sandra Chase.

Club President Debbie Coughlin, former club President Peter Hein, Bob Morgan III and Ian Reilly colluded to boot Trump backers — and flagrantly violated longstanding bylaws in doing so, the sources allege. Dismissed members likened the move to a Soviet political purge.

It wasn’t like a Soviet purge – it was a Soviet purge, and was done for the same reasons. Amygdala-atrophied individuals who had long been coddled and shielded from reality had encountered a circumstance they did not like, and there was nothing they could do about it. Once their amygdala was overloaded, they needed to do whatever they could to restore their peace, so they used what machinery they had to remove the stimulus from their brain’s perception.

As if the right didn’t have enough problems, we have a set of liberals who have infiltrated our side, and are trying to thwart us at every turn. How any of them can claim to be conservative, or worthy of attention or respect, when the candidate they opposed has proven more conservative in his first two weeks than any Republican in the last century is beyond imagination.

I hope that as President Trump is wont to do, his staff has already begun to lay out their plans for replacing as many Cucks as possible in the next election cycle. Clearly purging the cucks is the single best thing anyone could do for the K-strategy at this particular point in time.

Spread r/K Theory, because the cucks would not want you to, if they had a say

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Conservatives, Cuckservatives, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

The first story smells like disinfo to me. It’s the standard, “your friends don’t like you, they are all plotting against you” demoralization thing. I think that Ryan knows better now. He easily defeated his primary challenger this time, but the fact that he had a primary challenger was a yuge warning.

8 years ago

[…] Paul Ryan Leads The Cuckservative Charge Against President Trump […]

Michael Soren
Michael Soren
8 years ago

Slogan for 2018: “Chuck the Cucks!”

linda woodcock
linda woodcock
8 years ago

This is absolutely bull shit. Look what we as Republicans could have done to Obozo, but we did not did we? We showed him more respect than any of you are showing Donald Trump. What really pisses you off? Is it because “We the people” chose him as OUR President? Or was it because you Mr. Ryan felt you deserved the chosen spot? You do and did not deserve to be in the high spot. We needed someone WE could TRUST and you were not IT!!!! Mr Trump please do not back down from any of your people you have chosen to lead us on to be Great again. I am so ashamed of our Government right now. How can you people do this to the person we chose to be our leader? How can you be so nasty to him and his entire family. Mr. Trump give them heck!!! You earned it and you deserve the respect of all Americans.

8 years ago

They all want the money, given to them by Soros, to destroy America…

8 years ago

I knew from the very beginning that Paul Ryan was backstabbing Trump…Ryan needs to step down…

8 years ago

“New York Republican” has always been an oxymoron — going back at least to ’64, when the Rockefeller Republicans not only refused to campaign for Barry Goldwater, but actively shivved him every chance they got. The NYC GOP is a globalist cabal, nothing more, nothing less.


8 years ago

More fake news until we find out its true.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

You’re not just paranoid. The proof is the several instances where children were used as whores was covered up by the government. No one can deny that the former Speaker of the House was having sex with young boys. The proof is also in building #7 which fell the same speed as a rock dropped in air. Which means the support under the building, falling the same as a rock in air, had the exact same support…air. Well we all know the building wasn’t hovering in the air and no matter how big the fires they didn’t cook the the steel and concrete into a gas.

Of course there’s also a huge amount of conspiracies that are promoted that are just nonsense to muddy the waters and make you look foolish of you believe in any of them.