Walter Mondale Is Aghast At The Donald

Almost as good as being endorsed by a success:

“We may be introducing a kind of poison into the American political system that can hurt us,” Mondale said. “If this sort of stuff is accepted, condoned, is seen as positive, we’ll see more of it.”

Mondale, who supports Hillary Clinton for president, worries if Donald Trump or Texas Sen. Ted Cruz wins the Republican nomination. Trump, he said, has “stirred up a sub-caucus of Americans that like anti-immigrant talk, that like assaults against decent immigration rules. If there is an America out there that is so brash, so racist, so nativist that they like supporting Trump or so evangelically obsessed they’ll support Cruz, then we are in trouble.”

Noticed how panicked he is.

I have long felt that the most moral path is for K-strategists to accept that the rabbits are lost to us due to forces beyond our control. Until circumstances return them to sanity they must be fought by any means, at every chance, so as to save civilization. I have lately realized that my view is hopelessly biased and I am not seeing the entirety of the picture.

I like a free and prosperous civilization because it satisfies my K-selected urges. But what if I was a rabbit?

As a rabbit, I am a machine molded by fate, evolution, and destiny to compete solely with silly social gimmicks against opponents who can do nothing to me because of how I manipulate circumstances to constrain their ability to compete with me. I am designed to break every rule myself and then make the snarky comment to a vastly superior specimen (himself designed to kill all opposition), in an environment where he can’t crush my skull like an overripe grape because of the very rules I broke. I am designed to see those around me give me immeasurable slack because of my feigned loyalty, as I screw them over mercilessly behind their backs in ways which punish them with no risk to me. I am designed to exploit others, making them fight my enemies, while I hide and endure no sacrifice myself.

I am designed for the oppressive government which I can unleash on those around me without exposing myself as the real root source of the problems I create for them.

Ayn Rand wrote of how in America, if your neighbor gets a nicer car, you admire it, and want to work harder to get a nicer car yourself. In the Soviet Union, if a man’s neighbor got a nicer car, his neighbor tried to find out what rules he broke, so he could tell the government, and have the government take away the car. That is what the rabbit is designed for. The idea of some massive oppressive force hanging over the head of every American, and able to be unleashed on fellow citizens with just an anonymous phone call, is the definition of a rabbit utopia. Ability, competitiveness, determination – it all means nothing. In that environment, he who is most honorless and cowardly wins.

Viewing the political battle from the perspective of a K-strategist, the only moral course is to eliminate the rabbits by any means possible, so freedom can be attained. But from the perspective of a rabbit, it is exactly the opposite. The only moral goal is to get an oppressive government created, which is capable of crushing the K-strategists – and to do it without ever letting the K-strategists know that is your goal. If you are a rabbit, then perfidy in pursuit of tyranny is just as much of a moral imperative as any K-strategist’s desire to openly and honestly establish a free society. In fact as a rabbit, to you, your path may even feel more moral. You are after all, motivated by a terror that few non-r-strategists can possibly fathom, while the K-strategists are not so afflicted.

Perhaps you pursue this tyranny with Fabian leftism, slowly adding oppression and control to an existing government until it is sufficiently oppressive. Perhaps you do it with treason, throwing a war to an oppressive enemy force that will subjugate everyone equally once your people are conquered. Or perhaps you import as many violent foreigners as possible with the hope that they will, through force of numbers, impose the tyranny for you through the ballot box – or otherwise.

If you view today’s events absent this understanding, things can be confusing. How can Bernie send his goons into a Trump rally, see them start fights, and then go out and criticize Trump and his supporters for being violent – especially when no Trump supporter has ever intruded upon and disrupted a Bernie rally? But if you see what the rabbit is, and how they are motivated, it makes perfect sense.

Bernie needs to get to an oppressive government. To him, anything he can get away with is moral as he pursues that goal. To him, a system of freedom, where we all do whatever we want, with whoever we want, and succeed however we choose, and no rabbit can slay us with an anonymous tip to a government hotline, is inherently immoral. How dare we exploit our natural advantages, which he and his misfit supporters were unfairly denied by fate. It is immoral. His path, creating a machine which can be anonymously used by his misfits to crush whoever they want – that is the moral path.

Add in the approaching Apocalypse to the Trumpian tsunami, and the left won’t win this round, but in the future everyone needs to recognize the innate perfidy of the left, and the need for a strong leader like Trump. Once things turn K once again, we need to deal with the left as aggressively as possible to keep them suppressed, because there is no morality to speak of in such a fight. There is only the choice of freedom or oppression, and it is clear where the opposition’s preferences lie.

Thank God for Trump.

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8 years ago

[…] Walter Mondale Is Aghast At The Donald […]

8 years ago

I still think you underestimate the pervasiveness of the problem. I find the neo-reaction explanation quite compelling; the West has existed in the throes of a Christian-Pagan cult religion whose ultimate expression is the Universalist Cathedral, this (now Godless) theocracy under which we all live.

The theocracy is Cthulhu, and it only turns left. This left turn has gone from bad, to worse, to utterly insane (the current legally-sanctioned demand to humor the psychosis of a man who thinks he’s a woman and vice versa).

Trump is a symptom that the 600 year period of turning left is like a spring, and there is astronomical potential energy now stored that wants to turn right. Trump is a Rightist (nationalism & aristocracy), which is a deafening blasphemy in the halls of the Cathedral. He represents difference when equality is demanded no matter how much our “lying eyes” inform us that Cathedral dogma is false.

This, more than anything, explains both the apoplexy of the MSM/Establishment Hydra and its member’s increasingly bizarre zeal in mining every minuscule objection, real or (more often) imagined, to attack Trump and his supporters. They are acting on religious conviction, and their views have nothing to do with reason or logic.

The gulf between the cultists and increasingly common (hidden) heretics cannot be bridged. As the latter dig in to stop the leftward turn and begin to use Trump’s candidacy as a fulcrum on which to push back and move society to the right for the first time in six centuries, it becomes increasingly obvious that the war will eventually move to become a resumption of the English Civil War, where Parliamentarians represent the Leveler/Puritan roots of today’s Cult and the Royalists are those on the Right, marginalized and beaten for 600 years but who finally have no choice but to rebel against the utter irrationality of the equalist cultists and their lunatic priesthood.

This battle is far larger than I think most people realize, on the level of explaining “wet” to a fish.

Renato Fernandes
Renato Fernandes
Reply to  dc.sunsets
8 years ago

Both explanations are not contradictory, I think the shift to the left is real but the real cause is biological. Let me try to explain, when food is scarce humans need to find intelligent ways to survice, r-strategy is impossible so civilization happens. Order is necessary so when civilization starts you will have monarchy or empire, religion will flourish in that period alongside sexual constraint. When civilization succeed humans don’t need to spent energy to survive anymore, when people are safe and full of food energy now can be redirected to sex and r-strategy starts. You’ll see this pattern in almost all great civilizations, it’s just sad, only two things can happen with a dying society: a violent revolution or conquest by outsiders. The problem is that in the modern world contraceptives make r-strategy meaningless, what will make the collapse pathetic.

Agent J
Agent J
Reply to  dc.sunsets
8 years ago

No way in R’Lyeh is Cthulhu an r. Cthulhu is the ultimate K, the maximum expression of unpleasantness.

8 years ago

The Trump card being played in Germany:
“The Alternative for Germany, to give the party its full name, has shaken up the country’s consensus-driven politics with headline-grabbing policies that include telling Germans to have more children to avoid the need for immigration. Frauke Petry, the AfD’s co-leader, has said that police must “prevent illegal border crossings, using firearms if necessary.”.”

Robert What?
8 years ago

I’m not the first to express this concern, but I hope Trump isn’t assassinated by some nutjob set up by the Davos crowd. Although I would say an attempt is almost a certainty.

8 years ago

I think you’re correct about r-strategists being motivated by powerlessness and abject terror. I got a small taste of it when I was in junior high and high school when I competed in some writing contests and for grades. Even as I won and excelled, it was terrifying to imagine someone else stronger or smarter than me might win instead. You feel panicky and desperate, wanting to deny any reality which would reveal the frailty of your own self-image or cause the unthinkable. There was even a point where to avoid that fear I cheated on a test.

After that I started to rethink my behavior a bit and must have decided I’d rather have the pain of being a loser with honor than being a winner who breaks the rules as Bill Whittle put it. Even if that pain is terrible. So I almost don’t want to blame a hardcore r, because they’re weak, they’re losers, and *they know it*. They know it. And it’s not fair. And fate holds out the offer of overcoming all of that if they just break rules, lie, and stab people in the back. A hardcore r-strategist probably lives with a mental sword of Damocles that can barely be imagined.

8 years ago

This is a sad post. It engenders the exact same emotions one feels when one realizes that “your” politicans were deeply flawed men whose only virtue was espousing and backing ideals that were productive, that girls are not virtuous beings made of light, that your dad actually was better and wiser than yiu gave him credit for,

This is the goodbye childhood post. The post where you realize that you cant work it out with everyone. That some people arent to be reasoned with, not because your arguments are wrong but because you are actually right and they cant let you be for precisely that reason,