More Fake News uncovered over on Reddit:
And the blog size is here:
It is the Smithsonian clocktower clock in the right hand side, mid-height, showing the picture was taken at 1:15. Newly inaugurated President Trump cleared out at 12:12. So when they compared crowds, the media ran a picture of Obama’s inauguration as Obama was speaking, and a picture of President Trump’s one hour after everybody had cleared out.
As President Trump would say, we caught them in another beauty. Another beauty. But it is very big, very bad for them, and frankly, the dishonest media just keeps digging themselves deeper. Shameful. Just shameful. And very big. Very big.
[…] Trump Inauguration Image Taken An Hour After Ceremony? […]
If you check the thread it looks like the clock tower *always* says 1:15.
That said, the CNN photo from the moment of swearing in is enough to more or less debunk the crowd size argument as being meaningful.
Especially when you add in the threat of rain, the demographics of DC, and that most trump supporters aren’t the sort that can take the day off and travel to DC as easily. Then add in people’s general fear of even attending due to threats of violence and disruption. Then add in the actual violence and disruption.
They are saying in the comments that, according to the Smithsonian, the clock in the tower is broken. You may want to verify whether this is true.
Not impossible, but what the hell would the chances be the Smithsonian would leave their clock broken.
There is plenty of evidence in the thread that the clock is indeed broken.
Similarly the video of the girl flipping out at the coffee shop was “performance art”. However those who put on the performance were trying to mock some examples of Trump supporters acting poorly. They just don’t seem to have the self awareness to realize their “satire” was completely plausible.
I think that people in this Country that dislike our traditions and want to change our constitution should move somewhere else, but they won’t because no other Country will take their garb. Just like Madonna; someone who makes millions in this Country and could not do the same in any other Country but wants to see the White House burned down. She should be free to choose a Country other than the USA and get a one way ticket out of here and if she doesn’t she should be arrested.
While it’s possible the clock is broken, it definitely doesn’t say 1:15 all the time; this looks like it’s the same tower:

and if you do a Bing search for ‘the smithsonian building’ and page through, the clocks definitely move.
(stumbled here trying to source the picture– I saw it over at MobiusWolf’s place and figured I’d check that, too)
Of course it doesn’t matter any way. The whole story was blown up by Spicer to get the left and the media (but I repeat myself) chasing a squirrel and not paying as much attention to his EOs. He’s ahead of everybody, of course. And he’s willing to look a bit petty and stupid (just as during the campaign) in order to get ahead on strategy.
When I finally caught on to that during the campaign (helped there by smart folks like Vox Day) I began to see thru all the B.S. and can now chuckle when the left and cuck-right start chattering about “Trump’s latest buffonery.” It’s hilarious when they think they’re just sooooo smart and he’s left them behind.