Trump Continues to Change the Debate

Trump on waterboarding:

“Would I approve waterboarding? And I said, well, let me ask you a question. On the other side, they chop off our young people’s heads, and they put them on a stick.

“On the other side, they build these iron cages, and they’ll put 20 people in them. And they drop them in the ocean for 15 minutes and pull them up 15 minutes later,” Trump said. “Would I approve waterboarding? You bet your ass I would … in a heartbeat. In a heartbeat.”

“And I would approve more than that,” he continued. “And don’t kid yourself folks, it works, okay? It works.”

Trump said only a stupid person would argue otherwise. He said that said he knows important people, who want to be politically correct, who go on television and question the effectiveness of waterboarding – but then tell him privately later that it does work.

“And you know what? If it doesn’t work, they deserve it anyway for what they’re doing to us,” he said. “But it works. It works.”

Trump even frames his argument with a diminution of stature hijack, by saying only stupid people would argue otherwise. Since we argue truth, we would argue with him, if we thought he was wrong. Liberals argue lies, and are not so bolstered by their certainty of truth. They hear that, and shut up for fear of exposing themselves as a stupid person.

Then Trump reframes the entire debate by espousing K-selected aggression. Before we were told that sating a bloodlust was wrong, and that the argument could only be whether waterboarding yielded useful intelligence. Trump has just demolished that argument, and fostered a more K-attitude in everyone present as he did it. Now, not only does it work, but we should be doing it, and more – whether it works or not, because our enemies deserve it. Violence on our enemies for violence’s sake is perfectly acceptable, and he will do it himself, if given the opportunity. But it works…

K-strategists long for that. They are starved for it, and as they eat it up, rabbits everywhere are noticing that there is a strange atmosphere in the air. It makes them uncomfortable, it scares them, and soon they will hide because of it.

That atmosphere is the sweet smell of Apocalypse, and Donald is its harbinger.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

It seems like Trump keeps dropping bombs too quick in succession for the cuck and libs to build a head of steam on any one “outrage.” They’re forced to move to the next one without getting a chance to hammer him too hard (not that it ever mattered anyway).

With Trump I imagine that’s deliberate.

I simply had NO idea the guy was this good.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

There’s just so much that could be expanded on from your comment AC.

He’s scaring the media, they pump up the volume, people get desensitized, their powerlessness begets desperation, Trump ramps it up again, media gets hysterical, ad infinitum loopum.

hilarity ensues.

Trump is a gift to America. He has now delivered to the voter the expectation that REAL nutrition involves pissing the establishment off and scaring them.

And let me just point out again – as i have in the past – that you have really helped orient my mind to recognizing this.

Many thanks!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

There’s just so much that could be expanded on from your comment AC.

He’s scaring the media, they pump up the volume, people get desensitized, their powerlessness begets desperation, Trump ramps it up again, media gets hysterical, ad infinitum loopum.

hilarity ensues.

Trump is a gift to America. He has now delivered to the voter the expectation that REAL nutrition involves pissing the establishment off and scaring them.

And let me just point out again – as i have in the past – that you have really helped orient my mind to recognizing this.

Many thanks!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

Very well said. I don’t know if it’s the atmosphere of K-selection or just his personality and refusal to back down, but the media can’t seem to touch him. I wonder if that scientist with the naked lady shirt ever thinks about whether he should have not apologized after seeing this.

8 years ago

This was (just. flat. out.) brilliant. (As so much of your stuff is, AC!) It was also… very discomfiting to my view of myself … (As it turns out) I’m massively K. Not weird, not mean, not vicious. (Well, I AM vicious, but I’m a girl… It’s my job!) Raised in a family of rabbits, I never fit in or understood their ways of view (nor they mine). My late husband used to joke I was “raised by a gypsy-sorority,” even including my dad… And he called me the “Snow Sport.” (Snow is my last name; “sport” as in mutant.)

I’ve been viewing Trump as our (America’s/the West’s/ White-Euro folks’) last possible hope — no matter what other damage he does (and I’m expecting a good deal of it), if *only* he can close the border and keep the pressure on about illegals (and “refugees”) — and stay un-beholden to the money-guys/string pullers/PTB — there is a (slim) chance to recover the civilization I want to finish out my life in!

THIS blog entry has left me flabbergasted! (Mostly at myself!) Trump’s point of view — while making my ‘bunny-blunted’ amygdala wince — is just so completely common sense on the face of it that, this morning, my world view has changed. An ex-Navy officer, I’ve always held the usual position that “if we torture their soldiers, then they will torture our soldiers.” It is incumbent on our (K-)honor, our ‘rule-observing,’ to fight them like gentlemen. THIS essay (esp. Trump’s quote) makes me wake up and see again that pilot being burned alive in a cage, and the thousands of beheadings and stonings and, and, and… (The gropings and sexual attacks on New Year’s in Germany are especially salient to me as a woman — I hope someone kidnaps that effing Merkel and drops her off in one of her “refugee camps” without her armed protectors!! (And I woke this morning thinking: the German PTB are claiming “this wasn’t refugees” assaulting hundreds of German women. No? Then whointhehell was it?! Native German men?!?!)

I was anti-waterboarding, because it IS torture… and I still (think I?) object to torture on the grounds of what it does to the torturer) and I’m having a little trouble giving up the “if we torture them, then they will torture our soldiers.” But that’s wrong. Whether or not we torture them, they will torture our people. We’re not protecting any of our valuable K-warriors (or our idiot bunny-civilians); it’s a remnant of the ‘we must be causing them to act this way’ bunny-propaganda that has been stuck in my brain. (I’ve read up to your Renaissance chapter in your soft-bound book. Also brilliant!)

And, with this essay, I suddenly draw the connection: these are not “enemy”-soldiers, these are vermin! You don’t fight fair with vermin, you exterminate them!

8 years ago

And oh hey! Here’s an idea: let’s all buy a copy or two (or more!) of this book, and send it to Trump (well, to his “machine”). He’ll get WAY too many copies, so he can pass them out as gifts in his stumping! (And I hope he’ll read it — if he hasn’t already!) Now THERE is a “contribution to a campaign” I can get behind!