Trump Calls For Internationally Crowd-sourced Clinton Foundation Investigation

Amygdala bang!

Foreign governments will be encouraged to investigate the Clinton Foundation’s finances, as many are already turning off money spigots to the scandal-scarred group, The Post has learned.

A source close to President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team told The Post that the new administration plans to pressure the US ambassadors it will name to bring up the foundation with foreign governments — and suggest they probe its ­financial dealings.

Just brilliant. If he threatened Hillary directly, she would assuage her amygdala with the idea that Trump could never anger the half of the country that voted for her. This removes that amygdala-relaxant from the equation, and adds an out-grouping theme of the international group turning upon her.

Trump has an uncanny understanding of amygdala, and how it operates in rabbits. Every time he receives pushback, he looks to snap that amygdala. I assume this is the product of decades spent as a boss. It won’t work on everyone. Putin would fight to the death, so snapping his amygdala would merely be an exercise in escalation, but I am sure Trump knows that, and on rabbits, this is gold.

Clearly, I assume he was thinking of things like Haiti, and probably similar cases in Africa, where the Foundation took in tens of millions of dollars, but expended nearly nothing.

It also raises another possibility. We know Hillary was running an off-the-books intel operation in Libya, headed by Sid Blumenthal and employing ex-spooks and former-SF to poke around. Some thought she was looking for Khadafi’s gold, so it could be spirited out of the country after his fall. Regardless of the purpose, we do know Hillary had aspirations as a sort of behind the scenes spookmaster.

What if the Clinton Foundation was a front, running some sort of intel ops in foreign countries for enrichment, much like the fictional “Management” on the TV show Burn Notice. Maybe it has a skeleton or two buried out there. We still have no idea who spirited away Ukraine’s gold reserves. All we know was a plane pulled up, trucks loaded it on, it disappeared, a government official said it was gone, and he didn’t know where it went.

Given all the chaos Hillary caused as Secretary of State, and the anarchy she seemed to purposely perpetuate, one wonders if there aren’t a lot of nations who had their governments removed, and the chaos perpetuated, as large portions of their wealth mysteriously disappeared.

The Apocalypse will be so much more enjoyable because you told everyone about r/K Selection Theory

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Intel, Liberals, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Trump Calls For Internationally Crowd-sourced Clinton Foundation Investigation […]

8 years ago

Hope he’s got something on Merkel as well.

8 years ago

Just imagine Billions of people all over the globe realizing their wealth was stolen.

And thousands of angry donors caught in between their own populaces hating them and Hillary’s breach of bribery.

And the only thing in between her and Justice is some married with kids half his life ahead of him SS agent caught between duty and his desire to not take a bullet for some corrupt corpse that will be dead in two years tops.

If only she had pulled it off 😁

8 years ago

Speaking of amygdala bangs, here’s a Hillary supporter who was so triggered, he went to the psyche ward:

Imagine having an amygdala so damaged that the slightest setback could have you in the fetal position (now imagine that same person being hit with a major setback.)

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

I’ve read we don’t know what happened to the gold in the WTC center complex after 9-11. Don’t even know if it true it’s missing or not.