Trasngenders Banned From Military

I’ll bet this helps President Trump:

After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow……….Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming………victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you

-Donald J. Trump??Verified account? @realDonaldTrump

Completely logical and sound policy. They say we were on track to be charged $1.5 billion on gender reassignment surgeries in DOD’s budget over ten years. Now this takes care of that.

These should be organized as part of a tactical strategy to achieve attrition of leftist resources. Right now, leftist legal organizations are amassing resources and preparing to sue. If this is the only controversy they are bothered by, all of those leftist resources will be focused here. The public’s amygdalae will be focused here and the left will be able to culture and grow increasing levels of outrage over it, at least among the low-information sheep.

But what if there were a thousand of these. What if there were ten thousand, with ten new ones every day. Immigration bans, environmental regulations erased, business regulations abandoned, welfare changes implemented by executive order, firearms regulations wiped out. It wouldn’t even matter if they were legal.

As it is now, President Trump gets 100% bad press from the unfair fake news media. As it is now the left hates him, and the right loves him. As it is now, even his legal presidential orders are taken to court and overturned by leftist activist judges. So there is no downside to him increasing these moves by a factor of ten. Simply launch as many of these as possible, to wear out the left’s resistance. Wear out their amygdalae with constant stimulation with novel stimuli they can’t focus on.

Fill the news with a non-stop list of grievances, preventing the Alinsky tactic of freezing the public on one specific outrage. This will also cause the public to subconsciously be trained to expect that the outrage today will be forgotten tomorrow. Soon, he could do anything, and nobody would even register it, because it would be normal.

If I were President I would have an entire office filled with forty people just churning out ten “”outrages” like this initiative every single day.

Be fun to watch too.

Spread r/K Theory, because the amygdala can sometimes see more, and experience less

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7 years ago

[…] Trasngenders Banned From Military […]

Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

A bit of sanity being restored. Now on to rolling back women in combat.

7 years ago

So I looked into it, because $1.5 billion would mean that a huge, huge proportion of the degenerate freak crowd would have to be enlisting for that to be the case.

That’s the case.

It turns out that the degenerate freak networks online had figured out that no company is going to offer this entirely elective mutilation as a benefit outside a few wacky left wing Silicon Valley jobs (which are limited and wildly competitive.). BUT, they came up with a plan. Get the military to pay for it, and then everyone enlist… To get the government to pay for their dick chop.

So, there was going to be a huge influx of freaks in the military, and by tweeting this, trump defused that time bomb.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
7 years ago

I have yet to meet a leftist who can even comprehend, let alone admit, that this is what it felt like to the right when we suffered under Óbamå.