The Parallels Between The Apocalypse And A Zombie Apocalypse

I found this article very amusing:

The new research suggests that nearly everyone on Earth will be wiped out 100 days after a zombie invasion.

With the few survivors outnumbered a million to one by zombies, the human race would be driven to extinction by the undead.

Scientists predict just 100 days after a zombie outbreak, just 273 humans would be left on the planet.

What would a zombie Apocalypse be? It would be an event which involved stimulation of amygdalae, presumably by some infectious pathogen akin to rabies, which triggers violence when it stimulates the amygdalae of animals. As one example of the effect, this was a study using laser stimulation in mice:

Researchers used “optogenetics”, which is a way of triggering specific neurons through light stimulation, to activate a part of the brain in the mice which prompted the mouse to pursue their prey, such as crickets, more vigorously.

By firing the light at another set of neurons, it caused the mice to attack anything nearby, including sticks and bottle caps.

The scientists, from Yale University along with experts from China and Brazil, found that when they turned the light off, the mice went back to normal.

What amuses me is that an economic collapse, hitting individuals who are not Apocalypse-ready, and who lack the amygdala development to cope with it, would have the exact same effect on the amygdalae as a pathogen providing artificial stimulation. And each person who tried to kill or attack another would “infect” the amygdalae of others with agitation.

The only real downside is that in the Apocalypse we face, our zombies will not be slow, stupid, and incapable of using weapons. Rather, jacked on amygdala stimulation, they will be faster, more driven, and fully capable of exploiting any advantage they can recognize, from weapons to communications gear.

On the upside, these Zombies will have a slow, stupid, unarmed group of brain deadened victims to distract them, and they will seek these retarded liberal victims out preferentially.

ITZ coming.

Help spread r/K Theory, because nature has produced something even more fun than a zombie apocalypse

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychology. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] The Parallels Between The Apocalypse And A Zombie Apocalypse […]

John Morris
8 years ago

And we can tell these “scientists” are just flacking for _The Walking Dead_ because they said something that dumb. Zombies can operate machines and zombies can’t swim. Solution is therefore obvious, run for the coast, grab a boat and head to a barrier island. Clear it of zombies and live there for a year or two until the zombies rot. Easy peasy. The can’t do anything like that on Walking Dead because the show ends if they solve the problem.

Zombies are just a politically acceptable way to imagine the actual Kaboom! though, and those ‘zombies’ as you note, can operate machines and swim. But when the trucks stop rolling food into the cities 90% of them will be gone in two months. The problem isn’t quite as simple but still manageable, stay off the radar of the smarter / stronger ones who shamble out of the cities to ravage the countryside until they starve. If you have fields, burn them even if a month from harvest, slaughter any livestock you can’t 100% hide. Keep a few of the youngest animals to raise a fresh flock from later. Burn your home, live in the shelter you have prepared ahead of time, perhaps below the ruin. “Zombies” who see your place will conclude it has already been picked clean and move on. Shoot any who exhibit curiosity to see through the ruse, they should be rare enough to be a survivable problem. Next season should be safe to plant and harvest, you only have to make it to that point.

8 years ago

This is scientist equivalent of clickbait. Government science needs a serious FUNDING APOCALYPSE.