Scalia Found With Pillow Over His Face At Ranch Of Democrat Donor

You really can’t make this shit up:

“We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled,” said Poindexter.

“He was lying very restfully. It looked like he had not quite awakened from a nap,” he said. Scalia,79, did not have a pulse and his body was cold, and after consulting with a doctor at a hospital in Alpine, Poindexter concluded resuscitation would have been futile, He then contacted federal authorities…

If resuscitation is possible, you do it immediately, you don’t call around to ask if you should try. Other reports say his arms were folded over his chest, as he lay on his back – with a pillow over his head.

The owner is a big lib donor, as I would assume are most of his employees:


That will be for you the readers to decide.

The photo below is Barack Obama shaking hands with a man by the name of John Poindexter, a Texas millionaire businessman also noted for being a donor to the Democrat Party and who also received an award from Barack Obama related to his military service in Vietnam.

Poindexter is the owner of the very Cibolo Creek Ranch Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at earlier this week.

But there is no need for an autopsy.

I still think it was probably natural causes, but they do make it very difficult to do so while not feeling like an idiot. You almost wonder if this is a planned deconditioning program to desensitize us to reports of these anomalies with a natural death. Maybe with enough of these, then someday when we find John Roberts with a heroin needle in his arm, ligature marks where he had been tied to the chair, and a gunshot to his groin, we’ll be more likely to accept the natural causes determination without an autopsy.

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9 years ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

Nonsense! Conservatives are evil borg. We don’t need to breath

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago

in the case of Roberts who would care?