Was Roger Stone Poisoned With Polonium In An Assassination Attempt?

Roger says it appeared to his doctors to be something:

Former Trump adviser Roger Stone was recently targeted for assassination, he revealed…

The renowned Republican operative says he’s usually very healthy, but became violently ill unexpectedly several weeks ago…

“So I ultimately went to the doctors at Mt. Sinai hospital in Miami Beach, my own personal physician. They conducted extensive blood tests. Those blood tests were passed on to CDC.”

“The general consensus is that I was poisoned,” Stone says…

“I was poisoned with, they now say, a substance that may have been polonium or had the characteristics of polonium… The conjecture of all the doctors was that I did not receive a large enough dose to kill me, but I have never been this ill.

This is an insane claim. And yet I understand how it gets made. Insane things happen to you. Doctors say, “This looks just like Litvinenko – I think you’ve been poisoned.” You note these things, and by the fact they happened and are the reality, they seem less insane, and so you throw them out there with a view that you are telling the truth, and that is important. If someone wants to know the truth, all they need to do is listen to you. If they don’t want to believe the truth, well, you told your story, and you warned them, so you did your part. Let the insanity fall on you one day, and you would understand Roger’s predicament, and this revelation would seem much more believable.

If true, I don’t know what tests indicated this, though I would guess it was abdominal radiograph imagery similar to Litvinenko’s, showing some clouding in the GI lumen from the isotope, since they don’t seem to know exactly what was used, and must not have gotten a sample. By “similar to polonium,” they probably mean Alpha-emitters, which is a whole class of isotopes, including commonly used medical treatments which target some forms of cancer cells. I would assume it isn’t that difficult to acquire, if you are Deep State, since most universities keep it around. I would also assume if it was Deep State, they have control of the Fed/State/Local LE infrastructure in his jurisdiction, and there is little use in trying to get an investigation going. That sounds crazy, but I actually base that assumption on specific knowledge. There are no laws in this part of the world.

Alpha emitters basically emit a form of radiation which kills cells within a cell diameter or two of the molecule, but which burns out at greater distances. In small doses in the intestine, it will kill back the cell layers immediately against the intestinal lumen where the food is, including the stem cells in the intestinal wall. This will reduce the ability of stem cells in the GI tract to replenish the intestinal epithelium, which separates what is in the intestine from the blood pathways.

Your intestine basically holds rotting food by continually shedding the epithelial cell layer which is against the food as it breaks down, and raising a new layer right beneath it to continue the protective function. Kill back the stem cells, and you reduce the ability of the intestinal epithelial cell layer to replace the shed cell layer with a new cell layer. In short, you break down the intestinal wall and begin to let what is in the intestine have access to the body.

If you get a massive dose, and kill off all the stem cells, your intestinal wall just sheds away without being replaced, and all the junk in the intestine will have a direct route into the bloodstream, just as all the blood will have a direct pathway into the colon, and out of the body. With an insufficient dose, you will merely impede the formation of a new cell layer, and trigger symptoms of GI illness which are survivable, so long as your weakened stem cells can just maintain enough of a protective layer to keep you alive long enough to build back up your stem cell levels, and restore your intestine’s regenerative ability.

Interestingly the Russians botched their first hit on Litvenenko with an insufficient dose too, before the field operatives decided on going all in with a massive overdose on their second go around. It makes you wonder if there is some reference which both teams based their first attempt on, which produces an insufficient dose due to being theoretical and not being field tested on humans.

I have to confess, I saw an interview of Stone where he just went into a restaurant with his assistant and ate the food, and I wondered in shock how he could be so ignorant and reckless. I assumed he knew how things worked, and thus he must have been in the establishment long enough, and had enough connections, that he could just trust that the Deep State would not target him. I guess I was wrong, and he really didn’t know how things work or what he was doing. That is weird, given how long he has been in the business. I suppose there is no substitute for an ability to feel irked at the oddity in the behaviors of the people walking around you, combined with a very consistent observant state of mind, and some natural paranoia.

I have been saying to be careful out there, if there is any chance you might end up important in the non-establishment right someday. Things are weird right now.

I have no doubt Stone is under 24/7 surveillance, and I have little doubt they have clocked his favorite restaurants, as well as his shopping patterns. It wouldn’t surprise me if he has his own FISA warrants, probably related to his contacts with Assange. By now his team has documented roughly when he buys milk, where he buys it, what brand and type he buys, and how he selects the bottle (based on shelf position, date, and/or cleanliness/appearance/characteristics of the bottle). There is a file with all of that in it and more, probably including covert video of him doing it.

If Stone heads toward the store where he buys milk at a time when he is due to replenish his supply, anyone who could get that file can easily predict his arrival, get people in ahead of him, and place a special bottle of milk there with characteristics which he will be likely to choose, while removing other bottles he might choose instead. Every predictability in food acquisition is a weakness. Does that sound paranoid? A veteran of nine Presidential campaigns and close friend of our President elect thinks he was poisoned with Polonium, and our President Elect had a CIA Task Force manned by his political opposition, and pulling assets from multiple elite foreign intel agencies, which was targeting him as an enemy of the state during the campaign. Times are changing.

You cannot eat at restaurants, you cannot get take out, and any time you get any food from someone else, even friends and family, you may be taking your life in your hands. You also need to take measures to figure out if your house was entered and your food accessed when you are out. Sometimes, you may toss caution to the wind, if the predictability is unpredictable. Sometimes you can expand that window by buying food predictably and saving it for testing, or giving it to food banks, where it could cause problems and trigger an investigation there if somebody keels over unexpectedly. But the vast majority of your food must be bought in small quantities from massive amounts for sale in the store, as unpredictably, and as randomly from that plentiful source as possible.

This will eventually definitely become necessary, if we continue to go r. r-governments inevitably begin killing K-strategists, and rabbits love food contamination, as it means their problems just go away quietly with no risk to them and no conflict. Whether the present surveillance state indicates that it is necessary now or not (Stone’s case may very well indicate it is), it can’t hurt to begin practicing controlling your food stream now. It is actually harder than you would think. You will screw up and miss vulnerabilities as you hone your ability and continually review your patterns for predictable vulnerabilities and entry paths into the stream.

I hope if this is true, Trump has been warned and has an idea of how dangerous the times approaching are for him. If I were him, I would definitely get a food taster who samples the food when it is first bought and a few hours before serving. And I would not trust the Secret Service, since any government agency can be infiltrated by the Deep State with ease.

Once the Deep State breaks out the radioactive isotopes, the shit is about to get serious. If Stone is right (and it is a claim so insane I cannot think he would make it unless a doctor told him it was done), then the shit is getting serious.

Tell others about r/K Theory today, because there is no guarantee of tomorrow

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8 years ago

[…] Was Roger Stone Poisoned With Polonium In An Assassination Attempt? […]

8 years ago

AC, have you ever considered writing a practical book on detecting surveillence, avoiding it, shaking it, etc? Sections on avoiding quiet attempts on your life like Stones’s claims would also be in the book.

Most of us are too small for the agencies to notice, but even formerly little-known people like Roosh, Spencer, Cernovich, etc are being suddenly thrust into the limelight and get Fed attention. I myself have done a few small anti-SJW things and have been a bit paranoid about surveillence myself (all seemingly unfounded so far). A book like that would be invaluable to our side.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

I second that request. All your writings on “tradecraft” are eye-openers. I understand your desire to keep this separate from r/k, but please consider doing this under another alias.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

I second the CINC’s request. I think that a book on “tradecraft” of all sorts would be invaluable. I understand your desire not to commingle it with your work on r/k theory, so perhaps you could write under another pen name. If this is not discrete enough, would it be possible simply to bookmark the relevant articles on your site for easier reference?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Wow. Thank you for that detailed response. Much appreciated.

Reply to  cynicinchief
8 years ago

Until our host writes that long-awaited manual, here’s some low-tech tradecraft that seemed to work well for a border-crosser:


8 years ago

Could a Geiger counter work to prevent this?

8 years ago

Anonymous Conservative, please just CREATE the time to write that book. It will be appreciated by many, I believe.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
8 years ago

O/t AC

Could i ask you to point me to the link on anonymousconservative.com that will bring us here to the blog please?

i try to share this site as often as possible, but i find i have to use http://www.anonymousconservative.com/blog/home-page/ if i want them to get both the Overview (that was enough for me to throw myself in through the window of this train, as you passed through my village, slowing down but not stopping) and access to the blog, the first address above is the shortest and i suspect more enticing simply because it doesn’t have “blog” in it… but from there… they don’t appear to be able to get here…easily.

maybe i’m just missing the link over there?
all the best everyone.

8 years ago

Poison is the woman’s weapon. Also every deep state clown that does this generates a signature, and is watched. Enough Polonium to kill likely can be seen with a cheap Geiger counter, so start carrying those. Storing food also works, since Polonium-210 has a half life of 4 months, it decays to lead which can be mitigated through large dosses of sodium-calcium-EDTA, which removes mercury and lead from the bloodstream. Polonium will also effect its handlers, especially if in the open (or is placed into something warm- it will particalize like soot and can be breathed in). So some dumbass rabbit probably just poisoned themselves, they also were trying to make this look like the Russians, but the Russians already know how much it takes to kill a man. Sloppy, Sloppy, Sloppy.

8 years ago

What it takes to observe Po-210

8 years ago

The idea that “the Russians” killed Litvenienko is retarded for too many reasons to recount here.

8 years ago

[…] how the Deep State has already begun breaking out the radiological poisons, I predict a race between the new Trump administration, and the rash of radiologically-mediated […]