Rape And Slavery Is OK At Georgetown

Muslims can own slaves and rape them, and even talk about how moral that is, and no liberal will ever challenge them:

Slavery and rape aren’t wrong when Muslims do it.

“I don’t think it’s morally evil to own somebody.”

“A male owner of a female slave has the right to sexual access to her.”

These views don’t come from an ISIS underground bunker, but out of the brilliantly lit halls of Georgetown University where rape and slavery are defended by an Islamic studies professor…

defending actual slavery and rape is still okay at Georgetown.

So long as it’s committed by Muslims under the license of the Koran.

“I don’t think it’s morally evil to own somebody,” Jonathan Brown explained…

To a man who argued that slavery was wrong, Brown retorted, “How can you say, if you’re Muslim, the Prophet of God had slaves. He had slaves. There’s no denying that. Was he—are you more morally mature than the Prophet of God? No you’re not.”

Slavery can’t be wrong. Not if Mohammed, the prophet of Allah and founder of Islam, had slaves. The Koran is the touchstone of Brown’s personal morality, as it is of every Muslim.

We have all seen this a thousand times. But what I find most fascinating is the fact that just as liberals will freak out at their own fellow citizens supporting this behavior, they will immediately support the idea of a violent out-group’s inherent moral right to do this.

That is brain programming. Liberals are robots, and that is just how their brain is programmed. What is amazing is that you can only understand such a dichotomy by viewing it in the context of the migrant paradigm. If liberals are programmed to migrate to a foreign land, and covertly enter the population to exploit the local free resource availability, then it makes sense they would immediately adopt the beliefs and customs of their out-group, while at the same time viciously opposing any interests or desires of any fellow in-group members who migrated with them and fell afoul of their hosts.

This is among the most explosive aspects of r/K Theory, because if it is correct (and it is), liberals are programmed traitors, innately prone to treason and betrayal of their own on behalf of an enemy, and this lays out the simple reason they evolved this trait. Were I a spymaster, a thorough analysis of an individual’s r/K status would be an integral part of any decisions on recruitment and targeting, and were I a counter-intelligence officer, I would similarly use the paradigm to analyze weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

As Vault-Co once said, r/K is the key that opens many doors. And it will change how the population views political ideologues.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because people deserve to understand why liberals are traitors

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8 years ago

[…] Rape And Slavery Is OK At Georgetown […]

Jake Saga (@sagajake)
8 years ago

Why are comments off on the new post above this on the Flynn thing?
I wanted to comment on that.
There’s something that’s been bothering me for a while regarding all these Deep State operations.

In this case, why doesn’t the President or VP or head of the CIA etc. just order the military to draw their guns, go in, and get the data they want?

Don’t we have a sovereign, who runs the executive branch? The whole idea of a subsidiary part of the executive branch refusing the President’s order is absurd.
He has the right to simply enforce the order with force.
And another thing: why doesn’t any state LEO or local police department ever seem to simply refuse to “stand down” in response to illegal or unconstitutional commands from above?
I mean, aren’t there any men of conscience and bravery left, anywhere?
I guess the occasional “good” lawman can simply be killed or threatened, as happened after the obvious false-flag of the Oklahoma City bombing…

Is there a strategy that Trump and “white hats” can use to outmaneuver these fiends? We’d better hope so, or… there’s no hope.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

“…Were I a spymaster, a thorough analysis of an individual’s r/K status would be an integral part of any decisions on recruitment and targeting…”

That’s a very profound comment and extremely significant.

You’re reply about the police and intel community is right on. I think locals don’t always know what going on and in a lot of cases think the FEDs are onto some big thing so they let some smaller stuff slide. Local police do this all the time. I believe that the corruption has gotten so large that it’s becoming more and more difficult to make this play.

The people at the top ALLOW this to go on. They are corrupt.