Political Consultant Convicted Of Child Porn

They are traveling around out there:

A San Francisco political consultant and attorney who was arrested last year and charged with possessing child pornography pleaded guilty this morning in San Francisco Superior Court, prosecutors said.

Enrique Pearce pleaded guilty to two counts of distributing child pornography, one count of buying or receiving stolen property, and one count of possession or control of child pornography with allegations of possessing more than 600 images of someone under 18 and possessing matter that portrayed sexual sadism or sexual masochism involving someone under 18, according to court documents.

Strangely, they don’t identify him as a Democrat. I can’t imagine why.

Notice it is pornography involving children begin hurt. Somewhere, children were forced to engage in sexual acts while being tortured, so this material could be created. Somewhere, this character is connected, through an unknown number of degrees of separation, with whoever created the material.

Child porn has, inherent to the activity, the aspect of networking. These characters can’t go out and pick child porn from a tree. They need to find fellow deviants who have either made, or accumulated the contraband material in violation of the law, to provide them with it. As those networks of trusted fellow deviants form, it is only natural they would seek to help each other gain positions which would allow them to protect each other. High government offices would seem a natural fit to that process, so it would not be surprising to find a pedophile network in the government.

Indeed, I would expect one somewhere.

Spread r/K Theory, because it may help initiate the K-selection that will kill back the pedophile population

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8 years ago

[…] Political Consultant Convicted Of Child Porn […]

8 years ago

I would not only expect one network, but in fact competing networks who can’t tell if the other networks or friendly or hostile, and can’t risk the behavior that would let them determine that.