Pentagon Must Consider Climate Change Before Doing Anything

More madness that only happens when there is no threat and resources are free:

The Pentagon is ordering the top brass to incorporate climate change into virtually everything they do, from testing weapons to training troops to war planning to joint exercises with allies.

A new directive’s theme: The U.S. Armed Forces must show “resilience” and beat back the threat based on “actionable science.”

It says the military will not be able to maintain effectiveness unless the directive is followed. It orders the establishment of a new layer of bureaucracy — a wide array of “climate change boards, councils and working groups” to infuse climate change into “programs, plans and policies.”

This makes perfect sense when resources are free, and you have no threat. The problems will only arise as you approach a time when resources are going to be non-existent, and threats may be everywhere.

The most unfortunate aspect of the r/K mechanism is that it adapts brains to times of r, and once r-adapted, they are totally incapable of acting with foresight of the return of K-selective conditions. Here, it is highly likely that once the US National debt passes $24 Trillion, in roughly 4 years, an economic and governmental collapse will be unavoidable. Having all the extra billions this climate nonsense is going to waste saved up in a secret account could feed a lot of destitute Americans at that time, and ameliorate a lot of pain in the collapse. But as would be expected in times of r, it will all be wasted now, never to be seen again.

Then again, what would life be without a little Apocalypse?

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9 years ago

This is treason.

Aeoli Pera
Reply to  WallaceLeMay68
8 years ago

More precisely, it’s a humiliating form of oppression.

9 years ago

Meanwhile, Australia takes climate scientists at their word. They all insisted that the debate was over and the science was settled, so the federal government closed down its climate-science department and laid off all 110 scientists. Oops!

9 years ago

The US could keep printing money in perpetuity what will force that to stop?