Officers Down

Two NYPD cops killed in retaliation for Eric Garner’s death, while DeBlasio observes from safety. When I see this, I see the transvestite cuttlefish seizing mating opportunities, while competitors are occupied fighting each other. DeBlasio is a hard core rabbit, who no doubt dislikes the K-selected culture of aggression, competitiveness, and loyalty you find in K-selected populations such as the Police. He seeks the support of the angry and aggressive in-grouping class of the black community. At the same time, he tries to appear neutral to police, to avoid open conflict with them. Yet by his actions, he fosters acrimony, to the point that the Police even begin to out-group him.

If I saw a species in nature, with fighters and cowards, and the cowards got the fighters to kill each other while the cowards hid and avoided fighting, I would see it as a strategy. The cowards were getting the fighters to kill each other, so it would free up resources and mating opportunities for the cowards. I see this as no different, simply because I am a member of the species being examined. These urges evolved in nature, and were retained due to their utility in today’s world. Clearly DeBlasio’s strategy is designed for a grossly different environment than, say Ronald Reagan’s strategy. DeBlasio is the rabbit, who has learned to pit the wolves against each other.

That we see this same theme among Liberals, from the embrace of radical Muslims today, to the embrace of Communists during the Cold War, to the embrace of foreign barbarians in the Roman Empire, says this arises not from intellectual conclusions or logical analysis, but rather from a deeply imbued psychological drive to relax at the sight of the competitive attacking each other. Two aggressive in-groups, fighting each other, is an amygdala relaxant to the rabbit.

This is merely the beginning. When the crisis hits, rabbit amygdalae will go into overdrive, and they will require quite a battle between K-strategists to distract them from their own misery.

The spirit which drove the Nazis will rise again, and it will do so on the shoulders of rabbits.

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General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
10 years ago

AA read this and tell me how it figures.

do narcissists do group or is this just the animal? or a vulgar example of r ?

Aeoli Pera
Aeoli Pera
10 years ago

Commenting to make sure I’m understanding: There would be much less of a hubbub if these police officers had been white because that would have tripped the switch that says “this could have been me” and relegated the execution to imponderable status. We would instead have heard white liberals saying these two cops had it coming.

Robert What?
Robert What?
10 years ago

If anyplace needs a K selected leader at the helm, it is NYC. With an r selected “leader” it will certainly descend into chaos. Deblasio and his cohorts may think they are safe and in control, but, many of the warring factions will discover that rabbit meat tastes good.

10 years ago

Here is what stated in a previous post–If your amygdala is developed, it has been developed through experience. When it encounters adversity, it scans your brain for a solution, finds it stored in memories of prior experiences, and it will then drive behaviors to address your adversity.

From what I recall from Psychology 101, the function of the amygdala is responsible for instinctual reactions, e.g. fear, aggression. This region develops EARLY. The frontal cortex controls reasoning and helps us think before act. This part develops LATER.

So, based on this information, it would appear you ought to be referring to the frontal lobe rather than the amygdala regarding the decision making of “rabbits”.

Unless, of course, there is someone out there that is able to offer sources that validate your theory involving this unique role of the amygdala.

Bob Wallace
10 years ago

The late Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn said the way to deal with leftists was “to knock their heads,” i.e. terminate with extreme prejudice.