Millennials Want Justice (ie. Money)

The phrasing is interesting:

The report, “Stagnation Generation”, calls for the social contract between young and old generations to be renewed, as millennials are at risk of becoming the first generation to earn less over their lifetime than earlier generations…

“A typical millennial has actually earned £8,000 ($10,587) less during their twenties than those in the preceding generation – generation X,” the report claims…

Meanwhile, young people are failing to get onto the property ladder. The report claims someone from the baby boomer generation at the age of 30 was 50 percent more likely to own their own home than a millennial of the same age.

“Millennials are spending an average of £44,000 more on rent in their 20s than baby boomers did,” the report warns.

The report, published this week, was produced by the Intergenerational Commission, a group of business leaders, academics and policy experts which is tasked with examining the issue of intergenerational justice. The Commission is run by an independent think tank, the Resolution Foundation.

I have no expectation of anything. The world is the world, and what determines what you get is how well you adapt to it. Additionally, fundamental to my assumption is that it is possible to work hard, and fail for no reason other than bad luck, ending up with nothing. That is just a fundamental aspect of how the world operates. Nothing is guaranteed, so win, lose, or draw, you just pick yourself up and throw yourself back into the battle.

To a human r-strategist however, guaranteed resource acquisition is justice and fairness. A lack of resources, by deduction, must be injustice and unfairness.

K-strategists are designed for, innately see, and expect a world of limited resources. It is what they are made for, and it is how their brain is programmed.

By contrast r-strategists are designed for, innately see, and expect a world where resources are freely available to everyone. It is how their brain is programmed.

It is no wonder that there is no sense of unity between these ideologies. The only unity you will find is when the environment either forces the r-strategists to reprogram themselves to be more K, or wipes out those who are incapable of reprogramming.

The only unity is K.

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8 years ago

[…] Millennials Want Justice (ie. Money) […]

Father Thyme
Father Thyme
8 years ago

Of course, Generation Whine can’t even handle a hammer or wrench. I built my own houses, including concrete work, laying bricks, and wiring. (No, I don’t work in the building trades. I can read and can apply that knowledge. I had an electrician buddy inspect and sign for my work, and he said it looked as good as anything he did.) I keep a 15 year old car with 200,000 miles on it running as good as new with steady maintenance, so I don’t waste capital and “insurance” payments on a depreciating transportation appliance. Sweat equity is the way for the average man to be a property owner. I’m satisfied with a small, tidy homestead, and a small group of friends who talk about good books around a camp fire and can make their own music. Today, they want to get paid $100,000 per annum to click a mouse, and have a fabulous Kardashian lifestyle handed to them by Bernie.

Frankly, K is just more fun, more stimulating and satisfying, than r. Too bad for them.

8 years ago

No, the only unity is R.

Perhaps there was a time when k-selection was optimal, but since then mankind has conquered his environment. There are plenty of resources for everyone now, and the rate of technological advancement would suggest there will be plenty in the future. Those advocating for k-selection are stuck in an antiquated mindset, and are preventing us from moving forward to a world where no child needlessly goes without necessary resources. The world will not be at peace until k-selected individuals learn to cope with our r-selected future.

— Devil’s advocacy there. It’s the rational argument a rabbit would make if you could find one with the capability to do so.