Migrants Now Faking Attacks In Europe To Terrorize

Fake guns, fake attack, real fear:

Local media said four teenagers were screaming chant, which translates as “God is greatest” in Arabic, while waving and firing replica weapons.

Witness Amer Albayati, an Austrian-Iraqi journalist and terrorism expert, said passengers panicked and tried to get away from teenagers during the incident near the Schweglerstrasse station.

One passenger tried to overpower the migrant mob and managed bundle them off the train.

It also complicates responses to real attacks. Whip out your piece in a leftist shithole and drop them all in a couple of seconds, and your life will become a mess. Same for responding police officers. That impedes appropriate responses to real attacks, when they go down.

Elsewhere in Vienna:

Muggings and beatings are becoming commonplace in the historic capital city, with passersby being attacked on almost a daily basis.

Noted Viennese viola player Michael Buchmann is one of the latest victims of the roaming gangs which are predominantly made-up of immigrants.

The 48-year-old musician’s career with the world-renowned Vienna Symphony Orchestra is now under threat after his middle finger was broken when he was beaten up after telling a group of migrant teens they were not allowed to smoke in the subway station.

Gangs are grouping together determined by their ethnicity, with different groups laying claim to different parts of the city.

The Praterstern area, just outside central Vienna, is now controlled by North Africans and is considered the worst area in the city for crime…

On the other side of the city… Afghans and Chechens have been engaging in serious clashes, with street fights and dozens of people being injured becoming the norm.

… the central subway station of Karlsplatz… is yet again a no-go area, with the gangsters replaced by migrants engaging in gang fights.

These are not humans who want to integrate. They are not even grateful for the hospitality. That is the entire reason their homelands are shit, and they are desperate to get away from them. Ironically, no sooner do they land in a nice place than they set about trying to turn it into the homeland they just fled from. They simply hate everyone, and have no personal aspiration beyond ruining someone else’s day.

This is why nations have historically had borders.

There is only one reason that our leaders, people who were intelligent enough to have risen to prominence in areas from business to politics, cannot grasp this. It is not an issue of logic, but of instinct. The ease they have acquired has remodeled their brains to exhibit the r-selected suite of instincts, and now conflict avoidance and pre-emptive appeasement are as ingrained in their nature as hunger and going to the bathroom.


Spread r/K Theory, because that dude above is chomping down on a human leg

This entry was posted in Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Migrants Now Faking Attacks In Europe To Terrorize […]

8 years ago

“conflict avoidance and pre-emptive appeasement”, sounds alot like an EEO to me. Makes you wonder how many in DC are on the Chinese/Saudi take.

8 years ago

Where the hell did you find that picture? Jesus Christ help us all…

8 years ago

Came across a reference to the ancient Egyptians and foreigners. In around 1500BC, they had border outposts which served as check points, as well as ways of slowing down invading armies. People who entered were given writs that were signed and revocable by the Pharaoh. At a base level, same is we had 50 years ago. And most places still have today. A visa signed by the government issued when you enter at a point of entry.

Tradition is the dead getting a vote on how things are done. While we should not foolishly cling to it, we should not abandon it lightly.

Also came across and author who said that the Left is afraid of patriotism confusing it with nationalism and conflating that with Nazism (National Socialism) or Fascism. The author made the point that being a patriot is saying “I love my country the best”… and how is that any different from a husband or wife saying “I think my spouse is the best.” And as I read that I realized the r/K of that. To the r why stop at 1 spouse. Why not have many no matter how temporary they are?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
8 years ago

that leg…. no longer “Fast food” then?

8 years ago

“It also complicates responses to real attacks. Whip out your piece in a leftist shithole and drop them all in a couple of seconds, and your life will become a mess.”

No. Game theoretical: You see a deadly weapon and all that matters is decision between fight and flight. Judicial considerations? No time for that. You act in bullet time when the Adrenaline runs (I once slid off the road in black ice conditions and instantly developed superhuman driving skills, coming out without a scratch on my car.)

And, even in SJW-ruled Germany a judge would grant you that you acted in self defense. Hamburg for instance is an EXTREMELY leftist and islamized place (our NYC basically) – yet a homeowner who shot and killed an invader who broke through his front door, using an ILLEGAL pistol only had to pay a fine for the illegality of the weapon. This verdict came out a few days ago.

8 years ago

The Europeans have gone completely insane. There is simply no talking to them. They have to suffer the consequences of their strategy until they finally get it.

As for that picture, there is nothing wrong with either of those fine people that napalm and machine guns cannot solve.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
8 years ago

I thought that until I noticed the guy on the left behind him (where else!)…. Hopping!