Institutionalizing the Handicapped Sex Orgy

It is to the point that you literally can’t tell if real news is real, or if the whole news business has begun just copying Onion articles.

If you could communicate the thought to a real rabbit (furry ears, not irrational fears), that they shouldn’t mate with an adolescent or immature rabbit, the rabbit would be unable to understand why you would ever think such a thing. For millennia, any time any rabbit emerged with the biological ability to understand such an idea, they were gradually out-competed, until the very neurological structure necessary to contemplate that idea was incapable of forming. They actually evolved to not be able to think that idea.

We are moving biologically toward that model of brain, at a slow, steady pace, albeit we are doing it mostly due to reversible, epigenetic changes in how our DNA is read. It began with the transition from monogamy to promiscuity, progressed to the idea of gender-confusion and gay normalcy, and if resource restriction or some other culling of the populace doesn’t intervene, it will end with a normalization of polygamous pedophilia. Unfortunately it doesn’t happen uniformly. Some of us have the bad luck to remain normal, as we confusedly watch others make the full transition to r-selected rabbitry.

Along the way, there are interesting pit-stops, like the professionally promoted handicapped sex orgy. Although I couldn’t actually click on the linked video to see the depth of the descent, I think the article said it all when it said,

Finally, to raise awareness of the event, here is a 14-minute long video of artist Brent Ray Fraser painting a large #DeliciouslyDisabled sign with his penis. (Probably NSFW).

Probably not safe for work. But maybe, depending on where you work. Some bosses today are cool with employees watching videos of penis painting on company time in furtherance of sex orgies of all types.

Think about it – if this had happened at the height of Roman decadence, even the Romans would have grimaced and derided that guy as a hideously fucked up defective. We have now, I think, with videotaped penis painting to promote handicapped orgies, officially surpassed Rome. I dare the Onion to make up an article that can top that.

I suspect our collapse will be similarly superior.

At some point, if the collapse is held off much longer, I would assume sex will be introduced to the Olympics as a competitive sport, and then added to the Children’s Special Olympics, before the final step – when gay pedophiliac polygamy is formally institutionalized by our Supreme Court. That will happen because the Justices will actually lack the brain structures we have today that tell us these things are wrong, just as many of today’s Justices physically lack the brain structures that would have prevented gay marriage and adoption from being institutionalized in the fifties. By the time pedophiliac polygamy is institutionalized, people will be having sex in the streets openly, and if you don’t like it, you will be the weird one.

Already, as the last post here highlighted, the guy who flashes his genitalia in front of a 6 year old girl can claim his rights are being violated if anyone complains, and the law will support him. How much farther is institutionalizing polygamous pedophiliac marriage? After all, those poor people are born that way.

Human rabbits might as well be a different species entirely.

I know why liberals so vehemently oppose r/K Selection Theory. I know why liberals who have it calmly explained to them have physical panic attacks out of the blue. r/K highlights the degree to which these cognitive differences are biological, not “social” or “attitudinal.” That is the big news, and liberals see it immediately.

Once that is realized and accepted, I suspect the rabbits instinctually fear a shift from the peaceful advocacy for the soundness of the K-strategy that one would make to a cogent, logical human, to “I am so sorry, but you are a defective who can’t be redeemed, and for that we must kill you” – or at least an out of pocket rejection of their intelligence, logicality and importance in the greater debate.

The real problem K-strategist conservatives face is that we continue to pretend what the liberal rabbits think matters, and we want to change them because of that. r/K says it will never happen, until the rabbit is forced to face reality and consequence.

Realize that, and you realize the only way to win the political debate is to bring forth reality and consequence.

Or not – Apocalypse cometh, after all – and soon. It will take care of all of this for us.

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9 years ago

Judaism and Christianity may have jump-started big civilizations because they were able to channel society’s energy into something OTHER than sexuality:

It’s no coincidence that as society became less Christian and religious Jewish, it became more well disposed towards homosexuality. The article I linked to mentions women being marginalized and tossed out of society once men are able to seek love and sex with each other. The radical feminists may have seen far enough ahead to know that this is coming, (hence the reason so many of them hate male homosexuals,) but I highly doubt the average giggling, glee-watching, “aren’t gay guys just PWECIOUS?” girl can forsee the implications of these changes.

Max Wylde
Max Wylde
9 years ago

There are days when I just don’t turn on the news or look at news sites just to preserve my sanity.

You know? I feel very sorry for comedians. Used to be stuff like this was something they could make up to get a laugh. I wonder what they can make fun of now?

Ann K
Ann K
9 years ago

Just curious: “Soon” means what? Five years? Ten?

9 years ago

These “rabbits” are totally fucked up, as is our “society” as it circles the drain at an
exceedingly slow motion pace. Personally, I think this disgusting crap could go on
and on, aided by the r’s and the anti-reality they promote. To me the awful horror.
is that all continues as it is and gets progressively worse.