Donald Trump – A Walking, Talking, Amygdala Hijack

An astute reader emails an article about Trump:

The Republican presidential candidate got some grub, but also something unexpected — an earful from one patron who was clearly not a fan.

“Enjoy your burger, racist!” a young woman shouted from the back of the restaurant before walking out.

Outside, the heckler identified herself to ABC News as Jane, but declined to give her last name. She said she was visiting the state from South Carolina, and was unaware Trump would make an appearance as she enjoyed lunch.

“I’m really struck by his racism and Islamophobia,” Jane said. “I wanted to make sure people remembered that he is racist, and that he’s using it to rally voters…”

Outside the Red Arrow Diner, Jane continued to fume.

“I was shaking all over. I’m still shaking,” she admitted. “I did cry for a few seconds because it’s hard being that close to someone who can make such a difference, but know that I wasn’t able to say anything that could impact him.”

Look at the physical reaction. Her amygdala was triggered by Trump, saw no solution to resolve it, felt the angst, the angst focused her on Trump, she saw no solution, and on until she began to cry. Not helping was the fact she felt out-grouped, when everyone else was nice to Trump.

From the email:

Trump’s presence is just enough to do this to any liberal in the room. It’s amazing, really. Someday I want to make people have a fit just by being nearby. That’s power right there. I respect it.

Me too. I wonder what eight years of a President who did that to liberals would do to liberal motivation, and the warrior spirit of the nation. That would be “winning,” as Charlie Sheen says. Think Regan, only without a wimpy VP.

Now imagine if she was trapped there, Donald laughingly wise-assed an alpha answer making fun of her, and she couldn’t escape it. Now imagine if, while her amygdala was in that even more heightened state, he did it again. And again, and again. “Ha ha, you’re a loser, and you can’t do anything to me! Look, the crowd is laughing at you, and they are laughing at you with me! How humiliated you must feel! I would feel like such a tool if I was you, and I was just standing there in front of a powerful billionaire like me, wholly unable to do anything. Completely powerless! Oh, my God, are you crying?”

That is what a debate with Hillary would be like. It wouldn’t take much before her brain was twisted into a pretzel.

What is strange is, if the apocalypse happened, this girl’s first week or two would be hell. She would be all messed up physically. After that, if she survived, her brain would adapt to where Apocalypse would be stressful, but more normal. At that point, all it would take is that first instance of ameliorating threat by recognizing it, and taking measures to address it, and that would become the new program in her amygdala, to attenuate the stress response. All the while, the stress would be pushing her toward that programming, by just hitting her again and again until she tried it. It really is flight or flight, but the predisposition to each is ingrained through the nature of the environment you are always rubbing up against.

That type of K-selected programming is what is coming, because nature always sends it after the glut.

Like Donald, there is no escaping Apocalypse.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Conservatives, GOPocalypse, Immigration, Liberals, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Aeoli Pera
9 years ago

“Ha ha, you’re a loser, and you can’t do anything to me! Look, the crowd is laughing at you, and they are laughing at you with me! How humiliated you must feel! I would feel like such a tool if I was you, and I was just standing there in front of a powerful billionaire like me, wholly unable to do anything. Completely powerless! Oh, my God, are you crying?”

Contrast this girl’s reaction with a grown man (who isn’t a cucked pussy), who would either get angry or just tune all this out.

9 years ago

Wonder how trump is going to deal with the entrenched deep state.

Mitch Sturges
9 years ago

I bet the entire time, her pussy was wet…