Did Hillary Have Pneumonia, Or A Seizure At The 9/11 Memorial Ceremony?

Hillary’s people are claiming pneumonia. We will ignore the possibility of aspirational pneumonia, to look at the possibility of seizure.

First, she knew it was coming, which is why she booked out early. Seizures, which often are related to amygdala stimulation, are frequently preceded by an aura. In my Narcissist Bob, his amygdala-hijack aura was an optical-migraine visual disturbance which he described as a prismatic disturbance of his visual field. It began as one spot, high and to one side of his visual field, which then progressed down and around the periphery of his visual field, and then went on to fill it, eventually blocking out his vision entirely. A little while later, he would be throwing up uncontrollably, and losing control of some muscle function.

Two, when Hillary initially walked out of the ceremony, she walked like Bob did one day after I had amygdala hijacked him. That is, she walked as if she were blind. In some ancient medical systems, that relate emotional imbalances to symptomology, it is noted that disorders of anger manifest in the eyes. Bob’s amygdala hijacks, which were anger-related, produced visual disturbances, to the point of blindness. That might have been Hillary’s aura too. If so, that may be why she is holding on to the young staffer, with her arm around him, as she cautiously walks out as if blind.

Three, she is wearing blue sunglasses, which are shown to reduce epilepsy caused by photosensitivity. Bob would, in later years, exhibit diplopia on top of the optical migraines, where both eyes would point in different directions, when his amygdala hijack was in full force. Hillary may have donned those glasses, both to limit any photo-exposure that might trigger an episode, and to hide the diplopia she may get when her amygdala fires off. She did, for a period, have to wear prismatic lenses to correct diplopia in the past. She would not want to look like this guy in front of the media as she is spirited away from the event:

Fourth, as has been pointed out, Hillary had not fainted while standing at the post in the video, waiting for her van. She is fully conscious and standing, with both hands behind her, and it appears she is aware enough of the media to try and steady herself against the post behind her and feign normalcy, as a staffer holds her steady. Where she fails, is in moving her legs to walk. She is either paralyzed, or more likely, as I suspect, frozen in a seizure which has frozen up her muscles, something someone else on Free Republic saw as an account by a bystander (see comment #8). I suspect that is why she has her arms locked behind her, grabbing the post, waiting for her van – to hide the seizure.

As was noted in this post, startle epilepsy is a form of epilepsy where sudden startles that hit the amygdala can trigger uncontrolled muscle contractions, to the point sufferers who are startled can see their amygdala freeze up all of their muscles entirely, at which point they then fall, as the literature puts it, “like a log.” Hillary may have been in a seizure that was much more pronounced than the one we originally saw.

If Hillary was enraged at the event, such as on seeing Trump being cheered, backslapping with his billionaire real estate developer friends, and being dominant in the race for President, that might, as in Bob, provide sufficient amygdala stimulation to set off a seizure. A seizure amygdala hijack is the ultimate amygdala hijack, even better than a blown fuse with lights out, in my opinion. If Trump did this to her without words, merely through presence, I do not see how she can debate him. It would also officially make him the king of amygdala hijacks.

Finally, when Bob was amygdala hijacked, he went to the hospital a few times due to the neurological symptoms. Each checkup was uneventful, so eventually he just stopped going to the hospital, and accepted that this would happen, and with time his symptoms would pass. Once hijacked, he would lay down, and in about thirty minutes his amygdala would reboot and he would be back to operational. He would be sick for a day or two, though it wouldn’t be noticeable, and after that he would snap back – though I got the impression that each hijack left him a little more anxious, and a little more prone to one in the future. Notice Hillary appears to have just retired to Chelsea’s apartment, to cool her heels and wait for symptoms to pass, which they did.

If that was heat stroke, or especially pneumonia, bad enough to take out her legs, she would have gone to a hospital, because it might have indicated the antibiotics she was being given weren’t working, and she would need a culture and sensitivity, as well as intravenous antibiotics of a different class, most likely. If it was amygdala, and she had seen it before, she would not. I will bet she has had several incidents like that, after epic rages at staff, which we were not told about.

Imagine yourself, experiencing a medical incident bad enough that you are losing control of your legs. Your feet drag, scuffing the tops of your shoes, one of which comes off. But you don’t freak out. You calmly don sunglasses, cling to a staffer, and make your way to the door, as if nothing is wrong, and stand there, hanging on for dear life. More importantly, your Secret Service does not freak out. As everyone calmly talks into their wrists, Your handler calmly tells another Agent to grab under your arm, and the two drag you to the car on your knees, as if they do it all the time, and just toss your limp body in like a side of beef. Somebody stops another car in the convoy, and throws your shoe in, with an agent inside taking it and probably saying, “We always forget the shoe!” More over, they don’t even take you to a hospital They know it will pass, because they have seen it before. They know nothing comes of it.

This would not mean she doesn’t have Parkinson’s. I would bet that since dopamine assuages the amygdala, and amygdala stimulation such as flashing lights, startles, and loud noises can trigger seizures, then a deficiency of dopamine, such as in Parkinson’s could exacerbate a predisposition to seizures.

I had said in an earlier post I suspected the five days Hillary suddenly took off was because her amygdala was too loaded due to the failure of her “Deplorables” comment. I did not know she had to show up to an event with Trump the next day. If I had I would have said it would be a fifty-fifty chance of some amygdala symptoms emerging. You don’t take five days off in the heat of the battle for nothing. She knew.

This is bad, though. I do not think she will finish the race. Trump needs to start preparing for Bernie or Biden, or maybe even a dark horse candidate, because I do not think Hillary has it in her physically. I do not see how she makes it through the debates, standing for an hour or ninety minutes, facing off with Donald Trump, especially given how bad her poll numbers will be by then.

I hope she tries, which I am sure she will, but I think today was a sign she is deteriorating too fast under the pressure. I just do not see her getting stronger. On the bright side, the chances of an amygdala-related event at the debates is now probably 85-90%, if Hillary hangs in that long.

On the down side, I think there is a better than even chance she will not make it, and will be out, either forced, or through physical failure.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Anxiety, Bob, Liberals, Narcissists, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Did Hillary Have Pneumonia, Or A Seizure At The 9/11 Memorial Ceremony? […]

8 years ago

The best intro to spotting startle seizures (and I’m not even joking):


Robert What?
Robert What?
8 years ago

I have been saying for weeks that there will be no debates. Hillary will bow out and claim it is because she refuses to demean the process by debating a misogynist, homophone, racist, etc etc. The Democrats and the Media will be completely supportive. You heard it here first.

the cruncher
the cruncher
8 years ago
8 years ago

Greatest. Election. Campaign. Ever.

Q: How do “they” get The Replacements* on the ballot? Haven’t a lot of the legal deadlines come and gone?

*My money’s on the PedoFace/Pocahontas ticket: Kaine and Warren.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
8 years ago

Depends on how the state laws are written, but technically you don’t vote for the presidential candidate, but h is slate of electoral college electors, which means that in say Florida, you are voting for 20 electors, not for HC or DT. So it can be argues there is no issue.

8 years ago

I’ve had many dogs with seizures over the years and it definitely looked like me to me. The pre-ictal signs were there as well as the rigid head & stiff body. The coat wasn’t removed, she wasn’t made to lie down, no water was brought so it wasn’t a fainting spell or heat exhaustion. However, not lying down during a fainting spell could bring on a seizure. My dogs usually knew something was wrong well before the ictal phase (thrashing) happened. They were usually tired but functional after an hour. Hillary mirrored it exactly.

The dishonestly is what is very disappointing.

8 years ago

so, will she “lead” our country from her bed?

8 years ago

whether Hillary did or not, what does it matter? I am a woman and have had epilepsy my entire life. Do you have issue with that?