Criminals Begin To Turn K – Cartels Shooting At Border Patrol

The K-shift is moving forward:

A recent border shooting where cartel smugglers fired at U.S. Border Patrol agents points to a disturbing trend as organized crime members appear to be getting more aggressive against law enforcement.

The most recent attack took place on Friday morning near in a rural area not far from Los Indios international bridge. The attack took place when agents assigned to the Harlingen station responded to a vehicle heading towards the river in what appeared to be an attempt to collect a load of contraband. Authorities tried to stop the fleeing vehicle, but it headed back towards the river as the smugglers tried to escape into Mexico. During the escape, unknown men in Mexico began to fire at law enforcement on the U.S. side. No agents were hurt in the shooting.

If you have run fifteen loads of drugs across the border, you are swimming in cash, the US government is helping you arm up, and you have a special deal with the Obama administration allowing you to operate freely in return for intel on other cartels, you can let a load go here and there if the heat comes down on you. Running from that lost load, you will have very little drive to shoot at Federal Agents, and risk antagonizing US Law Enforcement.

But if the new President has unleashed the Border Patrol on you, you have lost your last fifteen loads, money is growing tight, and the cartel is going to take you apart with a circular saw if you lose another load, then as you lose the load, you are much more likely to let shots fly as you run from Law Enforcement. You will be in high amygdala.

Increases in this will accompany the K-shift, and it will all relate to amygdalae in high gear due to diminished dopamine. Expect a spike as the Border Wall goes up and President Trump really empowers the Border Patrol to do what it must to win the drug war.

I remember the old stories about Oklahoma Lawman and FBI agent Jelly Bryce getting into gunfights with such regularity back in the 1930’s that he would just load the bodies into his patrol car to drive them to the morgue. He became renown nationally for his extensive experience in gunfights, despite the fact he never shot anyone who wasn’t trying to shoot him.

It would seem those times are already on their way back – and the real economic collapse has not even begun yet.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the action is about to begin

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8 years ago

[…] Criminals Begin To Turn K – Cartels Shooting At Border Patrol […]

8 years ago

Or border patrol is finally reporting about hostile interactions.