Closer and Closer

Vox hints that Greece might be bundling its payments to buy time for its citizens to pull their money out of the banks, before their collapse hits.

Vault-Co linked to a page that discussed this story, about a 47 year old Black transvestite lesbian (A guy with the sexual desires of a lesbian, who identifies as a woman), who has made the case that he has a right to lay naked in a woman’s sauna, male genitalia on full display, in front of little girls as young as six. Because local law has a provision forbidding discrimination based on gender identity, Police had to tell the manager that the transvestite was right, and people have to stop complaining about him exposing himself to little girls.

Awfulness is coming. When it hits, the public’s amygdala irritation will have no shortage of outlets on which to vent itself. The question will probably only be just how violent the carnage that emerges will be, as the savages victimize the rabbits, and the K-strategists begin taking affirmative actions to protect their children from the deviants who wish to hurt them.

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