Anonymous Conservative
News, Politics, and Continual Debate Over Who is the Greatest Leader of all Time, and Why is it President Donald J. Trump?
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The Book
The Theory
r/K Selection Theory
Individual Competitiveness
Warfare and Group Selection
Societal Effects
Modern Political Thought in the Context of Evolutionary Psychology
Sample Chapters
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Twenty Three (a)
About the Author
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The Most Important Concept Here
Since beginning this site, we have encountered what most people would never believe could exist - the massive domestic network of spies and civilian informants, exactly like the East German Stasi, that has been created and deployed against the American people within America, by whoever controls our government. If you are a conservative who supports Donald Trump, it is most likely operating in your neighborhood, and spying on your family, even though you have never seen it, and would never believe it possible.
Our writings on this subject are the most important contribution this website will make for America, which is why it is at the top of our sidebar. You need to click here first for the summary,
or go to
our main website on the subject at, to read our book on how to spot the domestic intelligence machine in America which is targeting you and your children in the schools.
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