Apocalypse Greece

This is the preview of the festivities to come:

Riot police fired tear gas after a group of extremists launched Molotov cocktails at them, in scenes reminiscent of the 2012 debt crisis.

Petrol bombs were also thrown at bins, a van, roadblocks, and the front of the Bank of Greece’s offices…

Riot police hit back with teargas and stun grenades, sending demonstrators – and at least one group of holidaymakers from the UK – scattering.

Before the clashes, more than 20,000 people marched through Athens to urge the government to abandon the austerity measures demanded by its lenders.

Interesting that you don’t see this on the evening news.

This is the anger, but it lacks the desperation. Nobody is starving, people aren’t being evicted in large numbers, and everybody knows it will be back to normal tomorrow. The real apocalypse will be tinged with a sense that there is no going back, and there is nothing to fear, since it can’t get any worse.

You can see how shortage produces homogeneity and eliminates diversity. Right now they don’t have a noticeable out-group to look at and take their rage out on. So they rampage in the streets, and attack buildings, and cars, and government representations. That is amygdalae using violence to assuage their angst, even without anything to focus angst on.

Now imagine if there was a class of entitled, obnoxious, demanding Muslims who were attacking innocent women, and demanding that the government hand over the citizen’s money to them.

Imagine immigrants who just showed up and expected the good life be handed to them.

Even better, imagine there are entitled SJWs trying to make everyone just take whatever little torments they are demanding that everyone take. Imagine pathetic weaklings massing in the streets, and threatening to sic “muscle” on everyone if their neuroses are not immediately satisfied. Imagine them demanding free access to government money, power, and authority when nobody else can get any.

The presence of out-groups would instantly focus all that rage upon them, like a magnifying glass focusing sunlight on ants. What was directed at buildings and cars would immediately be focused on people, with zeal.

Then add in a few gangs, some random savages, some highly-trained well-armed psychopaths who are on their own program, racial violence, hate violence, no-EBT-card-violence, vigilante violence, revenge violence, spur of the moment violence, anti-government violence, anti-anti-government Fedguv violence, crazy sniper violence, and just blow-off-steam violence, as well as entire city populations with no food because any truck within 20 miles of a city gets hijacked. You can begin to see how the apocalypse could make 20,000 people throwing firebombs look like a kiddie parade through Disneyland. Everybody’s amygdalae will be on fire, and the violent relief it will seek will be commensurate. It could easily turn into Balkans 2.0.

Apocalypse – now with even more ITZ.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Still voted in Syriza. The radical leftist party.