AP Reveals New Superbug Fungus Is South American

Where could this have possibly come from:

A ‘superbug’ fungus is emerging as a new menace in U.S. hospitals, mostly in New York and New Jersey.

First identified in Japan in 2009, the fungus has spread to more than a dozen countries around the globe. The oldest of the 66 cases reported in the U.S. dates back to 2013, but most were reported in the last year…

A study presented at a CDC conference this week detailed how researchers traveled to South America to help investigate an outbreak in three Colombian cities. They found the fungus on surfaces in hospital rooms and on the skin of nurses and patients – even after patients were treated with antifungal medications.

That Japanese case probably landed in Japan from South America. Oddly enough Japan does a lot of shipping traffic with South America, and there is significant travel between them, as well a longstanding history of diplomatic relations. You can actually learn some Japanese martial arts on the docks down there, just screwing around with the crews who are killing time between voyages.

It was probably identified in Japan only because it seemed unusual there. Had it killed the same person in South America they would have just diagnosed it as another person killed by “That weird flesh-rot thing.”

But this was interesting:

On Tuesday, state health officials provided new details about the 44 cases in New York. Aside from one case in Rochester, all were in New York City… Seventeen New York patients died…

I’d love to know the percentage of gay patients. If that is in the gay population, it is spreading like crazy and developing its powers to overcome human immune systems in the HIV carriers. That is why we are seeing an acceleration of it, and why almost 40% of those who catch it die. It would be interesting how many of that 40% had poorly controlled HIV. Beware of the gay population when the Apocalypse hits, and start avoiding them even before then. An asymptomatic case of this is literally a handshake away right now, and once you have it, it may just need a slightly weakened state to break out. I’d be careful around medical professionals too.

r always turns into K. The more r you have, the more fervently that r is doing stupid things like importing diseased savages from every pathogen-filled hellhole on the globe. As it does that, the more that r is sealing its fate in the process.

I am convinced the most beautiful era in humanity was the Renaissance, following the Black Plague. Imagine today if every Antifa protester, every LGBTQNBC activist, every global warming asshole, every whiny liberal, every welfare queen, and all the other rabbits just disappeared in the space of a few years. Imagine the ascendance of the nation, unfettered by the whining and obstructionism of those fools.

No more “white privilege” complaints, no attacks on police, no demands to oppress the successful. Just a harmonious population free to do whatever it wanted and strive wherever it could.

It probably seems almost as unimaginable today, as it did in the depths of the Dark Ages. But things do change just that fast, and irony of ironies, it is the rabbits striving to make this one happen.

Spread r/K Theory, because the fungus is already among us

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7 years ago

[…] AP Reveals New Superbug Fungus Is South American […]

7 years ago

“That weird flesh-rot thing.” No bueno. I remember in my neck of the woods a few years back, a bunch of subdivisions went up real fast. Lots of “acts of love” as Jebina would say. Outbreak of Chagas disease all over that half of the state within months. The world was probably never meant to be this interconnected. Wonder what diseases there are going around that we don’t even know about. No wonder health insurance companies wanted the government to pick up their bills.

7 years ago

Do you think gay people are more disease-prone because of anal intercourse specifically, or is it more a general thing of “These people are the most r in most respects”? For example I’d imagine gay men would be more dangerous than lesbians in the wild due to that.

7 years ago

“as it did in the depths of the Dark Ages”

Anon, do you really not know that the entire concept of “Dark Ages” was revolutionary leftist political propaganda created to discredit Throne and Altar? All left-wing revolutionaries seek to portray the Ancient Regime as backwards, superstitious and unenlightened. Come on. This is Right Wing historiography 101.

7 years ago

Funny you should breing up a topic like this. I was thinking how r western culture was in the mid 80’s. Think about the fact that for having and raising children, you need hetro sex. Yet with a disease that was traveling through the gay community faster, as a culture, the negative behavior wasn’t stigmatized, but attitudes were changed so it could be excused and celebrated. Which is very odd given that prior to that, it had been percived very negatively.

We hear every year about washing hands and getting flu shots, yet there doesn’t seem to be any similar comments to prevent the spread of other communicable diseases. Because the dopamine hit from some activites is magnitudes larger than others.

Note: I saw in 2008 a study of the Toronto singles sceen from about 2005 or 2007. The results were something like this. It found that those who were gay men typically had on the order of 300+ sexual partners, a year. Those who were lesbian women typically had about 1 partner a year. Those who were hetrosexual men and women were around 8-10 parnters a year. The main thrust of these results were to indicate in the innate desireablity of each sex for the sexual act.