Alfred Kinsey, Child Sexuality, and Rabbitism

An article on Kinsey here:

Dr. Alfred Kinsey was an American zoologist and later sexologist who founded The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. His research on human sexuality sparked controversy in the ’40s and ’50s…

As the debate over sex education was heating up in Croatia, a country where 86% of the population identifies as Catholic, Mrs. Kristo found herself watching The Kinsey Syndrome and Kinsey’s Pedophiles, documentaries exposing the horrors of Kinsey’s research. These horrors include Kinsey paying pedophiles to rape children and time it with a stopwatch. “As I watched the production, I felt sick and disgusted. I felt awful. I thought: people don’t know what has happened. They need to know!…”

According to Kinsey’s books, his published research, and the statements of his assistants in various interviews, not only was Kinsey’s research flawed, but it was also criminal. Child sexuality research data was collected from the personal logs of several pedophiles – one in particular kept detailed diaries of over 800 sexual encounters with children, and even with babies as young as two months old. Kinsey also collected data and financially compensated fathers who were sexually abusing their own children. He even collaborated with infamous Nazi pedophile Dr. Fritz von Balluseck, who diarized his sexual abuse of hundreds of pre-adolescent girls and boys. At the trial of von Balluseck, the judge criticized Kinsey for not having reported these crimes to police…

As a result of his questionable “research,” Kinsey made unbelievable statistical claims, including the following: 10-36% of men are homosexual; homosexuality, incest, rape, pedophilia, and even bestiality are normal, and 95% of men engage in these behaviors; 40% of married women are having affairs; 25% of married women are having abortions. This abortion statistic is said to have been the catalyst in convincing lawmakers to legalize abortion.

In the film Kinsey’s Pedophiles, Dr. Paul Gebhard, Kinsey co-author, states on camera that the Kinsey team solicited child abusers and obtained child “sexuality” data from pedophiles as well as a pedophile organization. Off camera, as part of the court reporter’s transcription, Paul Gebhard states that this organization was the predecessor to NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association)…

In her book Kinsey: Crimes and Consequence, Dr. Reisman explains how since the ’60s The Kinsey Institute was determined to incorporate Kinsey’s philosophy into sex education material for children. They partnered with Planned Parenthood to achieve this objective. Dr. Reisman exposes how it was Kinsey’s research that claimed that children are sexual and potentially orgasmic from birth and are unharmed by incest and adult-child sex and often benefit from such activity.

Kids having sex is normal, mating with anything up to and including animals is normal, as is women having affairs behind their husbands’ backs, if you have an r-selected reproductive strategy. So to them, none of this is wrong, nor should you question any research which proves it right. Rabbits never even think about it.

I increasingly find myself wondering if conscious logical thought is something a select few are trained to do when they find themselves confronting a world which they (and their reproductive strategy/psychology) are not designed for.

Libertarians end up very thoughtful because after umpteen times confronting the fact that they can’t just enjoy life and be left alone, they begin to knuckle down and look closely at how they are living, and whether something they are doing is right or wrong. I imagine if every libertarian lived in the wilderness of Alaska, treated those they happened across politely right up until they had to kill them, and then they continued on, making their way as they prepared for the winter, few libertarians would think critically about life. They’d go day by day, each emotion perfectly guiding them to optimal behavior, be it surviving and enjoying calm moments, or occasionally burying the bodies of those whose unctuousness brought it upon themselves. They would die without ever understanding liberalism, conservatism, or questioning what is right or wrong. They would just know how to live.

Conservatives, confronted with rabbit insanity everywhere they look in a degraded society, end up having to sit down and say, what the hell is wrong with all this? But did they worry about it in highly K-ified times, or did they just ignore it, and enjoy working as part of a cohesive group to make cool stuff, ejecting non-conformists and degenerates, winning battles, and enjoying time with family on the weekends?

Today, rabbits might not be thinking, because in these times of r, rabbitism works. I’m guessing that with a few hundred million, and tons of porn stars, Charlie Sheen isn’t exactly a modern day Socrates. I imagine when the apocalypse hits, and running from the harshness only means you’ll die tired, we can expect rabbits to begin to be more thoughtful, and hopefully realize that rabbitism is the epitome of evil.

Either that, or they will all get killed. Either way will work for me at this point.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

I’d say your point about libertarians is pretty spot on. My whole life I just wanted to be left alone to do my own thing, but more and more I realize the shit-libs just won’t allow it. As a result I’m throwing in with the conservatives, so long as they are legit and not cucks. Problem is, there’s too many cucks now.

Amricn Cuckservative (@amcuckmag)
Reply to  Mike
9 years ago

I’m getting to the point where I’d support the actual Nazis if in their party platform their stance towards liberals was “burn them”.

Amricn Cuckservative (@amcuckmag)
9 years ago

“we can expect rabbits to begin to be more thoughtful, and hopefully realize that rabbitism is the epitome of evil.

Either that, or they will all get killed.”

All human traits, including being a shitlib, are heritable. Allowing this degeneracy to continue past any apocalypse means it will only come back. 300 years of their bullshit is enough. Whatever else happens the White Liberal must go.

OT: Have you watched “The Man In The High Castle”? The longer I watched the more I found myself sympathetic to the “bad guys”.

9 years ago

Few people demonstrate the capacity to discern the Path to Happiness Plateau, and instead they face-plant time and again in the predictable consequences of indulging in vices that saturate modern life.

A world awash in the illusion of limitless resources teaches people that they need not choose between alternatives, the can have their cake and eat it too. This produces a society of perpetual children.

When this folie a plusiers finally evaporates and people grasp the depth of the hole in which their past folly has placed them, I shudder to imagine the consequences. Hundreds of millions of spoiled, petulant brats will not suddenly grow up and begin the painful process of climbing back to the surface.

Sam J.
Sam J.
9 years ago

I used to be Libertarian when I was younger but I noticed that no one else practiced it so if you followed their proscriptions you just lost. Mercantilist trade was the trigger for my disbelief.

You’ve probably seen this but maybe someone hasn’t.

Tory voters found to have larger ‘primitive’ lobe in brain

9 years ago

I am sure the rabbits cant wait also to crush us underfoot like the USSR in gulags or something like that.

Now if only those people can be found and talked to like the roaches they are.

****Edited for Surveillance******

John Calabro
John Calabro
9 years ago

Hi Anonymous Conservative did you ever read Murray Rothbard article “Right-Wing Populism”?

As you might know Murray is still considered one of the most important Libertian and Austran Ecomonist in the Libertarin world for his works. This article I think is a head of its time, being written back in 92. If we are to live in Statis country, Libertians should consider supporting a Rightwinger who is outside the mainstream if we wish to keep some Libertys. Also he makes a notes on rejecting the left. It is like the article was written for today with Donald Tump. The ending eight points he makes, well I think you would agree with all eight. Especially the last point on protecting family values.

I put the link down hear if you are interested in reading. You can always search ring wing populism by Murray Rothbard.

9 years ago

Linked and reposted

9 years ago

[…] of children has numerous profoundly negative impacts both for the children themselves and for society at large. They seek to raise their children in an environment conducive to what they (rightly) perceive to […]