Abashed the Devil Stood, and Felt How Awful Goodness Is

Hillary brought Narcissists to mind, with the tapes of her joking and laughing about getting what she believed to be a child rapist off on lesser charges. If you are normal, you will tend to see her joking as being just odd. If you understand narcissists however, it takes on a wholly different air, because you will see how much it reveals about the world Hillary inhabits, and her deepest nature.

Narcissists hate seeing happy people. They envy normal people who are free to just enjoy life, absent any constant, grating emotional torture. It is the fundamental root of their being. This produces a constant irritation/angst within them, as they move through a world that is fundamentally beautiful and nice, filled with good people enjoying the bounty of pleasure that is everywhere. As a result, narcissists have two modes. One is miserable and angry, which is their default when confronted with goodness. They usually try to hide this nature behind a semi-normal emotional mask.

The other mode is happy and giddy, which is the mode they enter when they see others, made miserable. Suddenly their angst is lifted, and they are in bliss.

If you or I got a child-rapist freed, we would be aghast. Much of our horror would be at the thought that he would hurt other children, and render their lives miserable. This emotional response does not occur in narcissists. In fact, the exact opposite emotional response occurs. They feel relief. Finally, other people have it worse than they do. They get giddy and jovial. They want to laugh. They begin to look for jokes to make, to express their pleasure and euphoria at the misery and unhappiness they see. “Oh, that child rapist I got off had passed a polygraph, which really forever poisoned my confidence in polygraphs! Ha ha ha!”

Hillary is a nasty piece of work. She is a perpetually livid, ice-queen bitch – a bitter shrew with a heart of cold stone, who is never giddy or happy. She is a woman who, among many other instances, met a cheery good morning from a Secret Service agent with, an enraged, “Get Fucked!” (That entire link is Hillary’s amygdala perpetually at the edge of a hijack.

And yet here it would appear that she was made giddy, by focusing her on the idea that in her mind, she got a child-rapist freed, and that child rapist had not only hurt one girl horribly – he would now go on to spread misery to others.

Whenever you find a giddy response like that to the misery of others, in a Narcissist, it is an innate, behavioral/emotional defect. It is something not just broken in the very part of the brain which makes a person kind and decent, but something so inverted that it renders the person pure evil – to such a degree that normal people will have trouble understanding it. That is the basis of a personality which will selflessly pursue evil. That personality will even endure personal sacrifice and loss, to foster evil and misery because it needs to feel that relief so badly, and so desperately desires that ability to begin joking around, and feel alive. That is the modern liberal ideologue. If you have known it, it is unreal.

Somebody once recounted in front of my narcissist, Bob, sustaining a sudden injury to their face. They described bending over and exhaling in shock, and actually watching several teeth fall to the ground and bounce at their feet. Bob erupted laughing uncontrollably, as if it was the funniest thing he had ever heard, and he could not stop laughing, even as other people looked at him in confused shock. Fool that I was, I assumed it was nervous laughter due to feeling awkward in some way. It wasn’t. He was suddenly giddy at the thought of somebody else smacked in the face so hard that their teeth were knocked out. Suddenly, his situation wasn’t so bad by comparison.

The thing about such people is, that defect deep within their brain can be exploited. That oppressive level of misery that they feel at rest, which motivates such bizarre behavior, can be exacerbated several-fold easily, using little more than words, themes, and ideas. As that awful sensation grows, it will take out much of their higher cognitive processing, and make them begin to act more panicked than a normal person would when confronted with death. They will suddenly be unable to think clearly, and they will act thoughtlessly, out of fear. As they get older it will get worse. As it gets worse, it can be used against them with ever greater ease.

Hillary has already had two minor amygdala hijacks recently, that we know of. In the Benghazi hearing, Ron Johnson triggered her amygdala by acting as if her opinions meant nothing to him, dismissing anything she said derisively, and indicating that to him, she was little more than navel lint. His diminution of stature attack was very well executed. As Hillary began to get hijacked, she blurted out, “What difference does it make?,” with an expression of profound anguish and frustration. It was an unthinking comment which, as a shrewd and highly trained lawyer/politician, she immediately knew could be used against her, given how many Americans died because of the incompetence being investigated. She quickly saw her error and backtracked, but a lot of damage was already done, and this picture was entered into her permanent record.

Then while being interviewed by a friendly lesbian journalist recently, she grew frustrated at questions about her evolution on the issue of gay marriage, and began to blow. Had the journalist not actively sought to back off, things could have gotten interesting there as well. These are the types of people who do not play well with others, especially as their expiration date approaches, and they look out to see a world of happy young people, with entire lives of opportunity and pleasure ahead of them.

I even suspect that Hillary may have had a third major amygdala hijack that we have not been told about. Just as the Benghazi hearings heated up, Hillary supposedly “fainted,” due to “ill health,” and hit her head.

I flash back to when I amygdala hijacked my own Narcissist into a pseudo-stroke. As he sat there, befuddled by his loss of neurological control of his body, I calmly told him he needed to get to an emergency room, because this fit the symptom pattern of a stroke. As he got up, he almost fell to the ground hard, due to his loss of brain function. He was only saved because I slapped my hand on his back as he began to drop, grabbed his shirt, and lifted it straight up. Had I not done that, he too would have endured a fall like Hillary.

A part of me wonders if Hillary’s amygdala was in high gear over Benghazi, as well as the thought of Obama, the guy who stole her Presidency, throwing her under the bus and ruining her, to boot. Maybe word came down of something shocking, like her being subpeona’d. Maybe there is much more to Benghazi than we know, and she is in a far more precarious position than we imagine. Maybe in a moment she flashed back to all those years of Ken Starr’s Independent Counsel investigation, she pictured Obama laughing at her misery, she saw Right Wing conspiracists piling on with glee, and then her amygdala snapped. She blacked out, fell, and next thing she knew, she was waking up in the hospital. The timing was certainly curious.

Often we have seen leftists, and especially feminists, saying, “I was going to black out,” due to an amygdala hijack. We tend to dismiss it as yet another leftist exaggeration – a part of their normal leftist histrionics, but that is not hyperbole. They are not just saying that. Trigger their amygdala enough and they will hyperventilate, throw up, black out, and even attempt suicide. That is how dramatic the effect is.

It does all make me optimistic that, like most ardent feminists, Hillary has an unusually triggerable amygdala, and thus would be an unusually easy candidate to beat in the General Election. I only hope that if Hillary is the Democrat’s nominee, whoever faces off against her in the debates will have a solid understanding of the amygdala hijack, ACC-priming, and feminist triggering themes – and how to deploy it all together beneath the radar, like a dogwhistle. The devil deserves nothing less.

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Larry Summers Shadow
Larry Summers Shadow
10 years ago

This makes the whole Larry Summers fiasco at Harvard years ago very clear. Remember he was discussing the imbalance of men / women in science, and observed rather abstractly that certain skills such as spatial visualization were more present in men than in women. So the imbalance wasn’t due to some conspiracy, but due to nature.

The female “scientist” who rushed out of the room, causing an uproar that led to Summers resignation for bad thoughts, asserted later that she couldn’t stand to be in the room with Summers after he said that. She was going to either throw up or black out.

At the time I thought that was pure drama intended to manipulate the audience, in other words a lie. But if it was an amygdala-driven event, then she was telling the truth. Of course, in so doing she proved her absolute unfitness for any real science; her emotional storm proved Summers point.

9 years ago

[…] Indeed, Hillary Clinton has a long history of being abusive to her staffers, colleagues and Secret Service agents. For example, she once told a Secret Service agent to “get fucked” after he said “Good morning” to her, and she would yell at Secret Service agents for driving over bumps. During Bill Clinton’s failed campaign for the House in 1974, Hillary purportedly angrily called one of his staffers a “fucking Jew bastard,” the revelation of which nearly sank her bid for the Senate in 2000. Secret Service agents and former Hillary staffers consistently describe her as being in a state of perpetual rage. […]

8 years ago

[…] simply, Hillary Clinton is Dorian Gray with a vagina. She’s a malignant narcissist who’s angry that her life is coming to a close, and her latest presidential campaign is a […]